Yawn Yawn, Wakey WAKEY...!! 2015

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Evening All.

    Covered in cloud here today, paint won't dry :sad:

    Have a good evening everyone and don't get hung out to dry.
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha everyone,

    Moyra, I hope you're feeling better :grphg:

    It was a beautifully sunny day today and the solar panels produced almost 20 kWh :hapydancsmil:

    I was getting on quite well in the garden in the afternoon until I went to move a large wooden pole that was being used to help keep the deer out. It had been blown down by the wind and I picked it up to replace it as it's to be propped up against the neighbour's wire fence (with the neighbour's permission). He hopes to replace the wire fence with a wooden one :blue thumb:.

    As I propped it against the fence the wires bent and collapsed and the pole flipped over! The bottom of the pole flipped upwards and smashed me in the shin. :sad: :mute:

    On most people this would have hurt and caused a bruise and/or a graze. With me, as I have trouble with circulation and very thin skin and have to wear pressure stockings, it did a fair bit of damage. By the time I managed to hobble indoors my trouser leg was soaked in blood and it had run down into my shoe! :cry3:

    Mrs Shiney cleaned the leg up, stopped the bleeding and put a dressing on it. It's now extremely painful to walk around. I can't get a pressure stocking on so I mustn't stay in one position too long. so I have to walk around! :doh: It's a lot better this morning but still pretty painful and I hope it heals up quickly - not something that happens with poor circulation.

    Our tree surgeons have cancelled today's work because of the weather forecast - lots of rain! We have to wait another two weeks.

    If there are gaps in the rain I shall wander down the garden :old: and try and clear the prunings that I have done.

    Our green waste wheelie bins were emptied yesterday and now one of them is missing! I spoke to the boss of the council's waste disposal dept. (she comes to us on Open Day :blue thumb:) and she said that the lorry had gobbled it up!!! :hate-shocked: They will deliver a new one within the week. Which probably means two weeks because of Easter :doh:

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      Morning all have a good Easter weekend and take care my friends:)

      @shiney hope the shin heals quickly and that you feel better soon my friend:)
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      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone,

        Shiney...Oh no,your leg must be very painful:grphg::ouch1: and on your shin too where there isn't much flesh in the first place.That's my biggest fear when Mum come to my house,I'm all the time guarding her legs in case the dogs accidently catch them with her skin being so thin.
        Here's hoping you'll heal quickly:fingers crossed: It's going to be bruised too:ouch1:

        It's a drizzly one here this morning but no wind and feeling a little milder so if we could get rid of the first bit it would have the makings of a lovely day:rolleyespink:...
        It's looking like a Greenhouse day in between cooking Fish,well it is Good Friday:thumbsup:

        Waves to all,have a lovely day what ever the weather and take care:SUNsmile:
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        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Thanks, Loli :blue thumb:

          Yes, I have to be very careful around dogs. Although I love them I have to make sure that they don't jump up to me. With bigger dogs, when they come down their claws tend to scrape your legs and with smaller dogs they jump onto your legs.

          I'm pretty good at getting out of their way. :smile: I back off or side step. Then hold them down so that I can pet them and talk to them.
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          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Morning early people :)

            Ouch, that sounds nasty Shiney :sad:

            Chucking it down here, be working in the pill box this morning.

            Have a good day everyone and don't judge a book by it's cover :)
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            • LyndaG

              LyndaG Super Gardener

              Feb 6, 2015
              Looking in to say a quick "good morning" folks as had a bit of a rude awakening when I found out I was working today - I thought I was off from last night until Tuesday, lol - alas not x Still it will give me a break from Phil who is already moaning about today's TV schedule :roflol:

              Hope you all manage to get some gardening done today.

              @Beckie76 Aldi was FAAAAABULOUS yesterday. I got 9 shrubs and some patio plants and some hanging basket plants :dancy:I was trying to get a quick sale for Phil and Baldrick so I could buy more, but my master plan failed. :sad: If you haven't been yet, stop everything you're doing and get down there right now, lol.

              @shiney On a serious note, I'm very sorry to hear about your leg - there is no worse place than on your shin. I hope it heals soon and that you can take it easy today. Sending healing vibes your way.

              Enjoy your Good Friday folks - I noticed little weeds and stuff growing yesterday - soil must be warming up :hapydancsmil:
              • Friendly Friendly x 1
              • moyra

                moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                Sep 17, 2005
                South East Essex
                Good Morning all,

                Like Shiney I too have to watch my legs and feet because of poor circulation.
                Shiney not sure I will make the Open Day this year, very much depends on how I feel but it would be nice to see everyone again and as I did not bring Amber last year, maybe, just maybe I might come with her this year. No promises though.

