Latest moan from you and me, 2015

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Phil A, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    had to break up a fight between the sheep today :doh:
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      A friend of ours who had a farm on the edge of a town sold some of his land for 3.5 million 20 years ago.

      There's now a new neighbourhood for the town with 1,500 houses, a shopping centre, health centre, two doctor's surgeries, three schools and lots of other amenities there.

      Our friend's comment was that's the most profitable potato crop he'd ever had. :)

      To be fair, it's now only an extension of the town, which was desperately needed and the loss of land had no impact on people and not a great deal on wildlife as the area was constantly being dug and cropped - a mixture of potatoes and rose growing.
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      • Dips

        Dips Total Gardener

        May 10, 2014
        The traffic in my area and parking may have just become so much worse

        basically currently there is a row of shops at the end of the road and traffic can build up a lot and people just cut across you driving into the shops or sit across the road waiting for a space in the shops pull in to become available. its a pain and can become dangerous at times.

        Also people park on my road to go to work in solihull town centre or at the hospital anyway.

        but today the old ambulance station has apparently become a community centre according to its website but is aparently really a mosque. Just to state i have no issues with it being a mosque as such my only issue is with the traffic and parking so i would be just as annoyed if it was a church or events centre etc. Apprently it can be hired out for weddings anyway so i guess is an events centre

        it only has parking for 30 cars and the roads arent wide and traffic gets clogged with just the shops as it is, let alone hundreds to people flocking for talks, events, weddings etc. the road system just wont manage

        On top of that there are new flats being built as well. On the same bit of road which also dont seem to have space for much parking.

        Its bad already but with both these things on top of the shops its going to get so much worse.

        Currently the road is completely blocked and people cant even get to the shops. Its so bad a traffic alert has been put out in facebook.

        EDIT moan: the comments from local residents are extremely ignorant and disgusting. The only issue should be the amount of traffic the use to the building brings that is all.

        Also most cant seem to understand that being muslim is a religion not a race and anyone of any race or heritage can be muslim.
        Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
      • Spruce

        Spruce Glad to be back .....

        Apr 10, 2009
        latest moan , I hope the right thread ?

        I had a email today telling me i had payed "paypal" £39.00 for skype , which I havnt done and dont wont , the mail is a massive fraud I never emailed from the original to complain or ask what was happening , to be honest I wish I never opened it either but it was sitting in my in box and not the spam.

        But I got in touch with paypal and its a fraud and that nothing has been added to my account , plus I have checked as well .... so beware

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        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Another dog walking moan: there is a lovely walk where I can let Ozzy off the lead and give him the freedom to be ... a dog! He runs, he rolls and always keep me in sight.
          I've now trained him to sit at the style and wait (not the old type style, but the metal gate in a semi-circle). Anyway, he sitting, waiting and I'm half way through the gate and I see another dog, also off lead, coming towards the gate. Spot the owners and call out "Is he friendly?" - with that another dog, off lead, appears as they reply "That one isn't!"
          So, now I'm stuck in a style, with Ozzy one side of me desperate to get through and say a doggie hello and a yapping, snarly dog the other side of me with owners who couldn't care less :th scifD36: Managed to push myself back through the style and retrace my steps in the opposite direction so the dogs didn't get to meet.
          Why is that a moan? If you *know* your dog is not friendly .... why let it off lead when it is highly likely there are other dog walkers around? :scratch:
          And the final moan: I wish I wasn't so polite!!! Because the end result being, I ended up having to back track so they could continue on undisturbed :doh:
          End of moan :redface:
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          • Spruce

            Spruce Glad to be back .....

            Apr 10, 2009
            Hi "M"

            You done the the right thing... with not getting into a argument as you never know what could happen in a lonely place ... plus you are too much of a lady to lower yourself to chav style .

