I agree Pete, Cl always added some spice to the mix. I could make more effort myself to contribute more.
Oh God! Arguments? Disappearances? Blandness? Other forums? Oh no! Shhhhhhh...... This place constitutes "a life" for me (don't tell anybody else!)
Pete You only get out what you put in. We have a core of what 10 or 15 members that hold this forum up , thats a fact. Whats 3o mins a day spent on here or less , rubbish on tv and too dark and wet to garden , I catch up with my two bessi mates and lots of others as well. Swap plants , get seeds from people I have never met, how good is that I think amazing how generous members have and will be in the future. Spruce
I'm guessing I'm not one of those 10-15 members but I am on here every day and do contribute when I can. So, what else can I do to make the forum 'better'?
I did count you in the 10-15 so you guessed wrong , nothing wrong with being humble always a wonderful quality in a person I think. you be yourself thats all we can be, thats what I do and thats the only advice I can give. Spruce
Eve no worries my friend you are a valuable and well respected member as each of us are,GC is good ,we are all equally important and are just the links in the GC chain and together we all make it good and strong and the best gardening Forum in Cyber space
Aw, I'm blushing now. I do love this forum and I love gardening but I'm not that knowledgeable and wish I could contribute more. I know some of the members don't like the non gardening stuff but I enjoy the banter as well as the serious stuff.