to all that need one then. I've been lucky with the sunshine lately but have rain heading my way tomorrow so will send the sun to all that need it
But that's just it Eve, a forum doesn't just work on answers, it needs questions too. Luckily one of those rare opportunities came today when I could actually answer a question! I provided a video as well! and even better, I got in there before Harry We all learn from each other, that makes those who don't know as valuable as those who do.
Pete, would you like to explain what you mean by bland? The only thing I can think of that GC is missing is fisticuffs. Surely you don't want any of that!
I wrote a big long reply Sheal, well long for me anyway. But deleted it. Scared I might upset some one.
Don't be scared - you're among friends <ok I'm nosy and want to know what you wrote, so go on and post it>
I think what @pete might be driving at, is that there are (maybe) too many posts that aren't garden related. He's a serious gardener you know!
I'm sure that will change when we can all get out and do more serious stuff in the garden. It's hard to fill a thread with "day 2 of seed watch - no movement in tray so far"