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            • Jiffy

              Jiffy The Match is on Fire

              Aug 25, 2011
              Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
              A kissing gate
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              • miraflores

                miraflores Total Gardener

                Apr 16, 2006
                mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                My feelings entirely...
              • honeybunny

                honeybunny Head Gardener

                Feb 15, 2013
                i know that feeling! i never know what to say when put on the spot in such situations and wouldn't have the confidence to say what i really would like to say anyway :dunno:

                my moan brought on by your moan :heehee: is.....we met a man in the park recently who said his three yorkies type dogs were friendly and proceeded to tell us how they are aggressive with big dogs but fine with little dogs :scratch: he barely finished the sentence when one of his went for our Snoopy and bit him on the face! all the dogs (ours and his) were on leads so it was completely avoidable...what was he playing at? of course we were ridiculously polite and he slunk off on his way.....we should have given him a right telling off and got his details too incase Snoop had bite marks! i checked Snoop over and i cant find anything, the yorkie must have just gotten mouthfuls of hair...but thats not the point! is it? :nonofinger:

                what makes it even worse is Snoop was very fearful of other dogs when he was younger (as an impressionable pup he witnessed our other dog being attacked by a greyhound & it really effected him) it took a long time but we worked him through it and now hes great, he regularly meets and greets dogs on walks and at the dog park and bar the odd wobble he really is great & loves it too! it does your heart good to see him let his guard down and enjoy himself :imphrt: that stupid man could have ruined all our hard work and Snoops newfound confidence! slapping.gif
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                  Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
                • "M"

                  "M" Total Gardener

                  Aug 11, 2012
                  The Garden of England
                  Cheers for that Jiffster :blue thumb: Suffice to say there was no kissing going on at that gate that time :heehee:

                  @honeybunny - aww, poor Snoops! Really pleased it didn't reverse all your hard work and dent his confidence again. :doggieshmooze:
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                  • Jiffy

                    Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                    Aug 25, 2011
                    Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                    Why is it that some people won't can't find reverse gear,even when they are 20 yards from a pull-in :mad: in a single track road, well today i had to reverse back again for the same person that can't find reverse gear, Boy it was hard to reverse back, i couldn't stay on the road and had to keep pulling forwards every now and then :whistle:and for some resson i missed 4 pullings on my side :scratch: after 15 minutes i found a pulling and pulled in for that person, for some resson they were not happy at the way i could drive :noidea:

                    I don't know what would happern if two people that can't find reverse gear met at the same time in there 4x4's in a single track road :roflol::roflol::snork::snork:
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                      Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
                    • miraflores

                      miraflores Total Gardener

                      Apr 16, 2006
                      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                      I only had the opportunity to pass my uk driving licence last year, in spite of the old age (:biggrin:) .

                      Through the years I had endless lessons with excellent driving instructors (manual gears)
                      and it was funny that one thing they all noticed, was my rough handling of the gear, and occasionally ending up in the wrong gear.

                      I can totally sympathize with the behavior you describe there, Jiffy, because if I had a manual car, (which I don't at the moment, I have an automatic) I am sure that sometimes it would happen to me as well not to get into reverse...

                      That can easily lead to a serious accident if a pedestrian or child is in close proximity and instead of going backward you spring forward.

                      I am far too careful for that to happen. When there are pedestrians, dogs or children around (especially under boot height) I just don't move the car at all!
                      You read sometimes of horror stories where toddlers get near the car to get a toy and end up under a car!
                    • Jiffy

                      Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                      Aug 25, 2011
                      Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                      These are people that will not go backwards for anyone, the people that find it hard to go backwards, i can wait and i will also go backwards for them, it's just the one's that won't.
                      • Agree Agree x 2
                      • miraflores

                        miraflores Total Gardener

                        Apr 16, 2006
                        mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                        eh eh eh my favourite situation because I couldn't care less...I am actually good at staying in control and they all wonder why...
                      • "M"

                        "M" Total Gardener

                        Aug 11, 2012
                        The Garden of England
                        Yup - like the bus I met on a country road on Friday .... I had to reverse to let that get through. Mind you, rightly so ... he was bigger than me :heehee:
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