
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Val.., Jun 6, 2014.

  1. NorthantsGeezer

    NorthantsGeezer Total Gardener

    May 8, 2014
    :goodpost:@M :)
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    • Jungle Jane

      Jungle Jane Starved Of Technicolor

      Dec 12, 2010
      Local Nutcase
      South Essex
      @val I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Have you ever had counselling for your issues?

      Drugs will only suppress your pain and not free you from it.
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      • NorthantsGeezer

        NorthantsGeezer Total Gardener

        May 8, 2014
        I find that at work people say to me 'look, it's all switched off, why don't you go?'
        I think it's very easy to say things like that if you have no understanding, or very little.
        If it was that easy, I wouldn't waste an hour of my own time staring at a number of lights and switches! Who would?? It's much more complicated than that.
        Recognise the devil within you and conquer it! But that devil is much stronger than I am most times.
        Of course I try, but I just lose the time I am trying to gain back.
        I didn't really understand depression until a series of events last year, but I do now. Thankfully it was over pretty quick, and I managed to get a grip and recover. Unless you actually live it, some people will never understand (like me before last year! )
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        • Adendoll

          Adendoll Super Gardener

          Apr 17, 2014
          Greater Manchester
          Nothing we can say can make things better for you Val - other than we are here............
          You are a brave lady to have managed so far - good luck with sorting your meds etc hope you find something to help you soon.
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          • Ellen

            Ellen Total Gardener

            Jun 20, 2013
            Volunteer at Cats Protection
            Thank you :) I'm good now apart from winding people up with my counting lol
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            • Ellen

              Ellen Total Gardener

              Jun 20, 2013
              Volunteer at Cats Protection
              I must say that this thread is great. Everyone coming together, opening up, helping. I've never talked about my issues online before! Talking about things like this can only be a good thing; it's when it's kept all bottled up that it can feel worse. A problem shared, and all :) big hugs to all
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              • **Yvonne**

                **Yvonne** Total Gardener

                Jun 24, 2012
                Hi guys

                I wanted to share also but I'm mindful of what I put out there in the t'nternet as I'm currently job hunting and I don't want any potential job offers being risked by a simple Google search. I'm not ashamed that I'm on Sertaline, my family, friends and work colleagues all know. I went through a really bad time at work with somebody trying to undermine me and the way the management handled it, made things worse. I was in A & E being monitored on an ECG and I was still getting calls from work!!

                A year on and I'm coping with the continuing issues at work because I'm not able to get upset about it. This sounds great in theory but it also means I don't care about much else either, and this has severely affected my general health, my weight has ballooned, my diet is appalling.

                I have decided to ask the GP to lower my dose. I don't feel I can come off the meds until I have a new job but I have to start taking better care of myself. I'll look into the St John's wort, that could be the way to go, as I have heard it's used extensively in Germany and they are seeing good results.

                Thank you to everyone else for sharing x
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                • Fat Controller

                  Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                  May 5, 2012
                  Public Transport
                  At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                  I hate to disagree with you JJ, but........

                  My depression was triggered by a number of factors piling upon each other, with the root starting many, many years before.

                  On the day that things finally peaked, I had left work as normal and had apparently driven home - however, to this day I have no idea how I got home, or which route I took. My neighbours son found me in my car, parked up near my house, hands still gripping the steering wheel and staring into space; he went and got his mum and dad who eventually extracted me from the car, bundled me up on their sofa for the night, and the following day his mum took me to the doctor who immediately put me on Seroxat and signed me off work for four months on the spot; at the same time, the doctor asked my neighbour if she was willing to look after me for a bit, which thankfully she was.

                  Overnight, I had gone from someone who was relatively confident, working two jobs, one of which was as a joint director of my own business, to someone who could barely be trusted to go for a pee on his own (and that was before the medication); the Seroxat worked to some level, in that it got me up and about a bit once more, however I then suffered from huge suicidal tendencies, and tried on more than one occasion to see myself off (thankfully unsuccessfully). I also hit the bottle - hard, and I mean hard. Two bottles a night just to get to sleep.

                  The trigger? My aunt had quite recently died of cancer, and I was as close to her as I was my own mum. I had done the 'man thing' and tried to be there for everyone else after she died, bottling up my own grief. Another aunt shortly after died of cancer, and then the icing on the cake was my business partner pulling the plug on our business only days after I had saddled myself with debt on a personal credit card for stock, vehicles and a huge fuel bill, with not a grain of proof that it was company debt; in short, I was screwed. I started working as a carer, travelling the countryside to clients with various conditions doing sleep-over shifts and night shifts before returning to my main job in the mornings...... even still, I couldn't keep up with the increasing demands from the finance bods; eventually, something had to give.

                  Counselling had its place, although the counsellors were a bit bemused with me as I was able to identify things going right back to childhood - - the damage started with parents divorcing, moving to a new school and area miles away, being made (by my father) to live in circumstances that were subsequently described by social services as "can't be the right place, not fit for habitation", then being abandoned by my father and then ending up in care. That led on to a bit of an uphill struggle to carve out a life, and come the time of the double bereavement and financial woes, the bubble went bang big style.

