Thanks daitheplantI have some coming up in the rows i planted them in,but i am finding it difficult to tell what is what?i can see lots of...
Thanks for the repliesThere are a few poking thier heads up from what i can tell,but i think that alot of it could be plants/weeds that were...
Its been the same here,been dry for a while but i give them a good soaking about 7.30 each night.
HiI planted various vegetables two weeks ago,carrots,cauli,leeks,beetroot,and a few others (i forgot,lol)I did notice a few shoots coming...
Thanks for the replies,i havent been able to use the stables manure because of something she has sprayed onto the fields.ARMANDII I have been...
Hello forum I am martin,i live near bristol and i have just started a veg patch down my gf's stables,i have never grown anything before,so i...
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