No ash detected this time Didn't stop me dreaming that I was there and trying to get away from it though
This is a totally different kettle of fish to the one that closed all the airspace a couple of years ago - this one has a pronounceable name for a start I'd love to see a volcano/lava flow up close (although not close enough to burn ) - I find all that sort of stuff really interesting
Shown it before, but here's some of the ash I collected from Eyjafjallajökull. And a vid of air traffic during the ash cloud
I remember the last eruption well. I was going to Canada to visit my family in May 2010 Sat in departures waiting and we boarded the plane 30mins early to avoid the shutting of airspace. You've never seen people board a aircraft so fast but that was nothing compared to the take off we must of been doing at least 80mph taxi-ing down the runway then made a very sharp turn left and immediate full throttle and in the air in no time. Very exciting flight that was
Try this one if you have time for a trip to Mexico. You can hire a local lad to walk up there with you. A bit unnerving when the ground gets warm beneath your feet with wisps of vapour appearing! The lava has half swallowed the village church. Being Mexico, there are no tiresome H&S restrictions.ícutin
As a bit of a thrill seeker I found it a adrenalin rush , the missus didn't though It was the first time we took our son on a plane too, I remember he found it amusing the plane taxiing down the run away at 80mph going bump bump bump bump bump