brugmansia & bananas

Discussion in 'Tropical Gardening' started by grinch, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. grinch

    grinch Gardener

    Feb 18, 2006
    just wondering if brugmansias & bananas are kept in the house ( computer room ) were its warm all the time will they carry on growing or do they need the winter rest many thanks
  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    They dont need a winter rest as such, but, if they grow during our winter months in the poor light that we get they tend to grow out of character.
    That tends to result in yellowish leaves and spindly growth that get attacked by pests. Its much better to let them become dormant by lowering the temperature and drying them off and waiting till spring for stonger light and the natural warming that comes with it.
  3. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006
    There is no right answer and its down to personal preference but I have had 2 new leaves on my ensete since bringing it in and one on my siki musa banana. I don't like letting my bananas go dormant indoors as they can get the 'strangles' which is where the lead leaf dries to a point where the leaf is unable to open. Unchecked in some cases it rots down to the core preventing further growth and ultimately death. I haven't watered them since early November and they are shrinking slightly and will slow down by January. I will water them about once a month till May when they go back out, but they will continue to grow at a slow pace until then. One of your biggest problems is mites and white/fruit fly. Mine had a thorough check for creepy crawlies and I have so far seen no evidence of infestation. But more important is a stable temperature rather than the extremes of central heating which will dry them out and tire them out with irratic growth spurts. I have mine by the back door, full light, in an unheated part of the house and the temp varies between 14 and 18 degrees which I find perfect. On a practicality note, bananas weep at night from the leaf tips and can stain carpets and furniture if overhanging.

    I also overwinter bananas outside in a heated house I built for them. They flower from september through to July so it is essential to provide them with conditions to continue growing year round. Whilst the growth is slowed, the thinking remains the same to keep them growing at a reduced pace ready for a growth explosion come May/June. I do not believe bananas suffer in the same way cannas can from not resting the winter.

    Hope this helps

    BM :D

    I don't have any advice on brugmansia :(
    Whatever method you choose for your bananas, you can't go far wrong with petes advice or if you have the space try growing them on at a reduced pace as I do. Good luck [​IMG]
  4. walnut

    walnut Gardener

    May 25, 2006
    Hi Grinch most people cut Brugmansias back to about 6-8" ahove the soil before the frosts then you can store them in pots in a frost free shed and bring them back into growth next spring (use the bits you cut off for cuttings)some people leave them in the ground once they are cut back and mulch them heavily (can be a bit risky although some varieties are hardier than others)I bring mine inside keep them at min. of 50 degrees in the greenhouse, they are still growing and one is still flowering as Pete and BananaMan says watch for pests or you will overwinter them as well the light will be a problem inside the house a conservatory or greenhouse would be better
  5. grinch

    grinch Gardener

    Feb 18, 2006
    thanks for replys i will follow your advice
  6. FANCY

    FANCY Gardener

    Jul 23, 2006
    I leave my 6 banana plants outside all wrapped up in fleece. I have not lost a plant yet. I also put straw around the roots and plenty of it.

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