I know what you mean, we had the same with nasty neighour 18 years worth, but you get to know what they do and when, but our nasty has gone now and life is great
I am very observant. My OH on the other hand, not. Fact-story---- the outside light on the deck, I was tired of how it looked. So changed it, to a light that was totally different that the old one. It took him 6 months to say hey there is a new light there. when he is working in the gardens, he can't even notice a weed next to him, and pull the thing. I could get 3 inches cut off my hair, and no he does not notice it at all. I have passed my OH, in my car on a small country road, in my blue car, sunlight, my red hair and he does not notice.
@rosebay - I am terribly sorry, I don't know how I missed your reply to my post - I've only just come across it. She sounds like a real fruit loop and I cannot understand why the council haven't done anything about her. I hope you are right and it's tailing off. Feel sorry for the daughter with a conscience. Hope it stays quiet for you x x
Ah thanks for the reply. The council has some effect on her....for a while, then she starts up again. She is disturbed/can't be reasoned with. Yes I have now had 2 whole weeks free of garden vandalism! (Following on from reinforcing/further barricading the borders of my shed roof). I still slightly tense when I first dare to peer out into my back garden in the morning, but then it is such a joy to see everything as I left it i.e. stems not broken or items displaced or trash pushed into tight corners. I am hoping this will be the end to it now...she still messes around in the front garden but my back garden is my private sanctuary.