Hi everyone, I've been watching this site for ages, and have got some really useful tips, and have now decided to join up - I'm a bit shy so it took time to pluck up the courage but now I did it . You have some really good forums, and I hope to learn even more now that I have joined, love to read some of the comments, especially from shiney - maybe I can come to your next open day? Must admit that some of the posts do get a bit personal, I feel that Zigs for example ( nothing personal, just a memorable name) has had a hard time lately, going by some of his comments, but all in all a great forum and I'm looking forward to being a part of this group
Hi Mattyboy1 to GC Glad you have plucked up the courage to join, everyone is helpful and friendly and I'm sure you will get all the help you need.
Hi Pretty shy too. I don't tend to post often but love reading my fellow posters messages. There's so much info and good advice on here, I wouldn't be without my daily dose of this site. Good luck and happy gardening.
Hi @mattyboy1 Welcome to GC Of course you can come to our open day. It's open to everyone We have it at the end of May bank holiday every year. You'll need to look out for the invitation (usually put it up around Feb) which will be in 'Events'. Whereabouts do you live?
Hi @shiney, I'll look forward to that. I'm in Southend, only been here a few months having lived in Northern France for the past few years - but it was time to come home
Then the journey for you will be easy. You're no more than 45 minutes away Keep an eye open in the new year for the notice and when you decide if you're coming to join us I shall send a PM with directions.
Thanks Shiney, quite an easy journey then , will be nice to actually meet some of these people who's posts and ideas I've been following for a while.