I've got the Dado panels in my hallway (Anaglypta) it's ready for re painting now but it's great for wiping down when you've 2 dogs chasing round the house...
Yes, when you have dogs everything has to be easily cleanable, on the Lincrusta you can even use oil based gloss paint. Well you saying that they are too lovely to just throw them out.
I must clarify it is the Lincrusta samples I was suggesting you frame, to be hung in the loo or anywhere else for that matter ☺️
I'm not a wallpaper person at all and have had many homes where they have been ripped down pronto. However my current house is an old Victorian and the previous owner had wallpapered almost everywhere with anaglypta. As I've been renovating, I have slowly been taking the anaglypta off when redoing each room. You can see why it is popular, of course some people love it, but having taking it off a lot of walls, you can see it covers all sorts of wall horrors like dodgy plaster and small holes very well and repaints excellently if it has be put on well to begin with. One thing I'd say, if you are going to go with anaglypta is make sure you want it up for a fair while - it is a nightmare to get off the wall and will take any bit of the wall that is not 100% sound with it on the way. An atrocious messy job. I've found I've had to plaster bits and skim most of the walls where I've taken the paper off. Some rooms I will have to leave it on as they would be big jobs I don't have the heart for at present. Freshly painted with a simple anagypta patter actually looks nice if that is your thing. Sorry didn't mean to put you off but think well first. p.s. I think it is most suited to rather large rooms. In small rooms it is rather overwhelming in my opinion. Good luck GG
@Gay Gardener I think Anaglypta looks good in any size room, why would a large room be better? there are SO many different styles of Anaglypta that a smallish pattern with not too much relief to it would look very 'at home' in a small room. Now Lincrusta is a totally different 'animal" I would agree totally that a largish room would suit it better.
I've used it. My house is Victorian and there was already Lincrusta on some walls. Yes, it is almost impossible to remove once it's up. I put mine up about 25 years ago, I remember I paid £72 a roll then but the original (early 1900's) patterns are still available and I was able to match to an existing wall. Can you believe that? I think it's embossed with a type of putty and has a strong smell of linseed oil. It is actually quite easy to handle (although they do recommend professional use). It's VERY heavy so really only suitable for small areas eg below a dado rail, sides of stairs etc which is how it was usually used. I also used anaglypta in some areas of the house but there is no comparison. The similarity is they both have regular embossed pattern and they should then be painted. The difference is that Lincrusta will effectively become part of your wall so don't use it if you're likely to change your mind at a later date. Hope that helps.