
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pete, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    This is not something I know a great deal about, and I wonder if I should actually start a thread on this, but for years now, I've thought Israel were out of line and need a good shove from someone with a bit more clout than they have.
    I'm guessing the backing from the West, and probably America mostly keeps them safe and able to be the bully boys of the middle east.
    There are lots of things that have gone on in that area over the years, and mostly Israel seems to be the one causing the trouble.

    I'm not saying I support the other side either, just that they wont be happy until they can take over the whole area.
    I'd be interested to here what others, with more knowlege than me, have to say on the subject.
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    • longk

      longk Total Gardener

      Nov 24, 2011
      The following is based upon what I remember from school, so some of it is vague (or worse, not 100%)

      The nation of Isreal dates back to ancient times. It was over the centuries invaded by the Roman, Turks, Egyptians and Syrians amongst others. As the Jews were marginalised, discriminated against and worse they dispersed over Europe.
      Towards the end of WW1 the british government (partially to curry favour from UK Jews) proposed a Palestinian state under British control for the Jews to call a homeland, loosely following the ancient boundaries of Isreal. A deal was done to establish this with the French if I remember correctly.
      It wasn't until after WW2 that the newly formed UN supported an independent Isreali state and that came about in 1947 (?).
      Bully boys? If I had been persecuted and exterminated through the centuries I too would defend myself robustly. History has taught the Jewish people that if you are reacting it is too late - far better to be proactive. People seem only too happy to forget that the people of Gaza gave safe haven to Hamas (a terrorist organisation) before they went the whole hog and elected them to govern them. Sorry, but if you elect a terrorist mob whose avowed aim is to drive the Jews out (with support from several Arab states) then missiles have to be expected.

      They don't want to, just to be safe in their homeland. I agree that they can be hamfisted at times, but the aim is not to build an empire.

      I know that I'm out on a limb with some of my beliefs, but that is how I feel. It is also one of the main reasons that I despise religion.
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      • clueless1

        clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

        Jan 8, 2008
        I don't know the ins and outs either, but I suspect that the majority of people on both sides of the boundary have no interest at all in fighting each other.

        I think both warring factions are just plain and simple idiots. Neither side can ever win. Hamas can't defeat Israel, and I dread to think how many future militants Israel is making by killing civilians, including kids.
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        • longk

          longk Total Gardener

          Nov 24, 2011
          They were already militants. The birth of this modern militancy dates back to WW1 when we took the land back for the Jewish people.
          I'm sorry but children are just a commodity over there - fathers burst with pride when their child blows himself (or herself) up in a Tel Aviv shopping precinct.
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • Jenny namaste

            Jenny namaste Total Gardener

            Mar 11, 2012
            retired- blissfully retired......
            Battle, East Sussex
            I have always felt ( having been brought up a Christian , told tales from the Bible of the struggles of this land) that this is where the devil and the good guy does battle.
            Good versus evil - the eternal fight - that we all suffer and feel as we stand by and witness. I sometimes wish that we didn't have such acute media access on an hour by hour basis. I know I'm selfish, and I feel guilty for it - but I just want to enjoy my life and not harm others or be harmed by them.
            Is it too much to ask?
            Jenny namaste
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            • longk

              longk Total Gardener

              Nov 24, 2011
              But who is the good guy?

              No it's not. Just what the Israeli people want actually.
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • Jenny namaste

                Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                Mar 11, 2012
                retired- blissfully retired......
                Battle, East Sussex
                What I do know is that I am very very lucky to have been born in a peaceful country,
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                • lykewakewalker

                  lykewakewalker Apprentice Gardener

                  Feb 9, 2014
                  Goodness knows that no one wants to see innocent people being killed by bombs and missiles but we are led to understand that at least Israel is targeting specific areas and giving warnings of attack. Hamas is firing hundreds of rockets daily into Israel in an indiscriminate fashion, of course Israel has a right to defend itself.
                  • Agree Agree x 2
                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    Not only into Isreal - a small percentage of them are failing to get out of Gaza before they fall back to earth.
                  • Lea

                    Lea Super Gardener

                    Feb 14, 2011
                    I am from a long line of Jews. I don't see that violence will solve this issue but I do understand how persecution and grief can lead to it. I will never condone war/fighting/killing but I do believe that everyone has the right to live their homes without fear of persecution.
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                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Apologies for the length of this post. I'm trying to state what is known fact but, necessarily, have not been able to include everything.

