Good morning having had the privilege of being a Moderator for a time,its very difficult sometimes to just where a thread is going ,but I can say that before a thread is terminated it is discussed by all Admin thoroughly ,but I personally feel that it is much better to terminate a controversial Thread sooner rather than later to prevent any friction and animosity,if your balanced judgement, foresight and actions look at times a little premature then so be it,Prevention is far better than cureWe are indeed fortunate that we have always had a great Webmaster/Daisies/ Admin Team ps.I shall try and refrain from playing on the games thread and flooding itbut will start to morrow
Good morning Fern please don't go and please don't take the post about the games thread personally,I nearly did but decided just to laugh at the comment,I shall continue to flood the Games thread especially early mornings as it also helps yours truly,my reasons are personal,If you leave I wont have anyone to play with,please just take the comments with a pinch of salt,I can assure you they were just observations and not criticisms of you me or anyone else that enjoys keeping their brain active and enjoys the Games Thread
@Fern4 please please do not think anyone is criticising the gaming section . And absolutely no one is being targeted .The same goes for the pets , recipes , good morning etc sections . All these are an extremely important social side to the forum . We can't talk about sticking plants in holes all the time ! Any member who wants to have the odd half hour playing the games a couple of times a day is to be encouraged . It is a forum reporting problem we have not a gaming problem . Please do not think of leaving the forum , it would be an emptier place without you . And don't you ever stop your gaming ! Promise ?
@Fern4 - just carry on as you were. The forum is here for all to use as they see fit. I'm here for the gardening (and on other forums too) but I still see a place for non-gardening discussions and activities too. I like to share my love of film and when I'm feeling smug about a triumph in the kitchen I'll share that too
@wiseowl sorry WOO missed your post on gaming . I hope all understand that no criticism of the gamers was meant . Now go and have a game or 5 , and enjoy!
Good morning @HarryS I know you well (all though we have never met) and hold you in the highest esteem my friend,no worries,
There probably isn't a solution to the latest post section that wouldn't be unfair to the gamers, so in the times of not much gardening action may I suggest that we use the new posts button on the tool bar, then select recent posts so you can see threads you've already viewed
Fern, I wasn't having a go at you, Woo, Autumn Bliss et al, but the games now dominate the posts at times. In a previous life here we had a Games Section which I sometimes frequented but it was separate to the Forums and you only saw it if you entered that section. I'm sure many will remember this. Hopefully you will reconsider leaving and that the issue can be resolved amicably for all concerned.
Hi "M" it does but you get like a 'front page' up of your chosen subjects then you go into each forum individually. Maybe not explained well but it wasn't for me. I specifically tried it to eliminate seeing the games ... and other sections.