Council threat for retired couple planting flowers

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Trapper Bob, May 7, 2014.


Do you think the council are right?

Poll closed May 21, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Don't know

  1. Trapper Bob

    Trapper Bob Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 24, 2014
    Pest Control Technician
    Canterbury Kent
    Another case of taking the rules literally.

    Below is an exerpt from the Daily Mail

    Colin Halsey and his wife Kath have planted flowers and bushes outside their home in Northwich, Cheshire, for the past 15 years - replacing a grass verge which was repeatedly churned up by drivers parking on it. Their reward for conscientiously planting and weeding the plot has been a threat from the council.
    Colin, a 77-year-old retired salesman, told the Daily Mail that he and his wife had been planting the flower bed outside their former council house for a decade and a half before it was spotted by a council worker.
    The worker informed the couple they had fallen foul of section 132 of the Highways Act 1980 and told them to remove the plants. When they didn't act on the request, they were sent a legal letter demanding that they take up the planting and replace it with grass within three weeks. The letter said that if they didn't do the work, the council would do it and charge them for it.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      This happened to us in Buckinghamshire many years ago. We lived in the country facing fields, the first house in the village, and for 15 years planted shrubs and perennials between the roadside and the three steps and path up to our back gate and detached garage. We were always complimented by the villagers on how attractive it was getting a burst of colour on entering the village. One villager (disliked by all who had the misfortune to encounter her) complained to the council and we were served notice and had to comply. Fortunately the Mock Orange could stay as it was adjacent to our back gate, as could the Lilac ... but stupidly all the bedding and smaller perennials had to go! :scratch:

      We were told by the Council that it was a shame but that if someone complained they had to abide by the rules, as would we. I think they are 'merda' rules myself. I would rather see an attractive maintained border rather than an unkempt site of weeds/rubbish/rusty vehicles/etc, etc, etc.

      Often here, people plants shrubs at the entrance to lanes on main roads and the council take care when cutting the edges not to disturb such. I have Mirabilis jalapa at the top of our lane (200 meters from my house) and plan to get some Osteospermums going up there too. :spinning:

    • Marley Farley

      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

      May 11, 2005
      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
      Under the Edge Zone 8b
      Oh dear that is sad to hear.. I can see this from both sides.... Sadly....
      Truthfully though if they have said it is a section 136 breach then there isn't anything much the couple can do..
      If the council have a report sent to them they have to act on it.. The verge is obviously not the householders despite how nice it looks and they keep it looking beautiful.. If it was meant to be grass verge that is what it is..

      I feel for them greatly as perhaps the council are being very hasty.. The couple should perhaps have tried to talk to the council & meet with a representative from the council when they had the first letter.. Oh dear not good customer relations in that council then...... :sad:
    • Loofah

      Loofah Admin Staff Member

      Feb 20, 2008
      Councils, councils, councils... They're the same everywhere. Contemptible, narrow minded, unimaginative jobsworths.
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Prior to 2002 they may have been able to claim that land as theirs under 'Adverse possession' (used to be known as the 'Twelve Year Rule' - having used the land adjacent to theirs without obstruction from the owners for over 12 years).

        Since they changed the Law it has become much more difficult - but not impossible. An application would need to go to the courts and, even if not granted, may still be able to get away with it possession is not actually taken back within two years.

        Many years ago I used that law to actually play a trick on the Council. I claimed the verge on the front of our house because I had been using it, and caring for it, as a flower bed for 18 years. I was perfectly within my rights to claim it but let the Council argue and put it in writing that it was definitely theirs. After some more letters backwards and forwards we came to the agreement that it was theirs.

        I then sent them a notification that the giant ash tree on 'their' property was diseased and needed to come down. It cost £3,000! A few years prior to that they had made a neighbour pay for a similar removal by insisting that it was the neighbour's property and was causing a danger to the traffic on the road.
        • Informative Informative x 3
        • Like Like x 2
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          I think you shouldn't mince words and say what you really think. :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
          • Funny Funny x 4
          • longk

            longk Total Gardener

            Nov 24, 2011
            Petty minded idiocy! That said I can understand certain reservations, but surely intelligent people can find intelligent answers?

            You can always do as I did and send the leader of the council an email. The address can be found here.

            My email...............

            Having just read the above article I am to say the least rather astonished. Surely it is not beyond the wit of Mr.Barnes to display an above average level of common sense to reflect his position (and almost certainly above average salary).
            Whilst I appreciate that they have never sought permission it is clear that their intended aims were to simply stop the front of their home looking like the eyesores that appear (from that article at least) to be commonplace in the area. I also note that the grass appears to have been cut - maybe for the benefit of the press I accept.
            As the council no doubt is primarily concerned about the title of the land a simple compromise is easily reached. Ask the couple to apply for retrospective permission, insist upon them signing an agreement to not pursue title to the land past present and future, stipulate that it may not extend any further, lay some sensible height restrictions and finally insist on an undertaking to maintain the current level of maintenance. As you intend to involve your legal team in a prosecution it will make better financial sense in the long run to use them to draw up such an agreement.

            At the risk of descending into the realm of political cheapshots, which of the two scenarios is more in keeping with your esteemed leaders concept of The Big Society?

            Yours sincerely,"
            • Like Like x 5
            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              Sadly, there are loads of cases like this. Not far from me, some locals took over a back alley that was only ever used by drunken youths needing somewhere to stop for a pee on their way home. These locals turned the whole alley into a communal garden, and got done. There was a similar case a while back somewhere near Liverpool I think it was.

