TT Races Isle Of Man

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. Charlie996

    Charlie996 Gardener

    Jan 10, 2015
    Retired Builder
    The Vale of Evesham
    I find it kinda hard to visualize other riders outside of the TT circle taking part in the TT .

    Foggy Whitam and a few others cut their teeth partly on the Island as well as on the short circuits They chose the short circuit options for many reasons I suppose but I think having chosen that option it would be hard to switch especially as they had got older plus they are less inclined to take the huge risks that go with pure road racing. I understand your question though but I really think its hard to visualise the likes of Rossi and co on the Island. I believe Rossi was gobsmacked when he actually stood on the ground spectating.

    Riders go over and over again in their heads thinking about every corner entry point exit point apexes and even the straights they consider every change of surface old or new how the atmospheric condition like damp and ambient temperatures affect the surface at varying times of the day . The list is endless ! And that's without bike set up !

    Just like horse riders who examine everything in detail like which saddle or boots to wear at this or that event and every step the horse takes or the steps they hope the horse will take every detail means the difference between tears and trophies.
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    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      Good evening @Sheal :smile:

      Isle of Man TT: Bruce Anstey wins Superbike opener
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      • Charlie996

        Charlie996 Gardener

        Jan 10, 2015
        Retired Builder
        The Vale of Evesham
        Ahhhhh ... Please it it possible to keep the results until those of us who don't have Sky TV have had the chance to watch the racing .
        It's five to nine and just settling in to watch the racing from today... We get to see the day's racing at nine . I realise there was nothing but good intent and I will still watch but it takes the mystery away.

        On other forums there is a Show feature where members have to click to view the results. Not sure if we have this here ?
      • Sheal

        Sheal Total Gardener

        Feb 2, 2011
        Dingwall, Ross-shire
        The Britten certainly looks like a beast Charlie, is it heavy?

        There is a similarity between preparation for horse riding and bike racing but that stops at the speed difference. Holding concentration, let alone the strength that it takes to race multiple laps at speeds now close to 200 mph on two wheels, is a whole different ball game. Drop that concentration for a split second and it's race over. Road racing on two wheels has to be the toughest challenge of all sports and it takes a special person to take on that challenge. Every year we have newcomers here willing to risk all for the thrill and competition of racing.....but, between health and safety, politicians and motorcycle racing authorities I don't think it will be to many years before T.T. becomes a thing of the past. There's just to much interference and bad press coming from outside off island sources, and between them they will destroy the most famous motorcycle road race in the world because they haven't got enough knowledge of it and what it means to the racers, spectator visitors and people of the island. Or is it that they just don't like to see people enjoying themselves! :doh:

        The picture below is taken at Ramsey during T.T. last year. The rider's orange jacket denotes a newcomer. Since I took the picture it's the first thing I see on my 17in laptop screen when I start up my computer. :)

        119 T.T. 2014.JPG

        The difference between Michael and Guy? Michael is driven, possibly because of the Dunlop reputation he has or wants to live up to and that could be a problem. Guy, he wants a win but not at all costs. Like you say Charlie, he is a thinker and I think he is very aware of his own racing ability and will know when to call a halt.....he's possibly already made that decision.

        I'm with Charlie on this one, I don't think there's anyone mad enough to take it on at the moment. :scratch: Charlie......did you ever consider it?

        Thank you @wiseowl, I had heard the result. :dbgrtmb: It's been a great day weather-wise for racing today with just a few spots of rain late morning which didn't amount to anything. Other than that sunny with clear skies. Tomorrow may be a delayed start with a shower or two first thing but supposedly drying up mid morning.

        We don't want the weather messing up tomorrow as it would mean another closure on Tuesday and that's Ramsey Sprint Day! Anyone who wants to have a go on any type of bike that they own, has the opportunity to sprint along the promenade putting their bikes through their paces. :)
        • Like Like x 1
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning @CharlieBot I'm not sure how to answer your type what I am thinking or to type what I should say ,:heehee:

          What I should say is my apologies @CharlieBot I didn't think;)

          What I am thinking is, no I had better keep that to my self,and the answer to your question is I don't have sky TV and anything is possible:lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

            I know diddly squat about racing ,that's Mr Loli's department but this thread is great to read:thumbsup::ThankYou:
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            • Charlie996

              Charlie996 Gardener

              Jan 10, 2015
              Retired Builder
              The Vale of Evesham
              Some specs on the Britten.
              Manufacturer Britten Motorcycle Company
              Also called The Britten
              Production 1991-1998
              Predecessor Aero-D-One
              Engine Water-cooled 999 cc 60 deg V-Twin quad cam 4-stroke producing 166 BHP
              Top speed 303 km/h (188 mph)
              Transmission 5-speed constant mesh / opt 6-speed
              Brakes Front: Dual 320 mm (12.6in) cast-iron discs, Rear: 210 mm (8.3in) disc
              Wheelbase 1420 mm
              Weight 138 kg (303.6 lb) (wet)
              Fuel capacity 24 l (5.3 imp gal; 6.3 US gal)[1]

              Sheal the BMW S1000 RR in race form and weight is 162 kg (357 lb and makes 200 BHP. So the Britten was pretty impressive given its age !

