All of us! That aside, when was the last time anyone saw a Loony Tunes cartoon on TV? The proper ones with Mel Blanc and Frans Liszt where characters fall from great heights to a puff of dust and a witty Bugs Bunny comment etc? I used to love these but can't recall the last time they were on tv (political correctness or don;t we trust kids not to copy?). The newer versions just suck.
Probably considered too olde worlde for kids now, it's CGI stuff now with no soul or skill. It's probably cheaper to pay for the new CGI tat instead of properly drawn cartoons.
Now this is what they want ! Popeye the Sailor in Goonland, a 1938 black and white classic "I'm off to find my pappy !!!! "
I can never really remember enjoying them that much. I loved the pink Panther though................ Simon's Cat is pretty funny as well................... And the Happy Tree Friends has me in stitches, especially the episode called Eye Candy.
Now what the heck ha....... I say whatever happened to good old Foghorn Leghorn? And of course, the original Wily Coyote and Road Runner cartoons. Don't make 'em like that any more.
I'm not sure if its true or urban myth, but I heard that the character Popeye was created purely to convince kids that spinach makes you super strong, because spinach was the only veg that is easy to grow in just about any conditions and with very little care. Just what you need in post WW1 skintness. Spinach has actually been found to be relatively nutrient poor compared to many other, more tasty veg, but there's no point having Popeye get his super strength from broccoli because less people were going to grow that successfully.
It was a cock up about the iron content too, someone got a decimal point wrong, they thought spinage contained more iron than other veg.