Yawn Yawn, Wakey WAKEY...!! 2015

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Jan 3, 2015.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Morning Moyra and all my other friends,hope you are all OK,enjoy your weekend:smile:
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    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,

      Hope everyone has had a comfy night:dbgrtmb:

      Get well wishes to Shineys computer:pcthwack::biggrin:

      Come on sunshine....Where are yoooo?:th scifD36: I'm getting greedy now,we've had a good dose of it the last few days so I suppose she needs a rest...not for long though:old:

      I really must crack on today instead of wandering around the garden daydreaming:rolleyespink: it's all well and good having all these visions of marvellous borders but if I don't sort the plants out there won't be any borders:heehee:

      Wishing everyone well,take it easy and take care:SUNsmile:
      • Friendly Friendly x 1
      • Beckie76

        Beckie76 Total Gardener

        Jan 26, 2015
        Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
        Good morning everyone, It's very overcast here today, the forecast is better for this afternoon, I have quite a lot of work to do this weekend but I hope to get into the garden at some point, even if I only get the grass cut :blue thumb:, I'm going to seed a lawn this afternoon at one of our properties, let's hope it grows! :heehee:
        The seed swap parcel arrived here on Thursday, I was so excited last night I stayed up late sowing seeds! Hubby was surprised at the latest collection of seed trays on the worktop! I have some scabious & courgettes which need potting on so once they are done we shall have a worktop near the window again!
        Today is Aldi day for me, I'm hoping there's some clematis left, we have a wire fence between us & our lovely neighbours I'm hoping to grow some clematis on the wire, I thought that would look nice, don't worry @LyndaG i shall be buying more than just clematis :heehee:.
        The hens are literally like spring chickens this morning Hilda & Nora are striding up & down the garden shouting, I've just given them some dried mealworms, they won't last long :chicken:. Little B seems to be back to her normal self which is lovely to see, Marion is shouting, I think she's just laid an egg & wants me to know! :heehee:
        @Lolimac i hope you manage to get those boarders sorted out, I'm sure your girls will give you a hand!!!! :heehee:
        @Woo I hope you are feeling better today?
        @shiney i hope your leg improves today, don't over do it my friend.
        @moyra I hope your walk with Amber was nice & you are feeling better.
        Have a great day everyone, I shall update you on my Aldi purchase later on :hapfeet:I hope it's another good week this week!
        Take care & happy gardening :SUNsmile: :grphg:
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        • lost_in_france

          lost_in_france Total Gardener

          May 28, 2013
          Morning all

          Lots of rain overnight for which the garden is thankful but starting to brighten up now

          Good luck to Shiney's computer at the PC doctor's surgery

          Hope there's lots of lovely plants at Aldi for you Beckie

          Feel better soon wishes for Woo, Moyra and Shiney

          Have a great day everyone
          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • Jenny namaste

            Jenny namaste Total Gardener

            Mar 11, 2012
            retired- blissfully retired......
            Battle, East Sussex
            I got that too this morning Moyra. Seems perkier this afternoon though,
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Jenny, not sure what that is about, whether our thread needs renewing, usually once a year is enough! Having said that have we had more members participating this year.
            • wiseowl

              wiseowl Admin Staff Member

              Oct 29, 2006
              Philosophy of people
              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
              Good morning everyone have a good Sunday and take care:smile:

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              • Lolimac

                Lolimac Guest

                Good morning everyone,

                Woo...Yet another beautiful picture:wub2: every time I see them I think to myself,he'll never beat that one but you do:love30::blue thumb:

                Hmmm the little tinkers have been eyeing up my parterre :th scifD36:...I have made a start on a small chicken wire fence around it while the hedging fills out and they can't squeeze through as easily but they were lined up contemplating going 'over the top'.They could easily get over it but haven't attempted it yet.I'm not worried about my Roses as they leave them alone but I doubt the Tulips would stand a chance .I'm sure they're plotting between themselves because they potter around no bother but then as soon as they see me they all toddle up to it ,march up and down and look at me as if to say "go on dare us":biggrin:

                Hope the weather holds up for us to get out there today:blue thumb: the sun came out here yesterday but that breeze was bitterly cold again.

                Have a great day everyone and take care:SUNsmile:
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                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Aloha everyone,

                  Thanks for all your good wishes for me and 'Puter' :)

                  I suppose it must be Hamlet (Shakespeare's longest script). :heehee:

                  Com'Puter' is back and feeling much better but still not quite right. Tom will be back to sort it. He said the problem (computer freezing) seemed to be caused by the latest uploads I had done for Windows (no viruses found :blue thumb:). It seemed to have created glitches on other parts of the computer. It also removed the 'restore points' :doh: which didn't make things too easy for him. He has reloaded Windows and got all the updates running properly.

                  It's running well but my photo storage programme won't load (I've checked and the photos are still on the hard drive - and backed up on two other drives :phew:)! I also get a report that the software specifically for backing up my emails and address book is frozen but they also get backed up with all the data backups. I have that software (been using it for years) because it can be handy to have the email data easily accessible in case it's needed. We have over 3,000 addresses in our address book and 6,000 emails stored!!!

