Your Day (apart from gardening) - what took place?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by rosebay, Aug 5, 2015.

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  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    @rosebay - I have been where you are now a couple of times, and there really is no words to describe the difficulty of the situation you are in; what I can say with complete confidence is that you need to be kind and gentle with yourself. No matter how much you expect/prepare/anticipate the inevitable future, it is still going to take all your energy to cope and deal with it when it happens.

    Two things to bear in mind - no matter what, your mum knows that you have been and are there for her, and I am sure she will be proud of you and grateful for your warmth and love as she progresses through these chapters of her life; secondly, please bear in mind that your welfare and well-being is of paramount importance, and whilst I am sure you will have good support from your family and friends, don't forget that the many good people of GC are here, ready and willing to listen should you ever feel the need.

    There are many GC members who are much better than I at this sort of thing (@Jenny namaste @Lolimac @ARMANDII @pamsdish to mention but a few - however, I know the GC community as a whole well. and am sure that we are all here for you if needed.
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      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Your goat's made a mess on the carpet
      He lost his bottle in Barnsley
      He's an Avon Representative

      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      motor, motor, motor, motor
      motor, motor, motor, motor, urgggghhh

      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      They put me in a special hospital
      Is there life on Mars?
      Is there life in Peckham?
      What's that switch over there for?
      Ah ah ah ah ow... ah ah ah ah ow

      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      He can't half play the bongos
      He's got a record by Billy Joel
      Them locks are easy
      Here's my calling card: WALLOP!
      That's a piece of balsa
      You can make a model out of that
      He stuck his head in a dustbin
      And then ran through the launderette
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?

      'Ere John do you like the suit here, eh eh it's a lovely suit innit?
      'Ere wanna brown ale?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Mine's a light and bitter

      Ullo John! Gotta new mot-AH ... AH ... AH
      He works on the Thames Barrier
      I keep tropical fish
      In me underpants

      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      He walks around with a hat on

      (Spoken) Oh yeah our Rodney yeah, he's the intelligent one
      He's in the police force
      Very bright he is
      Been to Miami? Lovely... Miami
      Package tour in Miami
      You can't get a light and bitter
      You can't get a light and bitter in Miami though
      You can get one in Bermondsey though!
      That's a nice sound as well, Bermondsey
      You can get a light and bitter, and it sounds nice
      Light and bitter, that sounds nice, I'd like a light and bitter
      Oh cheers thanks a lot
      Oh nice one yeah, alright
      What you having? What you having eh?
      Pina Colada?
      Lovely, here you must be sophisticated

      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?
      Your goat's made a mess of the carpet
      Ullo John! Gotta new motor?

      (Spoken) Here that's a nice three piece suite, yeah
      I like your music centre
      Here got any Demis Roussos?
      Oo I like him, Barry Manilow,
      I think he's terrific
      Oh I love him, I love Barry Manilow,
      I go all weak, when I hear Barry Manilow I go all weak

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      • pamsdish

        pamsdish Total Gardener

        Apr 5, 2008
        "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
        Back from a few days on the usual annual trek, Port Talbot- Norwich- Brighton-Port Talbot, getting my breath back, could do with a hand on the garden, after days of torrential rain apparently, went to Hampton Court Sunday. [​IMG] Had a great time, didn`t realise the Good Food show was on aswell.
        My daughter has had one of those @fat controller, I have had her Mini Cooper.
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        • Dips

          Dips Total Gardener

          May 10, 2014
          Has my 3rd neurological physiotherapy session today

          Last week she stuck me on a wobble cushiont that i had to sit on. It was hard work and was very painful and i managed 5 mins but only just.

          I did the exercises she suggested this week and sat on it today and did 10 mins it didnt hurt and i could of done longer but she thought it was best to stop. It was so easy this week and i had to stand on it and balancr which was also really easy.

          We have set some goals. I currently walk around in wedge heeled trainers because i can walk further and its easier for me to walk in them than normal trainers. So the goal is to be able to walk in normal trainers with no problems and then flat shoes. We are also going to start working on me being able to wear high heels again and to walk in them so that i can wear all my lovely shoes to the odd meals out to restaurants again. Its such a shame they have just been living in a cupboard for 4 years
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          • pamsdish

            pamsdish Total Gardener

            Apr 5, 2008
            "Black Country Wench" in Margam,Port Talbot,Wales
            Reads like a marvellous improvement @Dips, keep on with the home exercises and you could be in high heels in no time, I cannot wear flat shoes, makes my foot hurt, unfortunately I can`t wear anything over 2"nowadays either, still got all my shoes though. :whistle:
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            • Dips

              Dips Total Gardener

              May 10, 2014
              Thank you :-) its so hard to get rid of things even if you don't wear them anymore isnt it. I tried some dresses on the other day and they all fit apart from on the bust and thats unlikely to get smaller yet i cant part with them yet.

              The main aim would be to walk in these bad boys again


              I have only ever worn them out once so would like to get more wear from them.
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              • Kleftiwallah

                Kleftiwallah Gardener

                Nov 24, 2011
                Retired by circumstances.
                North Wiltshire
                I just got the call today that my ally engine castings have been vapour blasted and are ready to pick up. Only took 4 days which is a lot shorter than the time it took to stitch the cracks together in the castings, (too much magnesium in the alloy alloy for welding.)

