Yawn Yawn, Wakey WAKEY...!! 2014 part 2...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by shiney, Sep 3, 2014.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Morning all have a good day and take care:smile:
    • Friendly Friendly x 3
    • "M"

      "M" Total Gardener

      Aug 11, 2012
      The Garden of England
      Good Afternoon WW'ers

      Seems the weather and I have something in common: neither of us can make our minds up today :heehee: I took my cue from the weather when I saw a beautiful rainbow and decided that I would look at which rainbow colours would go into my garden plan for my shade garden; surprising amount really! Now I need to research acers because I've taken rather a fancy to those.

      Hope you managed to get Amber out without being soaked Moyra :doggieshmooze:

      Fab pic of (Willow?) on the barrow Loli :chicken:

      Shiney - love the menu title :heehee:

      Miles of smiles to one and all xMx
      • Friendly Friendly x 3
      • lost_in_france

        lost_in_france Total Gardener

        May 28, 2013
        Evening all

        Sorry not to have been on for a couple of days but we have adopted a couple of dogs and been spending time with them settling them in. They are fab but need lots of training as they obviously haven't had any. They also make it difficult to type as they like to clamp themselves onto my legs and drape themselves over the keyboard :heehee: On the upside they don't seem bothered by fireworks which are kicking off here like cannon fire, apart from barking at some dogs who are barking at the fireworks :doggieshmooze:. Having had severely noise phobic dogs previously this is a huge bonus :biggrin:

        Hope everyone is well and will try to resume normal postings tomorrow :SUNsmile:
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        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Good evening everyone,

          Eve....:dancy:...Looking forward to hearing how your 2 furries are settling in:doggieshmooze::dbgrtmb:

          Hope everyone is settled down for the night and cozy,the wind and rain was horrendous an hour since and folk were still letting off fireworks:doh:...

          Have a good night all:SUNsmile:
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Morning everyone,

          Eve, I assume you will have to get your two new furries passports so they can come and go with you between Eastbourne and France.

          Loli, yes despite or in spite of the weather they were out there letting off fireworks again last night, hopefully this weekend will see the end of them!

          Shiney, hope you managed to spread your muck around ok. Your plants will think it is spring already with the warmth from the manure!

          WOO and all our other friends, hope all is well with you all. Have a good day all, stay safe, dry and warm.
          God bless.:wub2:

          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Aloha everyone,

            The wind has dropped and the sun is out. :blue thumb:

            I'll get some paperwork done and then work on the 'After the Lord Mayor's Show' menu for this evening. It'll be something fairly simple. :)

            Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

            Good morning everyone,

            Woo...Hope you're steadily getting back to full fight:dbgrtmb:

            Moyra...How you doing? hope your sinus problems are abating :blue thumb:

            Shiney...The sun is out here too:dancy:...I'm sure your (ATLML) menu will be delicious ,you'll have to let us know what you decide on:blue thumb: I really must stop thinking about food all the time:rolleyespink::biggrin:

            Sat here looking out of the window at the garden I have big plans to perform miracles out there today:rolleyespink:...let's see how far I get:biggrin: I think another cup of tea is in order while I think about it:thumbsup:

            Waves to all,have a lovely day and take care:SUNsmile:
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Phil A

              Phil A Guest

              Morning early people :)

              Bit of a storm going on here, should blow out soon though.

              Hope all are well :)

              Have a good day everyone and don't buy any Poppies off ebay.
              • Funny Funny x 1
              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Menu decided. :blue thumb: A fairly simple one. :)

                Homemade trout pate - poached trout crumbled and mashed with soft cheese and fresh dill, accompanied by gluten free toast and mixed salad.
                Homemade clear chicken soup with some pieces of chicken, carrots, turnip, celery and some very light dumplings (no dumplings for gluten free peeps).
                Roast chicken thighs flavoured with garlic salt and mixed herbs, with crispy skin - very crispy roast potatoes and stir fry of sugar snap, broccoli, asparagus, French beans, carrots, courgettes and cabbage done with popped black mustard seeds and quickly tossed in a touch of chicken stock.
                Apple and mixed fruit compote (from the garden) with a gluten free, sugar free, fat free crumble, accompanied by very thick and creamy coconut milk.
                Fresh "Mmm" fruit salad (Mango, Melon, Mongosteen)
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                • Lolimac

                  Lolimac Guest

                  Mmmm that sounds lovely Shiney:wub2:I'm drooling worse than the dogs:rolleyespink::dbgrtmb:
                  • Funny Funny x 1
                  • lost_in_france

                    lost_in_france Total Gardener

                    May 28, 2013
                    Morning all

                    Sunny and breezy here.

                    Shiney that meal sounds gorgeous. Lucky friends.

