Here's nelly doing a bit of on the spot jogging Lil as the heavens have been open all morning she won't even go out to the loo It won't let me up load the vid on here noooooo So ile put some of her petrified of fire works I'm Not a fuddy duddy by any means but my dog freaks at the fire works ile be glad when there over But nowerdays they have the new year as well :-(
You and the majority of pet owners I should think. Echo the cat isn't too bothered, Ozzy was well behaved keeping my feet warm (although only because he was so unsure of what on earth was going on!). Poor Nelly, she does look anxious. Would an Adaptil collar work with her, do you think? It contains a pheromone fragrance to calm dogs. I used one for both Echo and Ozzy when I moved house.
5 hours of sheer misery here Wednesday, counted ourselves lucky, the weather so wet for a few weeks it cut it down, last night 2 or 3 bangs which upset Maddie for 2 hours. My friend tried the collars, useless, tried the plug in useless, tried medication not much impression, her Staff barks incessantly, and tries to get out the window, she went on all Wednesday night well into Thursday morning, and a few hours last night.
Crikey, @pamsdish that sounds like an absolute nightmare!! Poor animals (and owners too: must be despairing!)
I'm lucky at the moment with my two,they're not bothered with the fireworks and want to be out there among them but my previous dog was the same until he reached around 7 years of age and then the fear kicked in I tried absolutely everything even resorted to sedatives as he was so distressed but even then without knocking him out completely you could still see the fear in his eyes.For the last 7 years of his life we'd spend night after night making dens behind the sofa and just trying to distract him...
Molly wasn't bothered by the fireworks over the last couple of days ,she seems to be Ok with loud noises. I think the foam earplugs would drive a dog crazy - if you could get them in the ears.