@Fern4 SO glad you changed your mind, I would miss you as well. I still use the games section at times if I have some spare time and nothing else to read about, one evening I was playing with Armandii for about half an hour (not sure that reads right ) so the new posts must have been flooded then as well!! Victoria was just making a generalised comment not targeting anyone specific.
Hello all. I hope you are all well, and have a good healthy bicker about the games section etc . Just thought I'd drop by, as I said I would from time to time, to say hello. There's no walkabout, life stresses, grudges or moodies at play on my part, I just got rid of my computer because it was taking too much of my time. I'm now limited to my phone for tinternet access, which is a bit of a pain to use, so I can only get on now and then. If you see any completely nonsensical words from I, blame autocorrect. Anyway, I hope you are all well. All is good here, except that poor old gothilda had to go to the great mountain road in the sky, so now I'm on Japanese wheels for now. All good here, catch up soon.
Well get another computer, you are allowed time off aren't you? I miss you, we all miss you, it isn't the same without you!!! Sorry to hear about Gothilda but Japanese wheels are certainly reliable!!