                    Moyra, their pet passports are already done. We asked the kennels where they were being boarded to get them done when they were getting them vaccinated etc prior to rehoming so they're ready to travel when we are :smile:. We know they're good on long journeys as they've had a 3 hour trip from the kennels to Eastbourne and, apart from the initial excitement when we set off, they settled down beautifully.

                    Enjoy the miracle performing in your garden Loli.

                    Hope you're continuing to improve Woo.

                    Don't blow away in the storm Zigs.

                    Hope everyone is well and has a wonderful Saturday
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      The food prep doesn't take long.
                      10 minutes to prep the soup ingredients and leave to cook for a couple of hours.
                      Make dumplings - 10 minutes.
                      Pate about 10 minutes from start to finish.
                      Clean thighs - 10 minutes (then do the chicken :heehee:).
                      Peel spuds and prep veggies - 15 minutes.
                      Blanch and cool veggies - 5 minutes (saves loads of time with doing stir fry).
                      Fruit salad - 10 minutes.
                      Fruit Crumble - a couple of minutes (apples and compote already cooked and taken from the freezer), crumble just a simple topping of ground almonds, chopped mixed nuts and sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

                      All the cooking is simple so it gives me time with our guests. :blue thumb:
                      • Like Like x 1
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                      • "M"

                        "M" Total Gardener

                        Aug 11, 2012
                        The Garden of England
                        Good morning WW'ers

                        Eve - sounds as though Cooper & Honey are settling in well :doggieshmooze: :doggieshmooze: It's good that they enjoy travelling. When we got Ozzy we were told he gets car sick ... :scratch: ... erm, no, he doesn't! :rolleyespink:

                        Loli - ooh miracles, eh! When you've performed yours, would you pop down here and perform a couple for me, please :snork:

                        Shy Knee - your menu sounds delicious! I'm really glad you posted the ingredients for the crumble, I was really scratching my head over "gluten free, fat free, sugar free" and imagined it was a "topless" crumble :redface: (Pretty much in the same vain as one of my mother's vegetarian Sunday roasts ... a Sunday dinner without any meat!) How do you make your coconut milk thick and creamy, please?

                        Zigs - hope the storm blew over before you did.

                        Moyra - enjoy your day and hope Amber is doing well :doggieshmooze:

                        Woo and anyone else I may have missed - waving in your direction :)

                        Well this mornings sunshine tempted me outside with my tape measure and I now have all the measurements I need to create my Layout Plan. I'm not going to do anything with the (ugly concrete) patio other than keep pot plants on it - with a few thyme popped into the cracks. But now I have decided how to utilise the rest of the garden. Spent hours yesterday researching plants as well as searching threads on here and I can almost see the end result in my minds eye. It is going to be quite a while before I get any where near to that result though :heehee:

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                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          I buy it like that :). It's at least as thick as a very solid whipped cream. The brand that I buy is 'Pride', comes from Thailand and imported by Westmill Foods in Enfield. You need to get the one that says it's 75% coconut. :blue thumb:

                          I buy it at our local Asian wholesaler, who supplies the Indian restaurants, and I buy it by the case load. A case of 12 x 14oz costs me £9. I don't know how much they charge for a single can.


                          If you open the can without shaking it three quarters of the can will be solid coconut milk.

                          We use it like cream on desserts and for cooking curries, or making soups instead of using cream.

                          For anyone not sure about the difference between coconut water, coconut milk and coconut cream: The water is the liquid you get sloshing around inside a coconut (you can buy that strained and in 1 litre containers), coconut milk is made from the squeezed flesh of the coconut and cream is the pulverised flesh mixed with the milk.
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                          • Lolimac

                            Lolimac Guest

                            :lunapic 130165696578242 5:....

                            Eve...That's interesting to hear about the passports:blue thumb:,when they first came out,back in my Duggys day it was months before all the paper work etc was finalised and he was older and infirm so we didn't bother as I thought the journeys would be too much for him.

                            'Mum' (sorry old habits die hard:doh:)...I'd love to perform 'miracles' in your garden but I'm sure you will have it completely under control :blue thumb:...the rain has stopped any impending miracles here:rolleyespink: did get a little done but even I'm not daft enough to get soaked through to the skin more than once in 24 hours:rolleyespink:...

                            I wonder if it would work with a thin skim of cement on top and then gravel pressed into it:dunno:...Just an idea:blue thumb:

                            The poor chooks are sulking because they want to come out to play but the garden is turning into a swamp (perfect chicken digging material):nonofinger: so they're entertaining themselves with some Spring greens instead:blue thumb:

                            Stay dry everyone:SUNsmile:
                            • Informative Informative x 1
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