              The opportunity to ride on the Island was never presented to me and I was happy on the easier to learn and ride short circuits . It was I think in 1992 that the TT had its worst ever fatality count ? In fact that count included Mark Farmer on the Britten. So this may of had an influence on my thoughts. I was cutting my teeth back then at Malory Park , Cadwell Park and a few others so even considering riding on the Island never came up .
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              • silu

                silu gardening easy...hmmm

                Oct 20, 2010
                Super photo Sheal and interesting to read about the TT from people who know what they are talking about. I to a certain degree agree with your comments about horse/bike racing similarities or otherwise. Fact remains that horse racing is the only sport where numerous ambulances follow your every move:) (difficult for them to do so around the TT course:)) and the strength to weight ratio of jockeys is amazing. You need huge amounts of strength/balance to keep 3/4 tonne of racehorse going in a straight line when it's very tired. Add in that often the "brakes", steering etc fail to work when travelling at 30mph + and you have lots of other similar "machines" with similar failings in very close proximity certainly concentrates the minds of jockeys, however I would completely agree that the time required to keep concentration is way less.
                Like most sports done well, the professionals make it look easy. I've been a passenger on the back of a powerful bike (Kawasaki H2 Mach IV from memory) and that was pretty scary. I've also ridden a 3yo racehorse up the gallops who decided to pi.. off with me as quite obviously it realised it could have some fun with me, that was terrifying as we hurtled towards a 10ft high stone wall and I could do nothing about it.
                Been chatting to daughter (the 1 with the class 1 licence) and she reckons the type of person required to do either sport are pretty similar. I won't repeat exactly what she said they needed to be but it had to do with procreation and mentality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She also reminded me that 3 professional jockeys and 2 professional event riders have been killed already this year and statistically according to her, more people get hurt riding horses than riding motor bikes, surprising.
                Looking forward to the rest of the TT. Fingers crossed for the weather to be kind and that all the riders keep safe.
                • Like Like x 2
                • Charlie996

                  Charlie996 Gardener

                  Jan 10, 2015
                  Retired Builder
                  The Vale of Evesham
                  I would rather ride a bike than a horse. A bike responds exactly to the input from the rider, The rider makes a mistake and suffers the consequences if something goes wrong. He/She picks up the trophy if it goes right.

                  The horse on the other hand might just decide it doesn't want respond to its rider, It might decide it a bit of a giggle to throw the rider over the nearest fence or jump.

                  I can get into enough trouble on my own without the input from what I'm riding !

                  There are ambulances and trained staff are at strategic points at every race event in both horse and bike racing and I for one am thankful for the superb help when needed !
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                  • wiseowl

                    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                    Oct 29, 2006
                    Philosophy of people
                    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                    Good evening @CharlieBot I shall refrain from naming any winner's ;)

                    Superstock race moved to Tuesday
                    Third successive day of racing planned at Isle of Man TT after traffic accident forces schedule rethink on Monday.


                    William Dunlop's Isle of Man TT is over after the Tyco BMW rider came off during a practice lap on Monday on his Superstock machine at Laurel Bank.

                    Dunlop suffered a broken rib in the incident plus extensive bruising and the Northern Ireland team later confirmed that the 29-year-old will miss the remainder of race week.

                    Dunlop finished fifth in Sunday's RST Superbike race and was one of the favourites for the Monster Energy Supersport races on the CD/IC Racing Caffrey Yamaha R6.

                    The Ballymoney man also crashed at the TT last year, sustaining a broken leg after coming off at Graham Memorial in the Senior race while battling for a rostrum place.

                    On Sunday, Michael Dunlop crashed on the final lap of the Superbike race, injuring his hip after tangling with a slower rider at the Nook.

                    The 11-times TT winner is reported to have stopped at the scene of William's crash to check on his brother before completing his lap.

                    Dunlop's ride on the Victory machine in the TT Zero Challenge race on Wednesday has now been taken over by his Tyco BMW team-mate Guy Martin.
                    Last edited: Jun 8, 2015
                  • silu

                    silu gardening easy...hmmm

                    Oct 20, 2010
                    A right chapter of accidents wiseowl, hope all the injured make good speedy recoveries. Likewise an Italian dressage rider (yes that rather sedate equestrian discipline) was critically injured at a competition yesterday when her horse spooked ,spun round and fell on her. From what I've been told by someone who knows her, things look very bad for her.
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                    • Charlie996

                      Charlie996 Gardener

                      Jan 10, 2015
                      Retired Builder
                      The Vale of Evesham
                      Sorry to hear that.. It is oft said that people who participate in certain sports must accept the risks that go with it... People who say those things seldom understand the passion that grips an individual and drives them to take part. It's hard to put it into words and I'm not clever enough to have them but you will understand what I mean .. Providing of course you are in that certain wave length.... Those that don't won't be..
                      • Agree Agree x 1
                      • silu

                        silu gardening easy...hmmm

                        Oct 20, 2010
                        Know exactly what you mean. I was, with the accent on the was! a professional tennis player. Yes, not the most dangerous of sports but used to play often with horrific blisters on my feet, pretty well constant tennis elbow and a crocked shoulder ie in pain. Did it stop me no...well eventually it did. Could I ride a racing bike or race horses not b likely I'm not brave enough but brave enough to say so if that makes sense. I have tho taken my courage in my hands on many occasions dealing with horses that didn' t want to do what I wanted them to which can be extremely dangerous. Trying to get a horse to load into a horsebox when it doesn't want to certainly ranks up there with dangerous sports:)!
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                        • Charlie996

                          Charlie996 Gardener

                          Jan 10, 2015
                          Retired Builder
                          The Vale of Evesham
                          Horses scare me.. I've only ridden once and the horse bit me. Don't know why it did but it just leant forward and I thought it was nuzzling my tummy and it bit hard ... My friends of course laughed like drains and so did I afterwards but hell did it bruise me !!
                        • silu

                          silu gardening easy...hmmm

                          Oct 20, 2010
                          Lol stick to bikes, they can bite you too in a slightly more lethal way. Enjoyed watching the sidecar racing, amazing the machines don't shake themselves to bits. Wonder how Guy M will get on with the different bike.

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