Is Technology Reducing The Ability To Think?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by shiney, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I have no research or information to back up this thought but I'm posing it as a subject for discussion :)

    To a certain extent some people seem to have been suggesting that this is the case going back to the introduction of the calculator - and even before that!

    Now we have predictive text, an enormous proliferation of Apps and lots of other things.

    Are they just something to make life easier or are they taking away (through disuse) the ability to think - or want to think?

    Can people still do maths in their heads? Is it an outdated function?
    Is text speak doing away with the ability to spell and to write grammatically? Does it matter?

    Are Smart Phones and Apps taking over your life?
    I have seen a number of people walking along and bumping into people because they're too busy looking/typing on their phones. I've even seen someone walk into a lamppost! They bashed their head, cut their forehead - and got no sympathy from me :heehee:

    I have a few friends (now ex-friends) who are so attached to their smartphones that they can't go anywhere without them. Is this a growing addiction? It certainly seems anti-social to me!

    Whilst we were away on holiday recently we were with friends in a restaurant. It was a good meal and we had an excellent conversation (didn't manage to solve all the problems of the world). During that time there were four people each, at two other tables, who appeared not to say a word to each other but were texting on their phones all the time! Will they lose the ability to talk in joined up sentences?

    I'm sure you will have more, and probably better, examples but is it showing a trend to only think shallowly as well as losing the ability to socialise well?
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    • Lea

      Lea Super Gardener

      Feb 14, 2011
      I don't think it is affecting our ability to think so much as it affects simple good manners. I have had whole conversations where the other person hasn't looked up from texting until I've refused to answer until they do. I may be old fashioned :old: but I still like to look people in the eye when I am talking to them, not the top of their head!
      As to text speak, language has always evolved pretty steadily. We no longer speak paleolithic (well, most of us don't :heehee:) or Elizabethan or Georgian english.
      Ummm, I've walked into a lamppost reading a book. :whistle::oopss:
      • Agree Agree x 3
      • pamsdish

        pamsdish Total Gardener

        Apr 5, 2008
        "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
        I have long held the belief that calculators should not be allowed in schools, if I use a calculator I still do the figures again myself to be sure. they have stopped the ability to do mental arithmetic.

        Regarding phones I have a smart phone and they are very useful tools, but, they are that , a tool, not a replacement.If I see someone in the supermarket walking toward me with their head down, let them walk, if they collide with me, or my trolley, I will tell them to look where they are going.

        My daughter lives on her phone, when she cooks a meal, she will photo it and post it on facebook. I try to discourage her, and have told her not to post pictures of me on facebook, as she did last year whilst I was in Brighton, I pointed out everybody who read the post would know I was away from home.I have privacy on my feeds, not sure of hers.
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        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          In answer to your question Shiney...absolutely:dbgrtmb:.....and there is nothing that infuriates me more ....especially the texting on phones...people don't appear to see how, IMO extremely rude it is especially at the table and at social gatherings...:gaah:....i have 'friends' that think nothing of, in mid conversation sitting there and faffing with their phones....very ignorant and they've been told so too....i also think it's a cop out too....people don't talk face to face these days,i understand that if that's not possible even a phone call would be better (not at the table mind:biggrin:)....and they'd say things on a text that they wouldn't say in person....On the rare occasion i use my phone to text i still use old fashion English...(well my English:biggrin:)...not this texting jargon...WOT U UP 2 business:gaah:...Yes i'm a bit of a luddite...but technology of many kinds is the ruination of lots of things....even down to house hold gadgets.....these days people don't actually get up from a chair and turn the TV over or get up to answer the telephone wonder people are becoming more imobile ....for those that are unable to get about then these things are an asset to them but for those that are able....get up and get moving:old:.....

          I could go on and on and on.........
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          • Lea

            Lea Super Gardener

            Feb 14, 2011
            The one thing I do like about my mobile phone (it is not a smart phone, very basic) is that I don't have to wait in for calls! :hapydancsmil:
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            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              I see both sides of the story here - yes, there is definitely an impact when it comes to social etiquette, and in some cases it might well blunt peoples ability or desire to think a problem through or even to experiment.

              BUT, how much more have people learned, or been inspired by, something they have seen on the net, or learned on a PC?

              I am a prime example in some respects - nobody taught me how to use a computer (except maybe the absolute basics that I learned at school), I taught myself and continue to push to learn more. If I go back 10-15 years, an Excel spreadsheet made absolutely no sense to me at all - it was a white screen with boxes, and I knew nothing of the capabilities of it. Now, I have a reasonable understanding of it, to the point that I have designed quite a number of different spreadsheets that are in use throughout my company - however, I am equally aware that I have only really scratched the surface, as there are many people that can run rings around me with it.

              MS Access is the same - when I started footering with that, it made no sense at all. Move on 10 years, and I am responsible for the design, build and maintenance of a company wide database that controls various aspects of the business, and does so more efficiently than anything that has gone before it.

