Looks like Japanese knotweed to me. For your sake I hope I'm wrong. It's a blighter to get rid of and is a controlled weed. Hopefully someone can prove me wrong.
Oh no! Just googled it, I can see why you might think that! I will take a closer look at the plant in the morning.
Japanese Knotweed grows in more of a zig zag stem I believe... Even though it looks similar don't think it is.
Perfectly healthy and normal growth for Deutzia sp. Beautiful flowers. Some shrubs can get rather large. Reckon it has flowered ..remnants can be seen in the bottom the shrub. (Pic 2 centre) https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=D...ChMIsvXbk_aNxwIVzgrbCh3ujQs-&biw=1600&bih=777 Definitely not JKW
Thank goodness for that! Yes it flowered a little while ago. I will just make sure I keep it trimmed so not to take over.
Pruning must be done at the right time..OR no flowers next year! http://www.gardenseeker.com/pruning/pruning_deutzia.htm
It's only a young shrub, pruning is not a priority yet and you wouldn't touch the new growths which are the stronger vertical ones. These growths will produce the flowers next year.