Good evening peoples. Have just bought a chimera to give the garden a nice glow and to warm my hands on a chilly eve. Got a great ( I think) deal from B&Q and paid £28 for what I believe was listed for £68. However, I bought some logs for it. Two types, one in a packet that you light the ends of the bag. It is supposed to be smoke less but that defies the trades description act! The other bag of logs, Homefire heat logs just burn at a rate of Knots. Any suggestions for smoke free (as possible) wood that will burn for a decent length of time? Cheers peeps.
That model was available from Tesco Direct for £6.25 in Clubcard Points last year, I got mine for only £5.82's worth as it was part of of bigger shop and I used a money off code. If you're using dry shop bought fuel, I doubt if you'll find anything less smokey (or expensive). I'm sure the instructions stated only wood, and they're rather tinny, so smokeless coal appears to be out. After getting that chimenea we were given (free is my favourite price) one of these small Ozpig stoves a while ago which can burn wood, coal and charcoal and is really portable, legs unscrew and chimney is in 3 pieces, and both fit inside the stove, then everything fits in something the size of a big supermarket reusable bag normally retails for about £270.00. @Zigs What do you reckon for one of these on the beach at West Bex for a bit of warmth and cooking some Mackies? P.S. Always keep a chimenea stored under cover or it will be red rusty in no time!
Thanks for the confirmation. I've been having a devil of a job convincing Mrs Scrungee (after her spending a couple of mornings there from 4:00 to 8:00am getting chilled by an easterly wind whilst I worked myself into a sweat feathering Mackies) that she'll now be nice, warm and comfy whilst she cooks our breakfast.
You are a devil, Scrungee! I'm never shopping again until I read your posts first! Ha ha. Thanks for the info. Appreciated. I'm sitting here burning these logs like there is no tomorrow but loving the smell as it reminds me of the smell of burning turf in Ireland. I used to love that smell and stacking up the fire in the morning. Yes, it won't accept coal but I will find a happy medium with logs. Cheers, Russ
What about paper logs? We've been given a couple of logmakers, but have seen them in charity shops for a couple of pounds, I'll try a few out in our chimenea as I've been making a quite a few with loads of Tesco magazines£15-vouchers.103780/#post-977041