They couldn't resist, could they? Well, that's knackered it. Britain on course for hottest ever summer
Its a Daily Mail report , as usual it will be totally unreliable. Weather forecasts are 3 days accurate 80% , 7 day forecast can give you a fair idea. Longer predictions than that is sorcery ! My favourite weather forecast was a couple of years ago.... " tomorrow will see intermittent showers , followed by patchy rain "
My least favourite forecast is "50% chance of rain" which is simply stating the blooming obvious - it will either rain or it will not rain.
If I had some money to spare I'd gamble it, on it being a good summer. We had some hot ones in the noughties before it all went cold on us in 2009. We were having very wet mild winters back then as well, if I remember correctly.
If I was a gambling man, I'd put 50p on it being a good summer, and 50p on it being a rubbish summer. Then I'd be sure to win.
Cheapskate, I was going for at least a pound to win. Not for me, I've actually got a cooker INSIDE the house, so dont need to start a bonfire, in the back garden, in order to cook my food.
Ugggh - me man; me cook with FIRE! Reminds me of a Rikki Fulton sketch from years ago where he plays a caveman: [wallops cave woman over head with club] "Woman - make food for man" (she feeds him) [wallops cave woman over head with club] "Woman - make bed for man" (she makes bed) [wallops cave woman over head with club] "Woman - make love to man" "Nawwww! I've got a bloody headache!"
Summer's here already, the soil has dried enough for the Sparrows to start having dust (sand) baths again and I had to water two borders!! We get warm summers here, never 'hot' ones.