Dental abscess

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fat Controller, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    A few years ago, my old Dentist gave me a prescription for antibiotics to be used only if I needed it.
    He trusted me to know if I needed it or not.
    I eventually threw it away, as I didn't, but it was there to get it filled if I needed.
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    • Adendoll

      Adendoll Super Gardener

      Apr 17, 2014
      Greater Manchester
      Relieved to hear you are getting sorted FC!
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      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        That about sums me up to be fair, or at least now it does - once the needle is done and I can't feel what is being done, then crack on - I don't really care at that point. My troubles really started after a terrible experience with a dentist when I was younger, who overdosed me with anaesthetic on one visit which resulted in me collapsing in the surgery loo, and then on a following visit all but sat on me to remove a tooth and ended up ripping it out the side of the gum leaving my gum in shreds, and then followed that up by giving me some tissue to catch the blood as I walked back to the car; the tissue barely lasted to the end of the street before it was saturated, and as I walked past my work, my boss spotted me and took me inside as I was dribbling blood all over the place and as white as a sheet. He wouldn't let me go near my car, and phoned my neighbour to come and get me and my car and take me home - I was in a proper mess, and it took months to heal. Ever since then, I have been utterly terrified.

        The last time I had root canal treatment done, he did exactly that with me, and like you I threw it away; I suppose this time he just thought it wasn't that bad.

        I hadn't had any grief from it before he mentioned it needed doing on a check up, and even after he booked the surgery appointment, I only had a couple of niggles - - nothing like the pain etc that you would normally associate with an infection; maybe it wasn't all that sinister until after the work was done, and that released the infection? The tooth he worked on was actually wholesome and looked fine before he began - apparently the damage was under the gum line, and the tooth innards were the problem
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        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          I think all you 'root canalers' are very brave:love30: I was once threatened with one....Oh no you don't I said:nonofinger:....I'd rather have a tooth dentist tried to talk me into it but not a chance:phew:
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          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            I'm glad you are getting it sorted FC :grphg:

            From your historic visit, it's no wonder you have reservations about going to the dentist :hate-shocked:

            I'm on the wimp side of visiting the dentist too - but mine is far more irrational :redface:
            When I was a girl, I had an accident which chipped my two front teeth. This was back in the day when dentists didn't wear face masks. He was going to "build up" the teeth where the chips were and it was going to take a little time.
            So, laid back in a dentist chair, mouth wide open and what do I see as he leaned over me? :scratch: Something large and looming ... in his nostril! :yikes: :eeew: So, of course, my young brain went into over drive at the horrendous prospect that it may fall into my open mouth and then ... the gag reflex kicked in :oops: Even when I didn't look at him, all I could see in my minds eye was what was lurking in his nose, waiting to choke me. Naturally, the gagging didn't make the work he needed to do any easier; nor could I tell him why I was gagging - mother sat in the corner would have been mortified at my bad manners :th scifD36:
            Like I say, totally irrational really, but I still get a gagging reflex in the dentists chair :redface:
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            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              I'm not surprised you had a gagging reflex at that, and it is not an irrational thing at all. I think a lot of these experiences we have when we are younger have more impact on us than you might initially suspect.

              I think things are settling a bit today - there is still swelling to the front of my jaw, but it has decreased along the side, and although still tender to the touch, it isn't nearly as bad as it was - seems like the ibuprofen is doing what it should be doing, and hopefully by tomorrow the antibiotics will join in.
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              • Lolimac

                Lolimac Guest

                That's good news FC:thumbsup:
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                • Sheal

                  Sheal Total Gardener

                  Feb 2, 2011
                  Dingwall, Ross-shire
                  Good to hear things have improved FC. :) You can't beat Ibuprofen better than any painkiller I think.
                  • Agree Agree x 1

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