My first garden!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Radiation91, Jul 23, 2015.

  1. Radiation91

    Radiation91 Gardener

    Jul 22, 2015
    I was contemplating getting an Omlet Eglu since they're 1m by 3m. That could fit in the back graden :biggrin: The problem is the potential noise that they could make and the fact that I would like to give them enough room to roam around.:hapfeet:

    As for the raspberries and blackcurrents, I will look into them in the morning :blue thumb:

    :lunapic 130165696578242 5: Laughing pretty hard at that comment. Although I am wondering if you're serious or not :scratch::scratch:

    Why do I suddenly feel on edge? :th scifD36:
  2. Anthony Rogers

    Anthony Rogers Guest

    I'm being serious, I've heard of pine nuts but not pine berries. And I've no idea what the other one is at all.

    I had to read that twice cuz I thought you'd put " omelette igloo ".......

    I think I need some professional :help:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Radiation91

      Radiation91 Gardener

      Jul 22, 2015
      I found them while looking at strawberry plants....

      Pineberries are a variation of strawberry which taste and smell similar to pineapples! They look pretty cool too! like albino strawberries:


      And a Framberry is a variation of strawberry that tastes like strawberry/raspberry combo.

      I was tempted to try a couple of each plant because it's tricky to grow pineapple plants in my house... it's pretty cold! Also, I'm assuming that these plants are hybrids, selectively bred to change their traits over generations. From what I can remember, breeding hybrids with each other usually causes the traits to revert back to their original state. ie, the pineberry plant would gradually revert back to a form of strawberry plant. All in all, I'll wait a bit before getting some of these. Need some experience first I think :)
      • Informative Informative x 1
      • Beckie76

        Beckie76 Total Gardener

        Jan 26, 2015
        Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
        :lunapic 130165696578242 5:No need to feel on edge Rad, I just have a really silly sense of humour! :heehee:
        • Agree Agree x 2
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • Beckie76

          Beckie76 Total Gardener

          Jan 26, 2015
          Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
          Regarding the chickens Rad, omlet coops are really good & so easy to clean. if you are going to have chickens you need to check your deeds to make sure you can have them, I'm allowed hens but no crowing cocks! :heehee: Seriously it's in my deeds!
          They do poo quite a lot & they will scratch your lawn & your flowerbeds, whilst I don't want to discourage you from getting your chickens you might be better to wait until you have more space that way you could have a purpose built area with a walk in run. You could then only let the chooks out to free range when you were home. Mine free range all the time & do wreck parts of the garden but I fence areas off in the spring, then as soon as the plants have established I remove it, it seems to work really well for me. They are wonderful little creatures & will being you hours of comedy! They all have their own charactors, some are more friendly than others, some are cheeky & some just keep themselves to themselves.
          I only have two at the moment but I'm getting somemore in the next few weeks.....:chicken::chicken::chicken::chicken:
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          • Radiation91

            Radiation91 Gardener

            Jul 22, 2015
            Yeh my uncles (on both sides of the family) have chickens and they both have Eglus. The main issue is the noise. There is no way I'd get a cockrel because they are loud. But I wouldn't be able to get pullets either because they might be a tad noisy. Even the occasional clucking is a bit much in this neighbourhood I think.

            I will wait until I move into my final house with a nice big garden (that's a must) and then I'll get some nice big fluffy Silved Laced Wyandottes :chicken::chicken: My diy project will be to make one of these for them:


            They go for $4k but I'm almost certain I could make one of those. I've grown up involved in helping my family of engineers/tradespeople so I've picked up a lot of skills. I just need to tools and space to store them (the tools that is) :biggrin: Oh and the cash to buy the tools :scratch:

            Your chooks sound fun to be around :chicken::th scifD36::chicken: I've read a few articles about how they can be used to help de-weed patches, turn over the soil and help with pests like slugs and snails. How true/exaggerated that is, I don't know. But I find the idea of setting a boundary fence and having chooks helping out in the garden a fun idea hehe :blue thumb:

            Let me know when you get your new chooks :biggrin: How are you planning on introducing new chooks to the other 2?
            • Like Like x 1
            • Beckie76

              Beckie76 Total Gardener

              Jan 26, 2015
              Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
              Hi Rad,

              I love the coop & run, lovely to look at & perfect for your chooks!
              I have two coops & small runs, my idea is to put the new hens In one & keep them locked up for a while so my two old birds get used to them before I let them out! I hate intergrating birds it's so stressful! :thud: But I shall succeed! :dbgrtmb:
              • Like Like x 2
              • Radiation91

                Radiation91 Gardener

                Jul 22, 2015
                I'm not sure if I can make the coop look that nice but I'd love to give it a go :blue thumb:

                2 coops? very nice :) It sounds like a good plan. They will soon figure out the pecking order :heehee:
                • Agree Agree x 1
                • Radiation91

                  Radiation91 Gardener

                  Jul 22, 2015
                  Today has been awesome! :biggrin:

                  I've spent some time in the garden doing various things and it's not been the same old "digging up the old lawn"! It's been great! :hapydancsmil:

                  Started off with a cup of tea waiting around outside for the postie. Even in the shade, this yellow/orange lillie is super bright. I spotted a bee enjoying a newly opened bud and it was there for a few hours drinking all the nectar.


