well i have had trouble with my foot for a couple of years now but it has gradually got much worse. I am in pain everyday and in the mornings when i get out of bed i am nearly falling over (bet i look a sight) lol anyway been sent to orthopedics today turns out i have arthritis in my toes and he says he will have to inject a few parts eeeewwwwww definately not looking forward to that! plus i am flat footed so have to go and see someone about getting that sorted as that is also causing me pain. anyone had these injections before? i am so not looking forward to it.
No @maria I have never had injections, but I get a lot of foot pain, asked a relation at a party years ago, he was a chiropodist, and he recommended soaking foot in hot as you can stand salty water for a few days, it`s my fall back when my foot hurts, I have 1 arthritic toe and a bunion which is not too bad yet.
i had the steroid injections in my elbow years back because of tennis elbow and the pain of that was dreadful but i have a feeling the foots going to be worse
My sympathies are with you I've had some sort of 'foot rot' for six months now and it can be a problem (dressings every day). Fortunately I only have a touch of arthritis in one toe. I don't need injections - which is good as I have a needle phobia I hope your injections get it sorted out
I'm not squeamish about injections per se ... but, the logical side of my brain would be weighing up "constant" pain vs "instantaneous" discomfort ... and I know which would win (for me). Sorry to hear you are suffering, maria and I hope you find some relief from your pain sooner rather than later.
Who's this Percy you're talking about? When a needle appears, that part disappears! Actually, I'm not too bad nowadays - can have an injection without too much trauma if I look away. It goes back to when I was 7 and had a pair of scissors stuck in my eye by a school 'friend'.
I had an ingrown toenail some years back, and I had to have injections in my big toe (2 injections I think). I had already read that they are painful, so knew what to expect. The way I look at it is that people have it done everyday (children included), and it won't kill you. Its very quick. The worst bit for me was that I could still feel the scalpel cutting (sensation only). I hope it goes well for you @maria and that it isn't too uncomfortable. I had a tear duct syringed once. The nurse hadn't done one before and told the other nurse that the tube was too big. The experienced nurse said it was the only size they had in stock, so just be more forceful It felt like having a needle into the brain through the eye. Doesn't beat @shiney 's scissors though.