Heya,I agree they are very important questions but instead of just one garden, I now have 2 (front and back), they haven't had much attention...
That is exactly so, a terrible terrible shame really (not) heheheheThe move went well, his temper almost came out as we were loading the van as...
Heya all,Just to let you all know, today is the day of our move, it started yesterday as after Paul had picked the vanup, he tookone load of...
Heya all,Just wanted to let you all know about my good news (after 10 months) I have finally secured a job for me and Paul to move from...
Heya,Thanks for all your replies, they have been great :)Just a bit of an update, she is now based at the centre where I work and so far this...
Heya,I know I haven't posted on here for a long while but will post an update on my project thread later :)I have this problem at work, I...
Heya,Just a quick update before I head off to work :) Not much work has been done in the garden as we're mainly concentrating on doing the house...
Heya,As promised, and thanks to my mum for emailling me the photo, here's the latest pic of the back garden. We've decided to leave the soil...
Heya,As promised, here's a few pics of our new garden, back and front. These photo's are a few weeks old now and a lot of work has been done,...
Heya,Just a quick update before I head off to work...Been so busy lately, I've not had chance to go on my laptop in ages, the move is going...
Heya,None of the local Police forces around Coventry are recruiting for Specials either, so he's found a few engineering jobs to go for and I've...
Heya,Some of my plants went down to Coventry with us at the weekend (there isn't internet access there at the moment so couldn't post while we...
Heya,Just a quick update on things, so sorry I've not posted in ages but things have been really busy around here, we had an ofsted inspection...
Heya,Sorry for not replying for a while, but I've not done too much in the garden this week :oops:I got my car back, but she's developed...
Heya,Brought a load of plants home from Birmingham on Sunday, including the rest of my seedlings which I need to split up this week, so by the...
Heya,Sorry I've not been around lately, been busy for the last few days. I will upload the photo's on my phone later on and post them on here :)...
Heya,I got a little work done yesterday - I planted my tricycle and a tub from Nan's house up with some purpley flowers (will post pics later)...
Heya,I've got this plant aswell which I don't know what it is:[img]Its just started growing in my garden, I haven't brought it or anything,...
Heya,I don't really know what I'm going to do with the rocks yet, there are so many, and I unloaded the lot I collected on Friday last night...
Heya,This afternoon I was sent home sick from work - the reception desk I sit on is on a corridor with a glass roof, so it was like being in a...
Separate names with a comma.