                  I heard the arrival of a lorry so I headed down to the road. It was my compost!


                  I finished my tea, swapped it for a spade and started lugging it across to the raised bed. This stuff is the real deal. It was steaming when I dug down a foot. Lovely and warm :snooze: Managed to move it all in about 45 minutes and I was a tad short. I got a 50L bag of multipurpose compost and mixed it in. All sorted now!


                  Once I got that done, I dug up some more of the turf, in the background of the image, and started filling the builders bag. Might as well stash it in that instead of on a giant pile. :blue thumb:

                  I've also got a compost heap going now though. I've got a load of long grass, nettles, weed clippings in there and mixed it with the sawdust from my gerbil cage. Trying to keep a nitrogen - carbon balance going. It's got plenty of air in it as well as water (but not waterogged). Fingers crossed it will turn into lovel compost by next summer. :fingers crossed:

                  Thinking about the layout of the garden now. I want to place foreground plants so that they obscure the view to the back of the garden. The idea being that you are pulled through the garden by the urge to see what's around the corner. :)

                  From the patio doors


                  You can see it's pretty shady in the garden until about 4pm and it gets full sun. The planter will have strawberries and directly to the right of that, I'm going to put a big shrub. It will block the view slightly and it's going to be right next to that hedge so it needs to be a shade lover. I'm thinking a spotted laurel. :scratch:

                  Going around the left of the planter will be a path (stepping stone flags).


                  Those flags are just there to stop my feet getting muddy. They need doing properly. :) I plan on having low level plants around the edges of the flags too. Maybe a collection of herbs? Nice fragrant smells as I brush past them.

                  Round the back of the planter, some more space. Not planned this far yet. I've got the compost heap there. I can grow stuff in front of it and leave the back (next to the hedge) empty to get access to the compost heap.

                  The next thing I wanted to do was to use this


                  I've had it for about a year and it's sole purpose is to be thrown into the ground to brighten up patches of land. Think I'm kidding? Check this out


                  Yep... try making a frisbee. It was a tad strange making them. Add the sachet with water and make into balls

                  20150806_143244.jpg 20150806_143252.jpg

                  I assume this is what vegan meatballs look like. ;) They've been thrown into this patch of land


                  All I have to do is wait :D

                  Who knows what's going to grow here!
                  • Like Like x 4
                  • Anthony Rogers

                    Anthony Rogers Guest

                    Hi Rad,

                    " Those flags are just there to stop my feet getting muddy "......

                    Have you ever thought of wearing shoes ? ? ? :roflol:

                    The "Seedbomb Starter Kit ".....

                    I know I'm going to take the fun out of it but why don't you just broadcast sow it and rake it in. I reckon you'll get a mix of things like Cornflower, Calendula, Poppy and Ox eye daisy.

                    The garden is looking absolutely fantastic to what it was. You've done a brilliant job so far :)

                    PS. There's no way I'm commenting on your Lilies this time :p
                    • Funny Funny x 1
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Radiation91

                      Radiation91 Gardener

                      Jul 22, 2015
                      Check out Mr "I can afford to buy shoes" over here ;) It was a choice between a new lawn or shoes... I picked the right one.

                      The problem with seeds is that I have more birds around here than you'd care to imagine! Seeds won't last seconds once my back's turned. By mixing the water and seeds/soil with some paprika it should stop the birds from getting too close. It will hopefully have a better chance.

                      Thank you very much! I'm actually enjoying being in the garden instead of seeing it as a list of jobs now. I was stroking the lawn earlier... it might be due it's first mowing soon! eeeeeeee
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • Beckie76

                        Beckie76 Total Gardener

                        Jan 26, 2015
                        Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                        Stroking the lawn hey! The neighbours will talk you know Rad! :heehee:
                        Joking aside you really have done a fantastic job already, it's looking great :dbgrtmb: your lilies are super, such a wonderful vibrant colour.
                        I'm pleased to hear you are enjoying the garden :spinning:
                        • Like Like x 2
                        • Anthony Rogers

                          Anthony Rogers Guest

                          Hi Beckie.......

                          Shhh. Don't comment on his Lilies, you know what happened last time :roflol:
                          • Funny Funny x 1
                          • Apple Blossom

                            Apple Blossom Total Gardener

                            May 10, 2015
                            if your thinking of hens silkies are like pets

                            untitled.png images1Y1GR673.jpg
                          • Radiation91

                            Radiation91 Gardener

                            Jul 22, 2015
                            Cheers :blue thumb:

                            Yep I was stroking the lawn :heehee: After that, the Earth moved and I was quite achey so I had to stop for a couple of hours before starting again. :biggrin::biggrin:

                            Omg how have I never seen silkies before! look at themmmmm heheeee!! Forgive me but they look a tad goofy :rolleyespink: How do they even see where they're going?? :smile: The reason I was thinking Wyandottes is because they are hardy, decent egg layers, quiet and they look awesome


                            and because I laugh when big fluffy bum chickens run :hapfeet:
                            • Funny Funny x 1

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