                      The history of the conflict is mired in different views on the subject and different historical reports. This has to be a very brief analysis of the history and therefore open to other interpretations.

                      Ignoring going back to biblical times (except for possible brief references) the State of Israel debate goes back to the beginning of the 20th Century.

                      Under pressure from the Zionists there was international agreement that there should be a country for the Jews as the horrendous pogroms occurring in Eastern Europe needed to have an end put to them. These had followed on from the problems of the Inquisition from the 12th to 14th Centuries.

                      Britain originally proposed to give a large part of Kenya to be the homeland of the Jews (puzzlingly known as 'The Uganda Plan') but this was rejected and/or withdrawn fairly quickly. At the time I think that Palestine was owned by the Turkish/Ottoman Empire and negotiations were opened with Turkey. Turkey promised the land but never followed through.

                      Fast forward to the 1947-49 conflict. Britain offered Palestine (by then it was run by Britain) but under British Rule. This created the uprising and also a civil war. Israel was given the country and then had a civil war with the Arabs. Further land was annexed.

                      During this conflict Arab leaders told some of the Arabs to leave the country and Israel ejected others (numbers and what exactly happened is still being argued about by historians and politicians). After the civil war Israel offered some of the Arabs repatriation - but not all of them.

                      Since then there has been continual conflict, peace initiatives, agreements etc.

                      The current situation is not so difficult to understand but almost impossible to resolve.

                      Hamas are now running Gaza and their stated aim is to completely remove all Jews from Israel (and some say that their policy is to kill all Jews everywhere). They have refused to enter peace talks because they don't wish to make peace.

                      Prior to them winning control of Gaza in 2006 the Arab states (most of them) were coming to some sort of an agreement about the territories and the people. This stopped when Hamas came into power.

                      In the last few months Israel had agreed to the peace proposals put forward by Egypt and a lot of the United Nations countries as long as Hamas would stop their bombing. Their word were something like "The moment they stop, we'll stop".

                      Unfortunately, Hamas haven't stopped.

                      The imbalance of deaths in the current conflict is because Israel has developed the "Iron Dome" which is a very sophisticated anti-missile defence. Hamas has been firing, indiscriminately, dozens and sometimes hundreds of shells every day but most of them have been caught by the Dome. Israel have been trying to target the areas that they have come from.

                      There are conflicting reports of what is actually happening in Gaza. Israel say that they're giving between two and four hours notice of where they're going to bomb and they say that Hamas are telling the civilians to stay where they are. Hamas are saying that they're not being given any notice - but have said nothing about whether they have their rockets located in civilian areas.

                      Any deaths are terrible and can't be condoned. It depends on which side you live, or support, whether you believe either or none of them.

                      I can't see any resolution to this problem. :sad:

                      The following has been going around the internet as being a statement by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. It is not true but is what some Israelis have said he should have said! It shows how things can easily be stirred up by the use of the net!

                      "To Ismail Haniya, and the leaders and operatives of Hamas:

                      We, the people of Israel, owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You have succeeded where we have failed. Because never before, in the history of the modern State of Israel, has the Jewish people been so united, like one person with one heart. You stole three of our most precious children, and slaughtered them in cold blood. But before we could discover the horrible truth, we had 18 days of pain and anxiety while we searched for them, during which our nation united as never before, in prayer, in hopes, in mutual support.

                      And now, as you continue to launch deadly missiles indiscriminately , intended to maim and murder as many civilians as possible, while you take cowardly refuge behind your own civilians - you continue to inspire us to hold strongly onto our newly discovered unity. Whatever disputes we Jews may have with each other, we now know that we have one common goal: we will defeat you.

                      But we are offering you now one last chance. Within 24 hours , all rocket fire - and I mean all rocket fire - will cease. Completely. Forever.

