Yawn Yawn, Wakey WAKEY... 2014...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone,

    Steve...Hope you're feeling better soon,hot toddy when you get home ,you want rid of it tout suite so you can relax and enjoy your time off:thumbsup:

    Hope everyone else is feeling OK and haven't melted:phew:....

    Hold on to your hats folks it's getting hotter:huh:

    It was very hot at work yesterday especially as it's difficult to open the windows because the residents prefer them closed:doh:it was like a greenhouse in there but they are all very frail and feel the cold more.Still ,I must have shed a few pounds so more excuse to eat:biggrin:...

    Just time for another cuppa then off I go...:dbgrtmb:

    Have a lovely day everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha everyone,

    I think I'll pop out there very soon to get some work done before it gets too hot :phew:. It's a busy day today so it'll be a matter of not getting too hot during the day.

    A bit of gardening, followed by a visit from the chiropractor. Then lunch, a meeting at the town hall (I hope they're not on one of their saving money kicks and don't have the air-conditioning on), a bit of shopping, back home in time to cook dinner before going to a village hall management committee meeting in the evening.

    Mrs Shiney had a very successful evening as it was one of her groups' summer buffets at our house. The weather made it ideal for them to be outside all the time (I was at my bridge club :heehee:).

    Ziggy, drink lots of water and take breaks from the sunshine.

    Steve, I wish you better.

    Woo, take care in the son as you don't want to get your feathers burnt.

    Loli, try not to melt.

    Moyra, I hope you're still getting better and take it easy. Barry phoned me yesterday and said he'd got a letter from the council to say he's in arrears with the rent (he pays every week) so I shall have to go round there to go though all his paperwork. Fortunately he keeps everything filed very well but he says he has found two letters, received from the Council in March, that have different amounts of rent on them and he has been paying from the later one. I'll have to read through the whole file and then talk to the council. He has phoned them but couldn't understand what they were explaining to him. They're usually quite good about these sort of things so I won't have any trouble. :blue thumb: He's on their 'At Risk' list, so don't pester him about things as they know I'll get around to looking at any problems.

    Being retired is so relaxing :doh: :roflol:

    Keep well, cool and have a great day :biggrin:

    • Friendly Friendly x 3
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Morning early people, up late due to having a barbeque with Willow :doh: Made it to Ilminster on time though, have a good day and don't get your tongue stuck on the deep freeze :)
      • Funny Funny x 1
      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Morning everyone,

        Zigs, do be careful and as Shiney says wear a hat if you are up on that roof again.

        Steve, Sorry you have a cold I am suffering with hayfever so keep taking the antihistamine. You will have to get shot of it soon as it will soon be holiday time!

        Loli, I really do not envy you working in that home with all the windows closed. I know old people feel the cold but you need some air too. Can't they put an extra bed jacket on? Although I suppose they are not all confined to bed are they?

        WOO, so glad you enjoyed your day yesterday. Do you like this hot weather? Spring and Autumn are my time, well when they run to the old fashioned calendar that is.

        Shiney, Thanks for the update on Barry, I do hope you will be able to sort him out soon. Yes you do love your retirement don't you?!!!!

        Well only two lots of cramp last night but I shall be glad when my homeopathic Quinine pills come so I can stop the cramp altogether. It was too warm to sleep anyway I had a fan going all night it did help a bit. Of course having a great lump of a dog with a fur coat on doesn't lend ambience to a good night sleep! I am back to eating almost normally a bit of reflux and indigestion but otherwise I think the withdrawal is almost complete. Have a lovely day everyone, I shall be hibernating in the flat with curtains closed and windows open and 4 large fans going throughout the flat, I have two in here now! God bless.:wub2:

      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b

        Not all old people :nonofinger: :old: :loll:

        I'm just back in from almost two hours of digging and weeding and I'm a little achy now. But the chiropractor will be here in an hour and a half and he can sort me out :heehee:

        Moyra, make sure you don't have any of the fans blowing on your legs during the night. It can start the cramp going. If you find that the heat is really getting you down during the day then you're welcome to pop over here and spend the day in the cool - I've got air-conditioning :blue thumb:

        It's 74F out there already :hate-shocked: That's good for sitting in the shade but not for digging! Our hose has sprung a leak right near the tap so I'll have to fix that - but I'll try not to chop my finger this time. :doh:
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Thanks Shiney, No I do not direct the fan at my legs it is on the other side of the bedroom and
          away from my side of the bed. It is oscillating around the room. I am managing so far to keep reasonably cool. But I should be walking Amber now and I do not really want to go round the flat closing windows and locking everything up before taking her out onto the green so I am going to hope she will go spend a penny in the garden and make do until the sun goes down later in the day.
        • Hairy Gardener

          Hairy Gardener Official Ass. (as given by Shiney)

          Aug 14, 2013
          Official Ass.
          Morning all, hope you are well.