                  Now, admittedly the original meds were as bad as they were good, and the second meds were pretty unpleasant, I eventually got onto the right ones for me, and within a matter of weeks of going on them, I was back firing on all cylinders.

                  Years on, I have a fairly stressful job - nearly 500 staff, and responsibility for multi-million pound contracts on what is one of the largest public transport networks in the world; do I get stressed - hell, yes; do I get depressed - again, yes (it never fully leaves you in my opinion), but I am now able to cope with it reasonably well. Sure, the drugs alone were not the cure, but I am firmly of the mind that I would not be here at all were it not for them.

                  @val - another offer of a 'cyber-ear' from me; any time you want to get things off your chest to someone that is impartial and who won't judge, you know where my inbox is!
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                  • Ellen

                    Ellen Total Gardener

                    Jun 20, 2013
                    Volunteer at Cats Protection
                    That explains the name change request here ;) hope the job hunt goes well!
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                    • Loofah

                      Loofah Admin Staff Member

                      Feb 20, 2008
                      I've read through this thread and haven't really much to contribute. Outside of having a bit of a tantrum occasionally I've never had depression but am interested in reading other peoples experiences and recommended therapies (if that's the correct term). I definitely agree that too much information contributes toward depression in people and there is simply so much of it that mostly it's hard to ignore - perhaps ignorance really IS bliss? I read the news some days and want to stop the world to get off!

                      If I were to ruminate a touch there is the school of thought that says the mind can indeed overcome physical maladies but not simply overnight. I have never liked to take medication outside of aspirin or 'brufen and my mindset is such that I am fortunate enough to be able to pick myself up and dust myself off in somewhat 'stormy weather'. Maybe I'm just lucky.

                      This is not a comment on anyone's postings here, but my own personal belief is that in times of grief you do absolutely anything it takes to get you through but for it not to impact your longer term life enjoyment. In terms of work related and other types of depression triggers, I believe people should take the time to examine their life and think long and seriously on how long and fulfilling they want that life to be and make the changes.

                      As all people differ, there isn't a miracle solution, it's whatever works for you but be wary of dependency.
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                      • wiseowl

                        wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                        Oct 29, 2006
                        Philosophy of people
                        Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                        Good morning I to cannot add any more to this excellent heart warming and positive thread ,apart from a very old Romany saying and I have found to be very true :smile:

                        "If you think to much you will forget how to laugh";)
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                        • longk

                          longk Total Gardener

                          Nov 24, 2011
                          I sort of agree. I don't think that the mind can alter the physical, but I do know that adopting a mindset that says I have it and I can live with it negates the problem to a certain extent. My brother is hell bent on eliminating it, so unlike me he can't seem to find peace.

                          Fine, as long as it is triggered and not hard wired into you. Although as I said above, to a large extent it can be made less debilitating (but never eradicated).
                        • Ellen

                          Ellen Total Gardener

                          Jun 20, 2013
                          Volunteer at Cats Protection
                          I think to an extent the mind can have an affect on the body. If we're feeling down mentally, we seem to be more susceptible to things like colds, etc. I know it's not a surety but sometimes it seems that way
                          • Agree Agree x 2
                          • Ramshackle

                            Ramshackle Gardener

                            May 23, 2014
                            Where is it you think your feelings come from? Most of it cann all be boiled down to changes in brain chemistry and the chemicals themselves
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                            • Ramshackle

                              Ramshackle Gardener

                              May 23, 2014
                              Let me just say that all you really are is a bag of chemicals. Chemicals go in, chemicals come out.
                              To say that you cannot heal yourself from psychological problems is a pretty little bandwagon to be jumping on in my opinion. There should not be enough evidence to sway you against it as of yet.
                              Without the very recent advances in pharmaceuticals of these modern times what did people do?
                              They tried drugs/herbs and they also sorted out thier own heads themselves. The therapy can be very productive, but it can also be useless depending on how you really feel about it. Many of the helpful little pills that are out can actually cause depression, while at the same time apparently treating it. Side effects can be funny, can't they?
                              Think about what goes in to that little toy box full of molecules, these drugs are relatively new and pretty much untested by time in some cases. Just more stuff to put into your head while it is already mixed up. Another variable in that big grey ting that is still very mysterious to us. My main point is don't always jump into drugs that doctors recommend, do your research and find out what YOU want. I've had some very unproductive times on some of these chemicals, and know others who have too.
                              On the flip side I know people that have recovered, but the vast majority are stuck with having to pop something every day to keep them ticking.
                              Been there with the depression, and I don't even take a paracetamol these days.
                              There is a root to my problems, and I know I can touch on it when I want to.
                              You can surely mend yourself, is that not what comes after an injury?

                              I can pump this self opinion stuff out all day but, next post on this subject will have references.
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