I have one of these plants which got far too big due to us being too afraid to get to grips with it and keep it in check. Last year I decided that...
Thank you JWK & Trunky....I'm glad I asked now. Space is at a premium in my garden and there really isn't room for a thug, I think I'll put it in...
Hi all I've just made the first impulse buy of the year and no doubt it'll not be the last :heehee: but I couldn't resist. Anyway I've bought the...
Ah no we bought it about 20 years ago and it's looking a bit worse for wear now and is in desperate need of some TLC which it will get soon I hope...
Woof are you referring to the Hydrangea? If so Hmmm I hadn't thought of that! Is now a good time to move it?
Wow thank you all for your advice. I've taken some photos so hopefully they'll appear so you get an idea of what I'm whittering on about...this is...
Morning everyoneI've taken a keen interested in my garden for 2-3 years now (probably longer now that I think about it!). I really enjoy...
I have loads of green fly on my Buddleia. I have tried wiping them off but they're back just as bad with in a few of days.I also have black fly...
Okeydokey I will find somewhere for it then. Thank you
Thank you all for your replies. I have looked at photos of peonies and yes I think you're right. I don't really have the space in my garden to...
I can see the piccie can't you?
Thank you all for your friendly welcome messages. You've all made me feel right at home...lykewakewalker I promise all hubcaps will remain firmly...
Hello everyoneDoes anyone know what this plant is please? Someone gave it to my husband and he can't remember what he said it was called but he...
Wooohoooo I managed to edit the title myself :)
Oh yes please :ThankYou:
See I made my 1st booboo within minutes of joining....it's really not hell in Merseyside that should be Hello for Merseyside sorry :oopss:
Morning everyone I'm new here and just finding my feet so please be patient with me :new: I'm a very novice gardener but do enjoy pottering and...
Good morning everyone...I googled gardening forum and you came top of the list
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