              Just near me, an old couple has turned a grass verge into a little garden. Same deal as the people in your article. The 'grass' verge was actually just a churned up mess from cars parking on it, something that makes my blood boil, especially considering most of the houses round here have drives anyway so there's no reason except laziness for people putting their cars on the grass.

              There is a law that says you're not allowed to park on the pavement or grass verges. I'm not sure if that is also the Highways Act, but if I was the old couple, I'd find out and throw that right back at the council and ask them why nothing has been done to enforce that law.

              I'd also simply deny planting the verge up. If they wanted to charge me for restoring it back to its muddy state, I'd tell them to take me to court and prove that it was me but warn them that when I'd won, I'd make a counter claim for all my expenses.

              Something else that makes my blood boil in cases like this. The councils wont lift a finger to make the neighbourhood nicer, yet if anyone is responsible, it is they, who are paid to do it, and who are (in theory at least) our elected representatives. I took the family for a picnic at the weekend in our local park. It used to be a paradise. A nice lake, with lovely trees, all manner of flowers, well tended lawns, boats to hire, well maintained outdoor sporting facilities etc. Now its a tip. Its an embarrassment. The park was given to the people of the town a round about the time of the war (or just before) by a rich officer, on the condition that an elected body looked after it, using staff recruited from the local community. That elected body ultimately came to mean the council, and now pretty much nobody looks after it except a handful of volunteers who do what they can with limited resources. The council wont do it, yet they'll happily take our council tax money and send it to an offshore tax haven, while at the same time fining anybody who tries to actually do it for them without their consent.
              • Like Like x 1
              • ARMANDII

                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                Jan 12, 2019
                To be honest, Marley, I can't. While the Councils are responsible for a lot of things, including public safety, they are also supposed to have common sense............and recognise that they work for the community. Most of the rules are made by the Councils themselves by people who were voted in by the members of their area but on being empowered seem to abandon all positive thinking and initiative and become a Moron ruled by the "Council Manual of how to make stupid decisions" and distance themselves in their Ivory Towers from the Public........unfortunately, it was ever thus.:gaah::dunno:
                • Agree Agree x 4
                • Marley Farley

                  Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

                  May 11, 2005
                  Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
                  Under the Edge Zone 8b

                  Oh dear Armandii I am sorry we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one I think.... ;) I have worked with local councils for many years as I am a Parish councillor for our village and soon learnt you have to talk to councils if you want to get them to see your point of view.. Granted that doesn't always work, but in the same breath the land is not theirs despite the fact people were breaking the law and parking there long before they planted it up..!! Councils are more lax about parking on grass verges these days and will turn a blind eye if they do not get enough complaints as parking is such a problem full stop on a lot of estates and areas built before the 60s especially these days..
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • ARMANDII

                    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                    Jan 12, 2019
                    :hate-shocked::yikes::runforhills::sofa::lunapic 130165696578242 5:
                    • Funny Funny x 2
                    • Marley Farley

                      Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

                      May 11, 2005
                      Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
                      Under the Edge Zone 8b
                      :paladin: Oh yes look out... I take no prisoners... :lunapic 130165696578242 5:

                      No to be honest that is a horrid situation for the elderly couple to find themselves in for doing something nice...
                      • Agree Agree x 1
                      • Scrungee

                        Scrungee Well known for it

                        Dec 5, 2010
                        Central England on heavy clay soil
                        And even Parish Councils have to apply for permission to plant anything in grass verges and get made to remove it if they didn't apply for it (as happened to our stupid Parish Council when they turned a verge at a dangerous junction into a garden - complete with hard landscaping - without permission).

                        PS You need a licence even to just plant a few daffs in a grass verge or mow the bit outside your house Some sample info (chose Surrey especially for @Loofah ) NB The requirement to indemnify the Highway Authority against any claims up to £5,000,000 for any damage caused by your daffs.

                        That's the sort of a agreement that couple would need to enter into to retain their planting + Highway Authorities usually have at least an A4 page of further guidlines, banned plants, etc.
                        • Agree Agree x 2
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

                          Whoops! 38 years ago I planted horseradish along a 300ft grass verge between the road and the farmers field (about 300-400yds from here). All the neighbours now have free horseradish for the picking. It's not unusual to see a neighbour wandering up the road with a fork over their shoulder :heehee:. The farmer mows it down twice a year and the rest of us keep it well under control by picking. Yum Yum :roflol:
                          • Like Like x 2
                          • Lolimac

                            Lolimac Guest

                            Don' t get me started on local councils:gaah:...I live in a Cul-de-sac ,there's just 4 bungalows and between us we have over the years been constantly on to the council as we seem to get forgotten when it comes to the likes of road sweeping /maintance one point there was even 3ft weeds growing through the concrete in the gutters.We have in the past gone out there and done it ourselves but the hefty council tax we pay I don't think that's on ,after much wrangling I had a meeting with the local council and asked them why these things where getting over looked...they told me with the Cul-de-sac being small they have difficulty getting the road sweeper down it:huh:What a load of's no bigger than a milk float and besides we've had huge wagons down there delivering sand gravel etc plus the dust cart gets down there...then the next excuse was,at the end of the road it turns to the right and continues down the street with us being on the left,you can't miss us but it seems...wait for it...."we weren't on the map" :huh: how strange we suddenly reappeared when I started demanding being paid back all the council tax on a "non existent property "...the problem has since been solved but what a performance:rolleyespink:

                            Sorry I digress.....

                            It's such a shame for the couple and as long as it didn't cause any obstruction I think there is far more things for the councils to be concerned with....
                            • Like Like x 2

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