I don't have an issue with your links Robert, but I will run it past the rest of the team to make sure. Now, you must tell us about your runner beans - you've got us all in suspense now...
Runner Bean fiasco is here. Enjoy. http://gardenerscorner.co.uk/forum/threads/runner-beans-fiasco.90077/
Battle will be done. They are they ones that are losing out. My books are available on just about every tech device there is with a Kindle reader installed. Books....are just paper...from trees.
Well done, Robert, it looks interesting I love books and I like to hold them in my hands and feel the pages We have something more than a thousand books at home but couldn't afford to buy the amount of books that I read. We've calculated that I have borrowed 15,000 books from the library over the years
Wow...thats a lot of tree there...get far more books on a Kindle then that Christmas tree. Must admire your patience in setting that lot up. Or, was it your local library?
OK. It,s compromise time. ebook readers are great for text stories, but for tech books etc: where images are required books win hands down.
But they are much more expensive than popping into the library when I'm shopping. I do buy some novels. The other month I bought Wasp by Eric Frank Russell in a secondhand bookshop (love looking around those). It cost me 50P. The Kindle version is about £7, softback version about £6.25 and the hardback version £130+
I am just imagining a courtroom and the judge saying " Place your hand upon the Kindle and swear.................." "What do you mean it's out of batteries, I'm waiting to swear this witness in!!!
It,s been quite awhile since I have bought a Kindle book. It,s surprising what you can find for free. And a lot of the top authors on Kindle will offer their products free to download for a period of time. I know, because I have done it myself. It,s amazing how we like freebies. Seems folk will come back looking for more of the same genre and make a purchase. I did have one challenge to read War and Peace. Which I downloaded for free and read every word of it. I am also working through the popular classics which I really should have read in my younger days.