Goats feet

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by gilbie, May 21, 2009.

  1. gilbie

    gilbie Apprentice Gardener

    May 10, 2009
    hi were new on here my first thread. does anyone know if goats can get foot rot like sheep? we have 2 pet goats one is fine the other has a condition with his feet they have grown to long. we have had the vet take a look at him he said some goats get this condition . today i was having a look at him and triming his feet and the inside of his hoof is very soft a bit like dead skin but no smell like foot rot. i will of corse ring the vet tomorow to check it out but just thought i would post it on here .
  2. SendaCow

    SendaCow Apprentice Gardener

    May 13, 2009
    It has been known that goat in fact do get foot rot ... usually characterized by lameness and a separation of horny portions of the hoof from the sensitive tissues underneath. The early stage of foot rot is the reddening of the skin between the claws that results in tissue death. have you been to the vet? whats been said?
  3. gilbie

    gilbie Apprentice Gardener

    May 10, 2009
    Hi. sorry to take take so long to reply, yes, had the vet out to look at Ant & he has no infection,, he did say he has never seen this is in a young goat (Ant is a year old but it could be genentic) but has a high heel ? & not wearing his feet down down naturally, as Dec is doing, ( yes, Ant & Dec & i do think they look they look like them), anyway back the the problem, to treat it , we took out the soft tissue ( like dead skin) & cut his hoofs, he does seem to be getting better. we did buy a magnetic collar for him, maybe doing the trick??...
    Thank you for my first reply
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