Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by ARMANDII, Dec 4, 2014.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Here's an article from the Amateur Gardening Magazine about another Bug that could be on it's way to the UK.

    "A Bug that emits a revolting stench could be heading to the UK, Insect Experts fear.
    The Brown Marmorated Stink Bug has infested large swathes of America, with further outbreaks being reported in Italy, and France. Authorities fear the Bugs, which emit a stink of rotting rubbish when handled, are likely to enter the UK on imported plants. They are a nuisance when they invade homes - often infesting beds and sofas.
    Guy Barter, Chief Advisor at the Royal Horticultural Society, said foreign Stink Bugs have been "invasive and damaging in warm countries." Guy told AG "Our Wisley Entomologists suggest that these Shield Bugs, like the Green Shield Bugs, pose a modest threat of establishing in mild Southern areas only, as our climate is too cold/wet for them to thrive. Entomologists, however, point out that this pest enters dwellings where it does survive and will be a nuisance, as well as damaging plants.
    According to the Food and Environment Research Agency [FERA], Brown Stink Bugs attack over 100 plant species; primarily Fruit trees, and woody perennials. Adults mostly feed on fruit, whilst Nymphs suck juices from leaves, stems and fruit. They're partial to Citrus, Apples and Plums - but have an appetite for Acers, Buddleia, Hibiscus, Lonicera and Salix.
    John Adlam, of grower and garden centre group the Horticultural Trades Association, said "Shield Bugs are not new to the UK as a species and we have some of the family here. UK growers have measures in place to control pests we have now. and sub-species in the future. The plant import business has controls in place. Plants from outside the EU coming are subject to an inspection and certification scheme at the place of export."

    I have to say that I find Mr Adlam's remarks a bit optimistic and maybe just meant to reassure the Public. I, for one, wouldn't put my trust in a Inspection and Certification scheme operating in a place of export outside the EU.....nor, to be honest, would I place any faith in any scheme for plants in the according the News two EU countries already have the Bug so obviously the schemes aren't working.:dunno::doh::snork:
    • Informative Informative x 4
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      There's a thread going on in the usa forum at the moment about Stink Bugs falling into compost tea and exploding :yikes:

      Jury's still out on that one.
    • pete

      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

      Jan 9, 2005
      Mid Kent
      I tend to think the way the world is these days you spitting into the wind if you even try to keep any pests out of the UK.
      If it cant survive here, it wont, if it can, it will, eventually.
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Bit like us then
        • Creative Creative x 1
        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          Do you think we should write to FERA and raise a Stink about it???:dunno::scratch::doh::snork:
          • Funny Funny x 3

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