Health scare :(

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by NorthantsGeezer, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Ellen

    Ellen Total Gardener

    Jun 20, 2013
    Volunteer at Cats Protection
    They're greedily feeding the "I'm too busy..." or "I can't cook" mentality of a lot of people :( Anyone can cook anything if they try! It's a vicious circle people get into, one which only benefits the manufacturers :(
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • NorthantsGeezer

      NorthantsGeezer Total Gardener

      May 8, 2014
      @Ellen . The prawn linguine was a ready meal, but without most of the fat that you get in other types.
      So why can't they just sell the healthy one? £1.50 is cheap enough :)
      I am afraid that I am guilty of not making enough meals myself. For me it's about getting home after 7 everyday, and feeling shattered. Especially in the winter when I see very little daylight during the day (factory work, no windows anywhere). The sun gives us all more energy :)
      @fat controller . I have had some treatment recently but just a filling on the surface of a tooth. I think the throat pains were going on before this. Mouth and teeth feel fine. I had a chest x ray to look for infections, but all clear :) I have developed a cough and sore throat since Thursday though, which is 'very' rare for me.
      I haven't had a cold for example, in years! I am wondering if it's some kind of hay fever symptom, as most have been whilst outside.
      @Lolimac . Back to docs at 2.30 today, but not my favourite doctor. They said if I have another one, to ring in straight away.
      You are a good bunch here. Friendliest forum ever! :)
      @M Thanks M, I just want it sorted. A definitive answer would be nice. I don't like unexplained symptoms :sad:
    • Lea

      Lea Super Gardener

      Feb 14, 2011
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • NorthantsGeezer

        NorthantsGeezer Total Gardener

        May 8, 2014
        Yep, like I said in my original post, it's no secret, but the point I am trying to make is that healthier options are on sale. I do take onboard about the nutrient, and other aspects though.
        For a ready meal, this is much healthier than others, as your link points out. They should put a stop to selling 'really' unhealthy stuff (ready meal wise). I only bought 2 (healthier ones).
        This is the prawn meal. I have always bought fresh meat, but what is in the stuff we add? (sauces etc). :sad: Poor photo....290 cal, 8.4 sug, 3.5 fat, 1.8 sats, 1.3 salt.
      • NorthantsGeezer

        NorthantsGeezer Total Gardener

        May 8, 2014
      • Kristen

        Kristen Under gardener

        Jul 22, 2006
        Suffolk, UK
        Sorry to hear your news :( However, the good news is that you ain't dead yet :)

        Sort of ... your BMI is 25.6 and 25 is the upper limit for "healthy weight". You are only 4lb over, but it would be better you are nearer the middle of the healthy range, than the edge of it (more especially with diabetes I am guessing?)

        Healthy range for 49 year old male with low activity levels ("occasionally travel on foot, job is not active-type, most of work & leisure time sitting, 2.5 hours exercise a week") is 8st 13lb - 12st 1lb

        If you want to lose weight I would recommend looking at Intermittent Fasting. Basically only eating in an 8 hour window (say 1pm to 9pm). NO calories outside that time, so in the morning Coffee (black no sugar), or green tea or some other zero calorie alternative. You can eat what you like between Lunch and Supper (I have my delayed breakfast at tea time :) otherwise I find I am hungry in the evening and snack after supper). best of all is that I find that intermittent fasting is compatible with real life - e.g. going to friends for lunch / dinner - I certainly don't want to inconvenience them by saying "I'm only eating cabbage this month" :heehee:

        At the start of the year my BMI was 27.1, its now 25.2 (86kg down to 77.3kg now - 1 stone 5 lbs lost) and during that time I have eaten exactly whatever I fancied, just not in the morning :). Whenever I can I delay lunch (by organising a business meeting at that time / 2pm and not having my lunch until after that time), that helps a lot - the shorter the eating-window the more effective it is. I didn't even consider the form of intermittent fasting that involves only eating 400 calories a day for two days a week - same issue with inconveniencing people around me that I would like to socialise with. Also, I was also totally disinterested with any Fad / Wonder diet. Never known anyone who tried one who, a year later, said that they were properly fixed. I needed something that would work in "maintenance" as well as in "diet" phases.

        Hopefully you are a non smoker? Drinking within NHS guidlines? (I gave that up a couple of years ago, decided that it was just a habit that most of society has and not something that I actually needed or that actually enhanced a meal / occasion)

        My advice would be to take up cooking as a hobby. I don't believe that any ready meals can really be classed as "healthy". Apart from that ready meals tend to be expensive, so opportunity to save money on home cooking. Maybe start with home made snacks - cake / cookies / whatever - the things that you would eat as a treat, home made will be less bad for you than shop-bought :)
        • Like Like x 1
        • Madahhlia

          Madahhlia Total Gardener

          Mar 19, 2007
          Suburban paradise
          Learning to cook is a brilliant idea- but why not start with prawn linguine?

