I've got eyes like a hawk and in the back of my head, i notice anything differant, ie, how people park cars, when things are done differantly by the same person etc
@rosebay Good Morning Rosebay, what's with this fruit loop of a neighbour you have? How long has she been pestering you? Is it really affecting how you live (it would me) Do the police know? Sorry to be so nosey and PLEASE only answer if you want to, I have just been picking up bits and pieces on various threads about what she is doing x x
Im far more observant with spaces and buildings but thats because my brain works in that way and i did interior design. Also i have a photographic memory which helps Im not observant when it comes to people like with haircuts etc
It was indeed @rosebay (although what he is thinking on the inside may be quite different ) Mind you, the other project I put up yesterday (a spiders web trellis) which is opposite the kitchen window he still hasn't noticed. Now, the sink is below the kitchen window and it's his job to do the washing up so how on earth he hasn't seen that one, I don't know
Hard to condense this but will give the bare bones of it. It started up in 2004 when I got increasingly fed up not having any peace in my garden.....all I kept hearing was SCREAMING kids constantly (at play but also always shouting). I made the mistake of yelling out "shut up!". At that stage I didn't even know her (although she lives 2 doors away). Weird things started happening, e.g. I looked out of my kitchen window one morning to find my light aluminium garden chair smashed up in the middle of my lawn! It shocked me but I had no enemies so put it down to something random. Then a hangman's noose appeared in my front garden. This was when the trashing started e.g. bread wrappers, empty prawn containers pushed firmly into base of plants (not schoolkids discarded pizza boxes). One day I saw a girl looking sheepishly at a bag of empty sweet wrappers in my front garden. I asked her if she knew anything about it and she said it was her mum. I gave her back the bag. Next thing I know her mother appeared at my frontdoor, ranting that I couldn't give her daughter the bag since it was a "health hazard". I said she got things twisted since I was the victim here. That was my first encounter...she was like someone in the Jeremy Kyle show. I only ever said "shut up" to her overheard screaming kids a few times. Once the penny dropped, I stopped doing it, i.e. that I was being trashed and vandalised because of this. Then she started trespassing into my back garden and vandalising there. I reported the smashed pots etc to the anti social unit (since she has a council flat) and they opened up a file on her and took photos. She is a law unto herself and won't be reprimanded - just inflammes her but I am not a sitting target. She cuts across the neighbour's garden (inbetween her property and mine). Next door neighbour has poor eyesight and rarely uses her garden. I saw a sloping plank leant against the fence that she used to clamber up onto to get into my garden! I got a high, expensive back fence erected but she has still been getting onto the shed roof up until recently. She resents my education (I have a degree in psychology) and wants to prove herself The worst excesses have been a dead pigeon in a bin liner slung into my back garden, her killing my magnificent front rosebush (I suspect with bleach, since next door neighbour had her front hedge sprayed with something that turned it black and it died). The torn branches of the rose bush though have proved handy in acting as a blockage/deterrent (I have placed them around the shed roof's edge). Recently she threw out a letter (from my front porch) out on to the front garden path; (she frequently flings open the stiff porch door and does some trashing). I sent her a stiff letter saying that the neighbours were now vigilant and that if she did it again I would take action. She can't be reasoned with since she is in denial (despite being caught). She has 5 kids by different fathers, is bitter about her life, does drugs and alcohol so I guess she gets her low life kicks this way. I tried to reason with her, make peace but her mum said "no, it's not over because you're not dead yet!" That death threat has been logged with a crime number since she was dumb enough to admit it to the police. It is the key reason I am wary of getting her on film since it would mean going to court....I don't want to risk my life on this ridiculous issue. When I lived with my mother, nearby, to care for her....she even started trashing and vandalising mum's front and back garden!! I caught her shining a torch into my mum's living room late at night - she was outside using the torch attachment to her mobile. Reporting that made her stay away for a year. Then it started up again (unprovoked...all I ever do is report the excesses of her antics). Generally it's mostly trashing, about 2 -3 times a week. I think most people would be beside themselves to cope with this but I am spiritually focused, have a positive mindset and don't have a victim's mentality. I feel I am recently just starting to win preventing her entering my back garden (to see evidence of her being in my garden, e.g. throwing stuff around, breaking stems always has a brief disorientating affect on me). Also she is now pregnant....again! So at least she won't be agile enough to trespass!
A lot of people have said that. Why should I? No doubt that is what she wants. Mum bought me this flat to be near to her. Between 2012 - 2014, I moved in with her to become her full time carer. She is now in a good local carer's home and is content; we visit her regularly. I have now returned to my flat (since last April). It is mostly wonderful to be here again. I love my inner sanctum here, i.e. what I have done to this flat by way of inner decoration and its garden. I am largely desensitised now to her antics anyway, since this is some 11 years on, i.e. mostly I remain unaffected. I barely react now. I have started to return her trash to her front garden though! Val, I realise it sounds horrendous but (mostly) I feel the worst is over. She cannot get away with what she used to since she knows I will report her now. Her vandalisms (for the most part) are less severe. Before I knew her, someone came to my door, asking me to sign a petition against her; at that stage I did not know of her so didn't sign it. She has a local reputation so probably resents me informing the locals of her antics. At least she lives 2 doors away, i.e. not immediately next door. The poor lady who lives there has suffered constant loud music at all hours and been targeted herself (e.g. her front hedge was killed off - now replaced with a fence). Perhaps, with it now being 6 kids, there is the thin hope that she may want to move herself, i.e. to accommodate them all (although the eldest has now left...the one with a conscience that informed me it was her mother doing this).