                      I give you formal notice that our tanks are massed at the Gaza border, with artillery and air support at the ready. We have already dropped leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza strip, warning civilians of our impending arrival, and that they should evacuate southward, forthwith. If you fail to meet our ultimatum, we are coming in, and, with God's help, this time we will not leave. Every centimeter of land that we conquer will be annexed to Israel, so that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there.

                      Even so, we will continue to keep the door open to allow you to surrender gracefully. The moment you announce that you are laying down arms, we will halt our advance, and there we will draw our new borders. If you continue to attack our citizens, we will continue to roll southwards, driving you out of territory that you will never again contaminate with your evil presence.

                      It pains me deeply that your civilians will be made homeless. But we did not choose this war; you did. And if our choice is between allowing our citizens to be targeted mercilessly by your genocidal savagery, versus turning your civilians into refugees, I regret that we must choose the latter. If only you loved your people as much as you hate ours, this war would never have happened.

                      To the rest of the world: Israel has tired of your ceaseless chidings that we should "show restraint". When you have your entire population under constant missile fire from an implacable enemy whose stated goal is the murder every man, woman and child in your land, then you may come and talk to us about "restraint". Until then, we respectfully suggest that you keep your double standards to yourselves. This time, Hamas has gone too far, and we will do whatever we have to in order to protect our population.

                      Hamas, once again, I thank you for bringing our people together with such clarity of mind and unity of purpose. The people of Israel do not fear the long road ahead."
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                      • clueless1

                        clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                        Jan 8, 2008
                        I think we have to be careful not to generalise. Yes, Hamas seems to be a terrorist organisation (I don't really follow their politics so I'm not knowledgeable on that), but are all the people in Gaza Hamas supporters? Somehow I doubt it. I know that in the UK our government is Conservative/LibDem, but does that mean that everyone in the UK is a conservative or libdem supporter?

                        The fact is, strip away the politics, and what you are left with is people. Men and women, young and old, fat and thin, hard working and lazy gits. Just people. And as it stands at the moment, people who don't actually want a fight are being killed, on both sides. People like those hiding inside a school while the UN begged Israel to suspend bombardment until the innocent civilians could be evacuated.

                        If I lived in the Gaza strip and I saw soldiers from across the border killing my neighbours, I'd be pretty angry at them. Likewise if I was in Israel and I saw my neighbours killed in a rocket attack from Gaza, I'd be pretty resentful of them too. This is the problem. This is why current actions on both sides are pure stupidity. Not politics, just stupidity. It doesn't take a tactical genius to see how the current strategy can only result in ongoing expense, hatred, suffering and death on both sides.
                      • Scrungee

                        Scrungee Well known for it

                        Dec 5, 2010
                        Central England on heavy clay soil
                        And the USA provides humanitarian aid to Gaza, and military supplies to Israel (are they still doing that?), and the EU gives money to re-build what the Israelis have destroyed, and Tony Blair gets a massive salary for failing to achieve anything. I could go on and on ..... and so will they.
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                        • Jenny namaste

                          Jenny namaste Total Gardener

                          Mar 11, 2012
                          retired- blissfully retired......
                          Battle, East Sussex
                          A blighted land - forever and a day...:sad:
                          • Agree Agree x 2
                          • westwales

                            westwales Gardener

                            Feb 18, 2012
                            10 miles from the coast in the rainy west
                            And part of the problem as Shiney mentioned is that when it suits either side best, they will still refer to the law as it applied in Ottoman times. There isn't a "good" and a "bad" side; both have legitimate claims depending on which historic habitation, treaty or agreement you choose to go back to. Those living in Gaza have nowhere to go out of Gaza unless its the sea or the desert without safe passage and most claim that they would be being driven out of the last small space they can call their own. Israel generally claims an historic right as well as having been given neighbouring land and that they're only keeping what's theirs. As well as the tragedy of the death and destruction it's so sad that this land wouldn't even be considered to be worth fighting over by most of the world's population because it has such poor natural resources anyway. Gaza is essentially already one huge refugee camp. In the middle east there are huge third generation refugee camps; families where no-one has ever lived anywhere other than a camp. Is it any wonder that they can be manipulated and that they live on the hope of something better from whoever makes the best promises?
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