Hi all, very keen newbie gardener from Merseyside, Hoping to find advice and inspiration from other like minded people
Welcome to GC Matthew. It's a wonderful, friendly forum and you'll get loads of help and advice from really knowledgeable people and lots of laughs along the way. What's your garden like at the moment?
I have a good sizes garden and have just introduced my two children to the world of growing your own fruit and veg
And a very warm from me too! I'm sure you will have hours of fun teaching the children how to grow veg I have wonderful memories from my childhood going to my Nans shared allotment! you will get heaps of advice & help on here everyone's so friendly, there's also lots of funny people....I literally laugh out loud so much. Happy gardening
Hello Beckie, always nice to have fresh meat .. I mean new members here.. lol So what sort of garden(s) do you have? Also do you have any pets ?
Hello fit gardener! I've been around for a few weeks now....how have you missed the fresh meat!!!! I have four hens & an old white tabby pussy cat! This is Matthews thread!
Hi Mathew, lovely to meet you and welcome to GC, I feel sure you will enjoy your time in here, there's a wealth of information amongst the folks here and everybody's helpful and friendly. Look forward to chatting with you x
Welcome to Gardeners Corner Matthew. I'm just over the pond from you and there are several members living in your area. Enjoy your garden with your children.
Hi Mathew, welcome to Gardeners corner. The Gang here are very friendly and always willing to give good advise. It would be a help if you could describe your garden, the direction it faces, what kind of soil it is, and what kind of gardening and plants you like.