                They are for the B.S.A. three wheeler I've been promising myself to restore...

                Cheers, Tony.
                • Like Like x 1
                • rosebay

                  rosebay budding naturalistic gardener!

                  Mar 5, 2015
                  Full Time Person....OK, pensioner!
                  I have been sorting through my successful recipes because I am inviting my brother and his partner over for dinner on Monday. They have treated me to a high class meal at a new, swish local restaurant (very impressive) and I am endeavouring to return the favour by finding my best menu.

                  I have finally settled on:-

                  Starter: Tiger Prawn, Avocado & Mango salad with smoked salmon in a chilli and lime dressing. (A bit like a salsa).

                  Main Meal: Duck confit (a crispy, tasty marinated duck leg) served with gratin dauphinois and green beans.

                  Dessert: Apricot & Amaretti Ice-cream (containing custard, cream and brandy) served with a bought wafer biscuit!

                  I have even got the correct wine to go with it (not something I usually do), i.e. Pinot Noir.
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                  • Dips

                    Dips Total Gardener

                    May 10, 2014
                    Sounds amazing i would be extremely happy with that menu. Hope it all goes well

                    Well minus the wine because im a fussy so and so who only drinks cloudy bay te koko and cloudy bay sauvignon blanc lol
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                    • Beckie76

                      Beckie76 Total Gardener

                      Jan 26, 2015
                      Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                      @rosebay sounds lovely, we can bring the wine if you can fit us all around your table! :heehee:
                      Joking aside, I hope you have a lovely time:blue thumb:

             SHALL be able to wear all your shoes again very soon, hang on in there & don't give up! :grphg:
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                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        I took advantage of the dry day to re-polish the car; I gave it a good waxing a couple of days after getting it, with a trial pot of a (very) expensive wax and it looked the business on the day it was done. Every wash or rain shower since, or even people touching the car has marked it. The final straw was looking at it in the work car park in the early morning sunlight the other morning and seeing swirls and streaks all over the place.

                        So, a good six or so hours with the polish and the buffer, followed up by polishing all the glass and applying RainX for winter, then treating all the plastic trims, finishing off with dressing the tyres, and it now looks stunning. The slight downside is that it is due to rain overnight, and I haven't as much as turned a wheel with it all shiny....
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                        • rosebay

                          rosebay budding naturalistic gardener!

                          Mar 5, 2015
                          Full Time Person....OK, pensioner!
                          Today I went to 2 art events! The first one was part of an art trail. I don't know if anyone else has gone to one of these events - it entails visiting homes of the artists, on specific days, to view/possibly buy their work. I felt slightly weird about doing this .... felt a tad intrusive but this feeling dispelled on arrival.

                          It was the home of 4 artists and their work was interesting and diverse. I saw that they had painted body shapes (Picasso style) on beige lampshades which gave me an idea to paint a shade like stained glass windows, i.e. with coloured shapes surrounded in black edges so that the light comes through them (as in sunlight).

                          Then I went on to an art exhibition where once I displayed some small watercolours of mine. I was told that I underpriced them and (maybe because of this) they hadn't sold. The thinking was that people undervalued a piece of art if it was priced too reasonably!

                          Here is one of my better watercolours that I posted on the art attack thread. It's # 56 on that page

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                            Last edited: Sep 19, 2015
                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            Only just seen this. Although I don't approve of challenges I'd be happy to send along some of my Shiney Hybrids for people to eat. They're between a half and one inch long but pretty hot.

                            I also have some very hot Nagas but I would never recommend them for a challenge unless you had proper medical assistance close by. I sell the Nagas to the Bangladeshi community for charity.

                            Fabulous job :love30:

                            I've been thinking of washing my car since I bought it seven years ago, but I usually sit down until I get over it!
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                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              Nice one :blue thumb:

                              Today I've been doing a load of cooking and food prep.

                              Students here today so always cook veggie for them. As one of them is gluten free, another is lactose intolerant and a third is on non-solids I had to think of suitable food.

                              I made a veggie and lentil soup and liquidised it. A veggie chilli and gluten free garlic bread done with olive oil instead of butter. Followed by home grown apples in a crumble that was gluten, butter and sugar free.

                              Last night I quickly jointed a large chicken and roasted the legs with garlic and herbs. The breasts have been cut and frozen for stir fries. I've now made a big chicken soup with the carcass and other bits and am in the middle of making a large oxtail stew. The stew is on its second cooking now. :thumbsup:

                              Washing up all done :phew: so I think I shall have an hour wandering around the garden and taking photos - if there's anything worth taking.
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                              • Dips

                                Dips Total Gardener

                                May 10, 2014
                                ah thats very sweet of you. I sadly have no one else who will do it tho :frown: I have strangely found that a few people i know are allergic to chillies (they are actually allergic and weren't making it up to avoid the challenge)

                                I have a whole packet of dried scotch bonnets still and I tend not to use chillies so unless i start living off ackee and saltfish I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them
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