          I can pretty much guarantee that it will be more delicious than any ready meal and probably cost not that much more. The additional cost will be repaid by a hundred times better quality. Also, as you begin to accumulate a store-cupboard of useful ingredients, the cost starts to go down, anyway.

          Jamie's recipe has 100gm of prawns per serving, but the ready meal will probably only have 20gm per serving. So you can halve the amount of the expensive ingredients but still come out better than a bought meal.

          The other thing about learning to cook, thinking about life after the divorce, ladies do like a man who can cook them a nice meal!
          • Like Like x 1
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Sorry to hear about your problems and hope you improve quickly.

            Like "M", I buy a whole chicken and make many meals out of it. I cut off the legs, thighs and wings, for roasting and the breasts for stir frying (in just a little low cholesterol oil). The carcass, plus the skin off the breast and other bits I may have removed, go into a stock for soup.

            I let the stock cool down, then put it in the fridge overnight and then the fat you skim off will have hardened on the surface of the stock. It lifts off very easily that way.

            In theory, you should roast the chicken without the skin but a little bit is not too much of a problem (the skin is a tasty part of the chicken :rolleyespink:). If you're short of time you could roast all the parts for roasting in one go. Then put what you don't eat in the fridge for another meal - or two.

            Stir frying chicken breast (once again, just a little low cholesterol oil) with vegetables is quite healthy and tasty. If you look at recipes on-line you'll find most of them use too much oil or add sugary flavourings. Neither are necessary if you use the right ingredients. It takes a bit of practice but gives a good reward.

            This is a tasty, healthy and cheap way to eat. Even if you're short of time.

            Very good advice.

            As soon as the doctor says it's OK for you to do more exercise I would try and start with 20 minutes of walking per day. That's not too much out of your spare time. As you start to feel better, don't increase the time but increase the speed that you walk. That will give you a target to get to your previous turn round point in less time. That's an easy way to show you that you are improving. Then gradually increase the time that you're out.

            My BMI is higher than yours but I've been reducing it gradually by cutting down on the fat a bit more and reducing the carbs just a little. I think that almost any way of losing weight is good as long as you think it's something that you can sustain.

            Good luck :blue thumb:

            Another very good point :thumbsup:
            • Like Like x 1
            • Madahhlia

              Madahhlia Total Gardener

              Mar 19, 2007
              Suburban paradise
              IMO, there should be no sugar in prawn linguine - this meal contains nearly two teaspoons of it. It bears out what someone said earlier, that when concocting low fat recipes they replace the fat with sugar to give the dish flavour and 'mouth-feel' for the lowest possible cost. I'd prefer a nice spoonful of extra-virgin olive oil instead of the sugar!

              NG, I don't think the government will ever ban the really unhealthy stuff, there is a massive amount of profit to be made out of it and food manufacturers will squeal with rage if they think a stop will be put to it, much the same as the tobacco industry.
              • Agree Agree x 2
              • Kristen

                Kristen Under gardener

                Jul 22, 2006
                Suffolk, UK
                I was an amazing cook before I got married. A skill that has deserted me for some reason :scratch: :roflol:

                I suspect most people listen to music on their exercise regime / commute. My daughters override the car radio the moment we set off on a journey with a playlist from their phones - same play list each time ... I don't "get" that ...

                I download Podcasts to listen to when I am out "solo" somewhere, and also TED. All sorts of fascinating things to listen to - even learning a foreign language. I don't see a 20 minute exercise / dog walking slot as needing to be a loss from "spare time" :)

                For anyone needing motivation then the NHS have some good stuff on "Couch-to-5K" (aka C25K). Recordings with "Start walking ... now walk a bit faster ... now slower again" type encouragement that will jack-up the amount you do, week by week, until you are doing 5K :) (the "course" is normally 9 weeks, but is self-paced)

                Fewer calories going in, than you expend on energy, is a good place to start :)

                But, personally, I found it very hard to do just that. Lots of calorie counting, which I found tedious and difficult to accurately estimate - and demoralising having to deny myself something that I wanted to eat!
                • Like Like x 1
                • Kristen

                  Kristen Under gardener

                  Jul 22, 2006
                  Suffolk, UK
                  When I was figuring out how to lose weight (and doing some calorie counting to that end) I registered on
                  At the time I was thinking of getting a Step Counter and that website hooks up to exercise-taken and calories--counted and does all sorts of useful analysis / encouragement graphs and the like.

