Is anyone else troubled with this? my stomach gurgles away nearly all day and it aches a bit at times as well. At the moment I am taking Wind-Eze which seem to help, anyone else get this?
All the time after I have eaten baked beans,Brussels sprouts,onions and some herbsMr Kandy suffers worse than I do and tends to keep his in while he is at work,then I have to put up with it when he gets home.His mother was the same and he has inherited it off of her me thinks. Does your tummy sound like a distillery Val,as that is one thing Mr Kandy suffers with and is now on tablets that he takes when it gets too bad. They say gobbling down your food can cause the problem as you then take in too much air. Years ago I read that taking Charcoal biscuits? was supposed to help but have never tried them.
They sell charcoal capsules here ... I know because a friend bought some for t'other half as a joke for his birthday. Obviously a 'windy' bunch here ... but they do like their beans! Lots on Amazon here ... capsules&sprefix=charcoal+capsules,aps
Hot Peppermint tea or hot peppermint water using cordial helps I find.. Also there is peppermint oil capsules.. A brand name is Colpermin.. These do help more I think..
There could be an underlying problem,maybe some kind of particular food intolerance or dodgey Gall stones which I had,worse when it was trapped... let it go with a dose of barcarb
its not even Christmas yet and we cant blame the sprouts , I tell you, GC covers every topic no stone un turned just tell it as it is , and the Admin Team looks like its on top of the list for this errmmm problem .... I just hope the office is big and large windows Spruce
Can't say it is something I suffer with. Although I do get gurgling tummy noises at inappropriate times e.g. interviews etc. I do remember, many years ago, my X-husband couldn't for the life of him fathom something out. I knew something was bothering him - I could see the deep thinking frowns going on. I did ask if he was ok (I'm a caring soul) and he just couldn't bring himself to unburden. We were walking home from the farm one evening, parallel to a noisy, major road, and he just suddenly came out with it: "When *do* women fart!?"
I tend to let it go with a cheeky grin, and the occasional giggle if its good 'un. This makes for interesting reading - the variety is quite remarkable. Anyway, enough of all this farting about - - I got work to do.......
Beans is the answer. Seriously. I know beans are known to make one pass wind, but if your guts aren't quite in tune, beans will help for two reasons. Firstly because high fibre content keeps everything moving along as it should, and secondly, because beans contain carbohydrates that can survive the first stages of digestion, and make it intact into your intestines, where they feed the good bacteria, helping them to thrive, thus promoting good gut health.
I think there may be a genetic factor at work here too. I well remember, as a young lad, being in the village pub one night and suddenly being ambushed by a loud and unexpected effort which reverberated around the bar room, much to everyone's amusement. Jim and Bill, a couple of old regulars sitting in their usual place in the corner, offered the following observation. "Cor heck, thaas a touch o' your grandfather that is." "That that is bor, he were a rare farter he were, could fart 'God save the Queen' he could."
Wind is caused by the acid in ones stomach, bubbling away. So something in your diet or health is causing excess acidity and so you get wind. An antacid is better than Wind-eze. See if your Doctor will prescribe some. And try stopping Dairy produce. Lactose intolerance is a much more common problem than the sellers of indigestion tablets would want us to believe. That can cause over production of acid (and migraines too!).
I can't stand the taste of them, they are all peppermint and then you can't taste anything else. Why aren't there antacid tablets or capsules I wonder.