                  Yesterday we only had a tiny amount of rain (so I'll need put the sprinkler on the new 55ft bed where the 22 conifers were removed) and it was quite cold, but then in the afternoon it reached 70F. We've had a frost overnight but the sun is now shining brightly.

                  Mrs Shiney has asked me not to post any photos of the new bed until after Open Day :) and she hopes it will have settled down by then and the plants will be OK. Most of them have been transplanted from other parts of the garden and we don't know whether they'll survive the move.

                  My leg is gradually getting better but still painful. The swelling of the foot has gone down a bit but the ankle is still badly swollen but I can get my shoe on without it hurting. The lighter strength pressure stocking is definitely helping the foot and I think it's helping the ankle :blue thumb: but it makes the leg wound more sore as it has to also go over the dressing.

                  That hasn't stopped me working in the garden :hapydancsmil:. I've edged another 100ft of lawn, done a load of weeding, finished building the new ShineyFrame and put in all the canes on both frames. They should now be able to take a few hundred bean plants :dbgrtmb: All I need to do with the frames is to weave the strings to make the roof on each one. That should only take an hour or so but it's all stretching upwards so I may need to stop for a few rests in between. :coffee:

                  When I was doing the edging I was being watched by a blue tit who was in his box and his head was poking out of the hole. :wub2:

                  Have a great day :biggrin:

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                  • Lolimac

                    Lolimac Guest

                    Good to see you back Shiney and pleased the leg is getting there:dbgrtmb:
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                    • Phil A

                      Phil A Guest

                      Morning early people :)

                      Suns shining but still windy here.

                      The Boy is coming over for a drink tonight :)

                      Got some sorting out to do, be moving next weekend.

                      Have a good day everyone and don't quit your day job :)
                      • Friendly Friendly x 3
                      • wiseowl

                        wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                        Oct 29, 2006
                        Philosophy of people
                        Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
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                        • moyra

                          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                          Sep 17, 2005
                          South East Essex
                          Good Morning everyone, Just walked Amber, not a bad morning out there, the sun is trying to shine.

                          Shiney, glad you got your computer back, sounds like you need an industrial one the amount of stuff you have on it. I regularly clear mine of a lot of stuff.

                          Loli, I wish I could keep chickens again as you do but not here I'm afraid my landlady wouldn't let me. She is none too happy about Amber these days. Although when I first moved here nearly 18 years ago she was quite happy! I would still love to move maybe Suffolk or North Essex way. Steve complains because all his work is within about 15 miles of here. I am sure he would build up a clientele further north if he wanted to. He might need to advertise at first which of course he never has done all his work has come by word of mouth of people pleased with his standard of work.

                          WOO, hope you are managing to keep well, and girls hope you all manage to get your plants in. All of you though do not overdo your backs. Steve resited a Tit nest box he made and it was never occupied but he has put it out the back garden where it is quieter and already there is interest. So hopefully, we shall have new neighbours soon, Thank the Lord that the landlady hasn't stopped us putting up bird nest boxes. My coconut one usually houses bees.
                          Have a good day all, don't overdo things, God bless. :wub2:

                          • Friendly Friendly x 2
                          • Beckie76

                            Beckie76 Total Gardener

                            Jan 26, 2015
                            Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                            Good morning everyone, lovely day here, the sun is shining :SUNsmile: & we have a blue sky with White clouds :blue thumb:, I'm going to meet hubby at work shortly them it's an afternoon in the garden for me :dbgrtmb:.
                            Yesterday I bought two clematis from Aldi, £4.99 each they are full of blooms, there were other plants but nothing which took my fancy, next week they are going to have passionflowers in, I've already decided where I'm going to put that! :yes: I spoke to my neighbour about putting the clematis along the fence, she's not exactly thrilled with the idea, they are Montana clematis & are very fast growers, she's worried it will grow to big & pull the fence down, I can see her point, now I'm not too sure weather to put it there or not? :scratch: I could buy a oblesk & let it climb up that?
                            @Lolimac mmmmmm the tulips, I have a feeling you might have the same troubles I had :chicken: scratch, scratch scratch look, oh a tasty small slug, scratch scratch scratch look, oh sorry mummy that's just wrecked your new tulips! :roflol: These girls are troublesome sometimes! I've fenced off some of my flower beds with bailer wrap, they now walk around the fences do off area shouting :whistle:
                            @moyra, don't take any notice of your landlady, she's lucky to have kept you as a tenant for 18 years, that's saved her a fortune in 'find a tenant fees' also if she agreed that you could have Amber there's nothing she can do about it! Lovely news about the new neighbours! I've got three nest boxes at the front of our house, I've never had any birds in them, they seem to like the conifer hedge & hubbys workshop better! :)
                            @shiney, sounds like you are making good progress in the garden, I'm looking forward to seeing the new flowerbed, I hope the plants do well :dbgrtmb:, pleased to hear your leg is improving, please don't over do it, make sure you have those rests & plenty of cuppas! :coffee:
                            Good morning @wiseowl I hope all is is well in the 'Woo nest'
                            Have a great day everyone, catch up later xx
                            • Friendly Friendly x 2
                            • wiseowl

                              wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                              Oct 29, 2006
                              Philosophy of people
                              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                              Good morning @Beckie76 your just like a breath of fresh air my friend enjoy your day;)
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