PeterS I had to travel about 6 hours to get them because the guys would not send then as they will die , rule number one do never and never touch the roots , this is the main reason of why they can only be propagated by seeds , try to cut or divide the plant and it will die under your eyes , let the PH go over ph5 and the plant will die , the seeds only last 1 months so no chance to buy seeds online , they must be fresh , rathen then that , if you respect those rules the plants will be fine , the other minus they are like hostas , the snails are attracted by them and will eat all plants if you allow them .. overall when I told the guy a far did i go to get them , he laught at me someone had done even longer jopurney then me for this plants ..... I`ve been pollinated all the flowers by hand so finger cross for fresh seeds
Guys the secret it`s really , I mean really, easy , they are acid plants as simple as this , feeding with azalea liquid feeding , always watering under and use only and exclusive ericaceous compost . If any of you would like to try from seeds , the best think to do it`s to get fresh seeds from a private supplier , wash them in worm water for a day and place on ericaceus compost , good seeds should sproud 2 weeks later and them that`s the hard bits , as soon as the roots come out that`s the only moment they can planted in pot , and leave them for 24 months ... or if anyone it`s really interested I can contact the guy and ask if he has any plants left for this years , he plants seeds every years and then sell the plants after 4/5 years ,...... that include a trip to Brighton as the guy will not sending the plants
Longk finger cross for the seeds I really hope so ..... no ...mine are not growing in a heated greehouse as the plant can hold -5c , and to be a step head of you ... this picture is from a friend of mine who works at Kew and they have a plant in flower now in the woodland garden outdoor , so in a good position , with a mild winter will flower in winter even outdoor ... how good is that the minus is that slugs love them
I'm quite tempted to try Philesia magellanica...................
Yes the Philesia magellanica it`s close relate to lapageria and when i look at them i do understand why they are so complicate to grow , the just look like ericaceous plant , to be grown in acid soil ...
:( ....ohh noo why you doing that to me??????? more plants to add at my wanted list , noooooooooooooo
Because you have a bigger garden now!! Wait until I introduce you to the dark arts of South African winter growing bulbs!!!!