P.P.S. Checked prices with the commercial supplier I buy (bulk) from Sinclair Seed Sowing Compost with Vermiculite 75L £12.95 (Buy 5 @ £9.75 ... Buy 90 @ £5.95 - still more expensive than my local MPC) Sinclair Potting and Bedding Compost 75L £11.65 (Buy 5 @ £8.75 ... Buy 90 @ £4.95) (That's exc. VAT and carriage)
As you say Kristen - bloomin' extortionate! Way more than most of us would consider worthwhile spending, Jenny
Commercial growers must do though - so the results must speak for themselves?? Although ... perhaps any-old-thing will do, for me, and I just wait a bit longer before it is plating-out-size ?