There must be thousands of crazy diet plans, what with every celebrity coming up with some bizarre one, but this one must surely take the cake (oh yes pun intended).
It seems to have the one essential feature of diets, i.e. refraining from stuffing one's cakehole with every calorie in sight at least some of the time. It could be a lot more entertaining than most diets if you include the howling and blood-lust which probably provide a useful mild fat-burning workout.
A quote from the article: Unless you are literally dehydrating yourself (very dangerous) then this would require you to set up a calorie deficit of around 21,000kcal per day. Given that an overweight, slightly lazy person like myself has a base rate of around 3000kcals per day, and even a very active person will typically only need maybe 3500kcals per day, then that would require some super intense workout, which is also pretty dangerous. So, in summary, that diet might work fine for an immortal being like a werewolf, but a human should probably reject the idea.
It's a completely bonkers diet but the craziest thing is that there are probably thousands of people that would try it without giving a second thought to the dangers associated with it.
interesting how we are relative to plants we consider ourselves so advanced. just as you would think a plant would have mechanisms to prevent over fertilization you'd think humans would have something that prevents over plumpness.