I have just received an order of Alliums which neighbour organised. I didn't realise that the above variety flowers much later in the summer rather than the normal Allium flowering time. I am going to plant them in my herbaceous border and probably a good idea to plant them in front of something else which flowers at a similar time. Any suggestions as to what to plant with them? I had thought of some Cimicifuga Atropurpurea which is just about to flower here but maybe that is too late for the Alliums. Hope someone has a good idea. Thanks.
Something bushy about a foot high, I'd say. A. sphaerocephalum has spindly stems and the leaves tend to look a bit of a mess so anything that holds them up and hides them would be good.
Are you sure they flower that much later than regular Alliums? I think of Earlies as being May, Latest as being July, and I reckon that A. sphaerocephalon will flower in the middle / June.
More or less right Kristen! I did a Google on it and the word is they flower July/ August so probably August with me. Will plant them in front of and between a very pretty pink Veronica which has been flowering for about the last 3 weeks and Eupatorium Chocolate which I hope will compliment the bulbs maroon colour. That's a bit taller than what you suggest Madahhlia but it is bushy and quite "open" so we'll see how that goes. Hopefully they should be ok, Longk I already grow Purple Sensation (think that's the variety) and they do fine altho would like them to multiply a bit more, perhaps Sphaerocephalon are more demanding as to conditions? I'll soon find out next season if nowt appears! Thanks all.
Do you reckon its going to be a lot later than your other Alliums then? No personal experience, so I'm guessing really! They seem to be given away as freebies a lot - I've got bored with them as the colour is plain purple and they don't have any other redeeming features. Mine self-sowed years ago, and I have yet to see them bulk up to flowering size (not a criticism, Alliums do tend to take a while ...) I'm seeing Allium sphaerocephalon being offered as freebies this year, so maybe someone over produced on those?!!
Maybe they will flower a bit earlier than anticipated Kristen, time will tell. My Purple Sensation and Globemaster flower in June so maybe these will too. I don't know anybody around these parts who grows them so difficult to judge. With most things up here in Scotland we are about 4 to 6 weeks behind The South of England until say the middle of June and then catch up if this makes sense. That said, I am up to my neck in, eventually ripe Tomatoes having had b all from them until about a week ago (ie very, very late). Could happily stock Tescos and Sainsburys!