              In the process of learning those two things, I have expanded on my mental arithmetic and problem solving skills - - no point typing a formula into a spreadsheet for other people to use if you don't know for sure that the formula is going to give the right answer!

              And then, of course, there is the inspiration and other learning - when I started gardening, I knew next to now't (still don't know all that much!); but I am learning; I am learning through trial and error, and I am learning from the knowledge and wisdom of others, right here on GC. For me, the positives clearly outweigh the negatives.
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              • OxfordNick

                OxfordNick Super Gardener

                Jul 25, 2011
                I was recently stopped in the security at the airport on the way out to America because they could see something strange on the xray of my hand luggage ; after taking everything out it turned out to be the whistle tied to my compass - and I had to demonstrate what they did because the young chap doing the searching had never seen one before. He thought it was strange that I was carrying stuff like that when I also had a GPS & a smart phone in my pack too & struggled to understand that technology is useful but you cant rely on it working when you really need it. I suspect that theres an entire generation coming along who haven't been exposed to things I take for granted; like reading a map & using a compass.
                • Agree Agree x 5
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                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  I think that what has been explained and demonstrated, so far, is that technology is a tool to be used and not something that is in charge of driving you.

                  Talking of driving:
                  Sat Navs - they're just another tool, and anyone who uses them without having first worked out the general route they want to take deserves all the wrong directions they get! :heehee:
                  • Agree Agree x 5
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                  • Fat Controller

                    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                    May 5, 2012
                    Public Transport
                    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                    Ah Sat Navs - a tool for tools.
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                    • pamsdish

                      pamsdish Total Gardener

                      Apr 5, 2008
                      "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
                      I bought a sat nav after my husband died, he just seemed to know where everywhere was, I as a passenger never really took much notice, you don`t seem to when not holding the steering wheel :heehee:, I still print off AA directions as a hard copy, but find it very useful.:oops:
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                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        That's what SatNavs should be about. To be helpful but not a replacement for planning and common sense.
                        • Agree Agree x 4
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                        • Lolimac

                          Lolimac Guest

                          Only yesterday i watched a program about new technology and in the not too distant future cars will be driving themselves...just what in heavens name is that all about:rolleyespink:....i'm all for progress but productive progress ...and i don't see much of it where i'm coming me old fashioned but life is me ... is down to common sense and all this clap trap is there to blur the realities...folk managed years ago on the basics so why not now? this is just my personal opinion but i do tend to go on what my Granny instilled on me...and i don't think she's far wrong ...

                          Loli the Luddite:biggrin:
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                          • Fat Controller

                            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                            May 5, 2012
                            Public Transport
                            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                            I agree with you there loli - bit like those 3D printers that seem to be being pushed as the next thing for the home - I mean, we can buy plastic tat from the local pound shop without having to make our own

                            Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk
                            • Funny Funny x 1
                            • Scrungee

                              Scrungee Well known for it

                              Dec 5, 2010
                              Central England on heavy clay soil
                              I don't tend to use a calculator around the house as I prefer using spreadsheets, but in a shop I find the mental arimethic required to compare one product with 20% extra and on bogof against another that's 'reduced' and on a multisave extremely easy and normally get my calcs within a penny or so.

                              Several years ago a checkout operator was completely stumped trying to calculate the refund for part of a shop during a promotion with the discount applied at the end, and said "I'll need to use my phone" (for the calculator function) but I immediately got in with "are you going to phone a friend for the answer?", much to the amusement of the queue behind me.

                              I find that relying upon spelling auto-correct has a worse effect than using calculators or spreadsheets.

                              After I finally got Mrs Scrungee to stop holding maps upside down when travelling south I found less need for a SatNav.
                              • Funny Funny x 1
                              • clueless1

                                clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                                Jan 8, 2008
                                I use a computer a lot. Its my job:) I also make quite extensive use of my smartphone, using it as a phone, a camera, a satnav, and various fitness/exercise monitoring tools. But they are all just tools. We shouldn't shun them unless we are going to shun the cordless electric drill, which is a godsend compared to old manual tools.

                                But, yes, I sort of agree with all that's been said. Some people don't see them as tools, but instead see them as their soul, their personality, their life.

                                A pet hate of mine is when in conversation with a youngster, they will check what wikipedia says (specifically wikipedia), and if it says any different to what you say, then you're wrong. They completely overlook the fact that anyone can write an article on wikipedia, the author doesn't have to be any kind of authority on the subject, but if wiki says so, its the truth.

                                As for people texting at restaurants, well that's just plain wrong. If I owned a resaurant and I saw a table full of people glued to their phones, I'd eject them from the premises without question. How ignorant. Not only ignoring their company, but ignoring the effort that's gone into their food, their surrounds, the service, the ambience. They'd definitely be shown the door.

                                We used to have a running joke at one of my last places of work that the time will come when the post work pint will fail if the pub is not online. We had visions of younger recruits standing at the bar, actually in front of a waiting bartender, while fiddling frustratedly with their phone trying to find where to order their pint online.
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