          Big thunderstorm passed through in the early hours, giving the garden a much needed soaking, hope it didn't scare too many of you. Mr Weatherman says more to come tonight!

          My summer sniffles seem to be easing away, just in time for my last day at work for 9 days :yes:

          I could do with the break, it has been an intense first month, but we will finish around 18 - 20% above target :yay:, therefore helping to justify my appointment.

          Have a great day.
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning all,hope you are all OK,terrific thunder storms started at 3 am and is still overhead,torrential rain but still just as muggy,have a good day and take care my friends:smile:
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Good morning everyone,

          All quiet on the Eastern front,no thunder as yet but the sky is looking ominous :th scifD36:...

          Steve...Pleased to hear your cold has eased,just in time for your time off:yes:

          I hope everyone is OK and coping with this heat,my it was hot yesterday:phew: I walked home from work (it's only round the corner) as my car had gone for it's MOT and was I glad to get in :thud:...luckily the car passed but it needs a 'turbo something or other':dunno: I only remember Mr Loli mentioning it will cost £950:rolleyespink:...I don't like cars when they nee mending:doh:

          The insurance assessor came about the kitchen and conservatory roofs,need complete new ones:doh:..by the time they'd finished checking everything you'd think the roofs had fallen in:huh: it wasn't that bad..many of the other things weren't necessary like a water mark on the shredder and 'damaged' magazines on the window sill...Why would anyone claim for those:huh:no wonder the premiums are sky high:old:...the roofs are our main concern so told them to forget about the unnecessary things...

          Annnnyway....where's that cup of tea?:coffee:...last lap before my weekend off:dancy:....

          Take it easy everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Morning early people :)

            No work today, waiting for scaffold again :doh:

            Gonna be rebuilding my old website for the new joint venture instead [​IMG]

            Have a good day everyone and don't get impaled on a rake :)
            • Funny Funny x 1
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Morning everyone,

              Well what a storm overnight, it kept it up for hours. Still very muggy out there. Back to hibernating again with the fans on. Have a good day everyone, God bless.:wub2:

            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Aloha everyone,

              What a lovely thunderstorm :). It started just after 3 a.m. and took our power out. So I went out in the garden for a wander round wearing nothing but some shoes and a torch :hate-shocked: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:.

              I stacked the cushions that are on the chairs under the pergola and put a weight on then as the wind was blowing pretty hard.

              Sarafi is a funny cat. Rain doesn't bother him and he came for a chat (well, some very loud miaowing) and wandered round the patio with me, in the pouring rain. He drew the line at walking on the grass. :)

              The sun has just come out and it's already pretty warm.

              Steve, well done for your first month :blue thumb:

              Woo, don't try any flying until the storm has past over. :smile:

              Loli, any idea how long it will take for the roofs to be fixed? If we continue to get these tropical storms you're going to need it done quickly.

              Moyra, it should remain cooler for a short while so you can get your walkies in. :heehee:

              Zigs, good luck with doing the website. Any news on the quote?

              I'll get just a little gardening done before it's too hot.

              Have a great day :biggrin:

              • Friendly Friendly x 1
              • Lolimac

                Lolimac Guest

                :hate-shocked: You never did:doh:...at least I wear a dressing gown:biggrin: bet it was great though:thumbsup:

                As for the roofs ,waiting for a couple of quotes,we don't want them replacing as they are because being it a bungalow and the way they are now I have to climb out of the Dorma window to get to clean it and I aint as nimble as I was:old:...we'll have to pay the difference ofcourse but it will be worth it...I was thinking if it's possible to have it flat round the edges and a 'pod' in the middle...I'm sure there's a more technical term for it:rolleyespink:...The kitchen roof needs replacing with a tiled roof as in bad weather it sounds like someone is shovelling gravel on the roof it's so noisy ...hopefully it shouldn't be a problem....famous last words:whistle:
              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                We're not overlooked, it was still dark - and I didn't want to get my clothes wet :heehee: It didn't seem to bother Sarafi :snork:

                Be careful about having any flat roof as they need regular maintenance. :hate-shocked: The better solution is usually to have the roof done properly and replace the current windows with pivot windows. They swivel right round and can be cleaned from the inside. :blue thumb:

                Here's an example.

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                • Lolimac

                  Lolimac Guest

                  Thanks Shiney:dbgrtmb: that's what I intend for the kitchen,my intentions for the main conservatory is lead around the edges (me thinking it will be more robust,enough to walk around and the 'pod' for the centre...a sort of Orangery..
                  If I had my time over I wouldn't have a conservatory,far too hot being south facing and even in the winter it's a pain cleaning the windows because of the sun on them..The plants all fry too:doh:...it's more for the extra space really which we've got used to but realistically isn't necessary:rolleyespink:
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