I know where you're coming from, but i've been on forums before this one that have got out of hand and memberships just crashed. Arguements broke out, regular members stopped posting and even after 10 years they haven't picked up to the previous levels. If you want an unmoderated platform to vent on then there are a few out there. We just don't want it happening here. If someone wants to discuss a controversial subject then go ahead, as long as you can keep it legal and don't pee anyone else off too much.
I'm in two minds. This forum is pretty much always good-natured, as it should be. I think there's nothing wrong with 'strong' debate, but I felt there were times when we were one post away from something undesireable. Glad I'm not a mod...
You could always post a shopped pic of red tatties :-) and anyone who thinks you can get more than three tubers from one seed tattie is in cuckoo land There you go Jack McH
Just as an example of an un moderated platform, Just look at the comments on the Eastenders faux pas, or rather don't if you'm offended by anything I can't believe that something as big as Youtube can allow anyone to say whatever they like about anything, it must really destroy some folks confidence
I was going to raise this next week . Absolutely no problem with the gamers , I play them sometimes , but they are flooding the "New posts" all the time . Can we have a dual new posts section - ie GC New Posts and Gaming New posts ? Think this needs a look at Admin
I have not a clue if this is even possible @HarryS, but I have added it to the agenda in the office and we will have a chat about it and see what (if anything) can be done
I also find it quite hard to locate the strictly gardening related posts, among a sea of non related post, and under the, sometimes very generous, list of "sticky posts".