                Loli, that is sad about the blackbirds, there are always the ones to suffer. I guess it is because they are ground eaters. I do love to see them.

                Well, it is a miserable day here, have taken Amber out in the rain and mud and wet, didn't see a soul earlier. Have a happy Easter everyone despite the weather.
                God bless.:wub2:

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                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                  Hi @shiney I do hope you are alright around owls:heehee:
                  • Funny Funny x 1
                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    Both of you would be very welcome. :)

                    Yes, they're OK as they have a feather touch. :biggrin:
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • moyra

                      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                      Sep 17, 2005
                      South East Essex
                      Shiney, wouldn't have to worry around Amber she is such a big softy, wouldn't hurt a fly!
                      Have a good evening all, do take care. Goodnight,
                      God bless.:wub2:

                      • Friendly Friendly x 1
                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        Night night all, run out of internet, see you in a few days :) DSCN1001.JPG
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                        • Beckie76

                          Beckie76 Total Gardener

                          Jan 26, 2015
                          Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                          @LyndaG it was magnificent :hapfeet:I couldn't believe my eyes, you can see our Aldi from the road it's right near some traffic lights, I was literally panicking when the lights turned red as I got to them! I dashed into the carpark, I was with my brother he couldn't believe how excited I was!:doh: I bought 3 lavenders, 1 box of summer bulbs, 2 hanging basket packs & a pack of busy lizzies I forgot to buy cucumbers plants in the excitement!! I'm going to go back tomorrow in the hope to get some cucumbers & more bedding plants :hapydancsmil: I can't wait for next week! :) God it was good & they look so well & are so cheap :wow: I'm pleased you also got some plants & enjoyed yourself :dbgrtmb:.....I'm bursting to get them in the pots now :dancy:
                          @shiney, I'm so sorry to hear about your leg, I hope it's not giving you any trouble & soon heals, sending you healing wishes :dbgrtmb:
                          I've not managed any gardening today my office was a disgusting state! :ouch1: I've shredded, filed, sorted & now I'm feeling rather smug! :) I've probably shredded something really important :oopss: keep your fingers crossed!!! I couldn't stop there so I've sorted out my airing cupboard, not much to throw out but it's now clean & very tidy :hapydancsmil:I've made a good start in the kitchen too, it was clean but the cupboards were a bit untidy, I've got to pop into work tomorrow but hope to do some gardening in the afternoon, failing that Sunday is the day! Hubby has a pile of 'stuff' at the front it's unsightly that's on my list & his but he doesn't know that yet!!!!:rofllol:
                          I hope everyone has had a good day & got lots of jobs done.
                          Night night sleep tight everyone xx :)
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                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            Aloha everyone,

                            My leg is quite sore but not as bad as yesterday. The problem is that if I put my leg up it's then agony to get up and walk. I think that's because of the stretching and change of movement on the skin. Once I've been walking around it then doesn't hurt much at all. I'm not looking forward to trying to get the dressing off! :hate-shocked: Hopefully it will come off fairly easily in the shower :fingers crossed:

                            I managed to doze for an hour or two and have been wandering around since 2.15. It starts to hurt if I stay in one place too long. :doh:

                            We've got guests for dinner tonight so I'll prep things in stages. Nothing too complicated. Asparagus soup cooked in coconut milk, roast chicken with crispy roasties, stir fried mixed veggies, Yorkshire puds, blackberry and apple crumble with homemade mango ice cream.

                            Two of Mrs Shiney's friends (female) are useless cooks and have asked for lessons. So I'll have them in the kitchen with me. :rolleyespink:

                            Going for a wander round now. :blue thumb:

                            Have a great day :biggrin:

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                            • Lolimac

                              Lolimac Guest

                              Good morning everyone,

                              Shiney...Hope the dressing comes off easy,it's making me wince just thinking about it:ouch1:..If only that pole had fallen a couple of inches the other way,it just shows how easily accidents happen .Hopefully it will settle down in a day or two:fingers crossed: Mrs Shiney will see it right:thumbsup: Are you putting honey on it?

                              Moyra... You must be careful too with your legs,Amber is a good girl and looks after her Mum :doggieshmooze: not like my two clumsy lunatics ,they blindly race around and everything in their path has to scatter when they're in play mode:phew:

                              Beckie and Lynda...sounds like you girls have had great shopping trips,I still haven't got there yet:doh:I don't know what's going on these days:th scifD36: there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day:rolleyespink:

                              My throat feels a bit sore this morning:th scifD36: I'm not one for sore throats:scratch: I surely can not be getting anoooother cold:nonofinger:

                              Annnyway off to the coal face shortly so you can bet your bottom dollar the sun is going to be out today:rolleyespink:

                              Take it easy everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
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