                  Anyways, long story short, it has the best (by my research) database of Calories etc. and includes loads of own-brand products


                  I put "prawn linguine healthy" in and got a list of various supermarket offerings. I also tried, for comparison, "prawn linguine homemade"

                  "Tesco Healthy Living - Chilli Prawn Linguine 350g" vs. "Homemade - Linguine With Prawns and Pesto - 1 cup"

                  Calories 396 435
                  Total Fat 12 g 11 g
                  Saturated 2 g 2 g
                  Polyunsaturated 0 g 0 g
                  Monounsaturated 0 g 0 g
                  Trans 0 g 0 g
                  Cholesterol 0 mg 245 mg
                  Sodium 500 mg 283 mg
                  Potassium 0 mg 0 mg
                  Total Carbs 49 g 52 g
                  Dietary Fiber 6 g 1 g
                  Sugars 9 g 1 g
                  Protein 19 g 30 g
                  Vitamin A 0% 14%
                  Vitamin C 0% 12%
                  Calcium 0% 17%
                  Iron 0% 34%

                  Don't think the vitamins tells us anything (presumably not calculated for the Tesco version). Dunno how 350g compares to 1 cup? Maybe that accounts for Calories being higher, and dunno what to make of Cholesterol, but the Qty of Sodium (i.e. Salt) and Sugar in the "Healthy" option looks worrying to me ...

                  I know, bit of a small sample size for a side-by-side test - and gawd knows if the data, for these two items, is accurate.
                  • Like Like x 1
                  • Agree Agree x 1
                  • Lea

                    Lea Super Gardener

                    Feb 14, 2011
                    The problem is that any type of diabetes med can cause hypos if the correct amount of carbs is not eaten throughout the day. This means that intermittant fasting would not be suitable but a lowered carb intake can be controlled more easily.
                    • Like Like x 1
                    • Informative Informative x 1
                    • NorthantsGeezer

                      NorthantsGeezer Total Gardener

                      May 8, 2014
                      My thanks to everyone for the great response, and some really interesting facts and points.
                      Well, I went to the docs this afternoon, and from what I can make out, they do suspect it's heart related, and I need to attend the rapid chest pain clinic to do the treadmill and some other tests.
                      He gave me a spray in case of more episodes, and told me to take 75mg aspirin each day.
                      I do actually like cooking, but I have only ever attempted curries. I do make big lasagnes and shepherd pies and split and freeze them, but often forget to defrost them during the day...I am useless!
                      Before I forget, I have never smoked, and I do not drink, nor ever have much in the past.
                      @Kristen....interesting post. Thank you. I am glad it's working for you :)
                      I am not sure what my diabetic nurse would say if I didn't have breakfast. She moans at me now for waiting till 10:15am. I do like the idea of the couch to 5k thing. I have come across it before and started doing it. It's amazing how you improve every day or other day. The recorded voice thing sounds great :) I think that 4lb is part of my paunch :)
                      My blood pressure is better today, but those nurses may have raised it somewhat :biggrin: they now have their chocolates :)
                      I quite enjoy the calorie counting bit. You learn so much. The salt content (2g) of my tuna sandwich filler was a surprise (this time around :) ). I have kept under all GDA's again today, except salt :( 119% today. I agree that there may not be a healthy ready meal, but what I am trying to get across is the point made in the research linked by @Lea. If you 'must' buy one, you really need to check them because as the research found (and I said in my original post), they vary in badness hugely! For usual madras is high in sats, but by picking up a jalfrezi instead, my meal is now low in sats and other stuff too. Same manufacturer/range. Some of the sat fats I saw were awful. 18g in a sausage roll! :ouch1:

                      @Madahhlia I don't think I am of use to any woman now :sad: even if I could cook :sad:
                      I just had chicken breast in peri peri sauce. The sauce was far too sweet and salty.

                      @shiney thanks for that tip on removing the fat from the stock :) I like that one!
                      I will definitely try building up to fitness, and I am looking forward to it. Must get the tests out of the way first though, as you say.
                      • Like Like x 2
                      • NorthantsGeezer

                        NorthantsGeezer Total Gardener

                        May 8, 2014
                        So my Asda linguine was pretty damn good :) based on those figures above :)
                        • Like Like x 2
                        • rosietutu

                          rosietutu Gardener

                          Feb 12, 2005
                          Poole Dorset
                          Sweets keep the blood sugar up just plain boiled, also relaxing.

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