Excellent, thank you.In fact looks a really good website, ive joined there gardening club!
I'm still interested!Got a few different seeds here waiting....
For those who live in or around Southampton.www.octoberbooks.org/seedswap/
Well done to you sir! Ive had my allotment for over a year now and i'm def not going to win any prizes lolWould love to see some pics!
Thanks for the advice Geoff. I downloaded the instruction book today and read all 41 pages!I didnt manage to use it today so i'll have a look...
Its 4 stroke, just had it running in the back garden. Was quite smokey for the first 10mins but then it cleared. Guessing the oil got thrown...
Thanks for the comments, seems i really have got myself a bargin.Photos tomorrow weather permitting!
i havnt used one before but i will be carefull and learn slowly. Dont have indus boots, usally where my wellies!Any advice before i use it on...
I take it £80 is quite a good deal then?I will get some pictures when it stops raining!
Just got back from picking my new toy up, its a Honda FG200.[img]Engine 2.5hp OHV Mini 4-stroke, its in really good condition, almost...
I second what Pam is saying.I got some fleece last year from poundland and as long as you store it inside over the winter months it lasts ages!
Decided ive got loads of tubs in the back garden so i'll use them.
the only thing is where to plant them... at home or at the allotment!I'm gussing because you plant the tulips 15cm down you can still grow...
I grow outdoor tomato's as i dont have a greenhouse, although i manage to do quite well towards the end of the season they get blight.What...
Just been out for a walk and popped into the poundshop to see what garden stuff they had.Picked up 3 bags of tall mixed tulips (20 bulbs in...
Hi all,I'm planning on putting two staked & wired fences across my allotment to split it into 3 (to help maintian proper crop rotation)....
Fantastic result!I have to say my allotment went just as well too but also having failed on the cucumbers and squash's!I plated a bit late...
haha thought as much, oh well i'll see how it goes
Hi all,Ive got some basil growing in the window sil but its still quite cool and doesnt get alot of sun this time of year.So i was...
I can't believe it's nearly that time already!1st year on the allotment and it's gone quite well, so now i'm going to start to prepare an area...
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