
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Dec 24, 2006.

  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Hi Friends
    My Mobile phone as given up,d,ont know if i will get another one or not?
    I would like to know how you feel about them,Are they a necessity or a luxury,a Joy or a nuisance.
  2. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    I've never been a fan of them and only carry one in case of emergency. I don't even know the number! :D :D

    I cannot imagine what people have to say that they walk around shops, in the streets and, heaven forbid, whilst driving their car with the thing permanently stuck to their ear! What did they do before they had one?
  3. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    I dont bother with mine much but must admit like LoL great for emergencys especially if you are driving, not a one for chatting constantly on it unlike my daughter the mobile is her lifeline and she texts till the cows come home :D :D
    my friend came around quite a while ago now to spend an evening with me have a drink have a chat and she constantly all night text her boyfriend i was most annoyed i thought how ignorant then she made an excuse and left earlier, what was the point of coming to see me and do that
  4. Liz

    Liz Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    I have a mobile phone which is pay-as-you-go. As my daughters both have phones on monthly schemes, when they update their phones, I get an old one. If you have relatives who are on monthly schemes it is an excellent way of getting a mobile very cheaply. I find it cheaper to use the mobile and the only reason I have a mainline phone is for the internet access.
    Mobile phones are invaluable if you are travelling and the car breaks down, or if you need to keep in contact with someone because you are expecting news. Text messages are cheap and easy.
    Used irresponsibly they are a menace.How about Skype?
  5. DAG

    DAG Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Well said LOL, exactly the same for me.

    I do find it useful, but I really hate text messaging. I learned to touch type when I was young and can rattle a keyboard quite fast, but mobile phone keys, just screws my brain up, can't teach an old dog new tricks! :D :D
  6. Kedi-Gato

    Kedi-Gato Gardener

    Aug 4, 2006
    When we had our first mobile (called Handy here in Germany) we usually forgot to take it with us - and when we did we then forgot to turn it on! After 2 years the contract ran out and it would have cost too much to renew. So we got another one (free, apart from the very cheap monthly rate, ââ??¬4.95) and after I messed everything up several times and my son refused to reset it for us, I sat down and learnt how to do (most) everything. It was a lot of trial and error but I got it right in the end, I figured if all of these other people could use one, then I sure as heck could! I then wondered how I could have been so dense in the beginning. Before LofL gets on at me, I have no problem if I have my wits about me, but not when I am totally pooped-out like when we arrived in Portugal in October. Like most of you, I only use ours for emergencies and to tell the kids we arrived safely when we go on holiday, etc.

    Re emergiencies - the one time I needed it I was out of luck. First called Hubby to come and see what was wrong with the car, but he was out in the garden and didn't hear the phone ring. Then called our kids, but no one was at home. Then called our next-door neighbour to ask him to tell Hubby that the car would not go, but he was not at home either. Then I tried the ignition once again, and hey! presto! the Bearmobile was okay again.

    I'm off now, time to go over to the kids for Christmas Eve, this is when the unwrap the pressies here. I've made a really giant trifle to take for dessert. Tomorrow, everyone is coming to us for dinner, we'll be 9.

    Hoping that you all have a really wonderful Christmas and that Santa is good to you. Till whenever I manage to get back online.
  7. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    I hate them, I bought one( for emergencies) to keep in-house advisor happy but I still have half the credit from when I got it last january. Never used text and never will and don't even mention ring tones please .... it's Christmas and good will and all that!
    What do you mean, he's a miserable old s*d! :D
  8. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    I just keep one in glove box of car - couldn't even tell you its number - has its uses once ever five years or so.
  9. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    I have had one for years but only carry it for emergencies. But people know my number and can get me when they need me.
    I remember years ago before they had all these flash ring tones I was at a big flower show. A phone rang and I whipped off my rucksac because that is where I kept my phone - but it wasn't mine and then i noticed that about 4 other people had done the same, and one of the stall holders was answering her phone. I now have the ringtone "Is this the way to Amarillo?" Well I come from near Bolton and Peter Kay is a local lad.
  10. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
    I'm going to be the odd one out here..... I couldn't do without my mobile. Not only is it my contact number for my business (I mean, what use is a land-line as contact when you're out gardening all the time?), but also it's security when I'm out walking the dogs alone along the canal or in the woods. I'm not worried if I have them and it.

    Because of my work, and being outside all the time, it's been a way for my relatives who've had health problems to know they can get hold of me whenever necessary - which takes a lot of the worry away for them, and a lot of the pressure off me.

    So - I don't know how I'd cope without it. I do know my number!!
  11. Fran

    Fran Gardener

    Mar 23, 2005
    Me, I have one pay as you go for emergencies only - its not switched on except if on holiday for my elderly mum to contact if there is an emergency. When I was working and out of the office, then either I rang in, or caught up with messages left on the phone, when convenient.

    I refuse point blank to available 24/7.

    I must admit to some irritation to seeing people walking round the shops, driving their cars, or walking their dogs, with one ear glued to a mobile, whilst imparting their conversation to all in the vicinity.
  12. Beefy

    Beefy Gardener

    Feb 14, 2006
    My mobile is a life line for me as well.As I work outside alot of the time it's an easy way for people to get in touch with me without having to scour the school to try to find me .
    Also at the weekends when I'm off driving it allows my wife and children to keep in touch with me as well as the company if they want to check on how I'm getting on.It lets me check if the boats are on time and to get a booking on the boat that suits me best .We also give the number to the company that owns the goods that we are hauling so they can keep up to speed as to where their loads are and when they will arrive at the customers .I know it sounds like a lot of hassle to be able to be reached 24/7 but when you can have a load valued at �£250000 people like to be able to talk to you to find out how you are getting on.My bosses work on the assumption that if you dont answer the phone or return the call whithin 20 mins that you are in some sort of trouble and the switch on the trackers and inform the police etc.
    To be completly honest it dosen't bother me to carry it 24/7 as I know that I can contact people 24/7 if Im in trouble and they can get me to say something as simple as "I love you daddy"
  13. sheppy

    sheppy Gardener

    Feb 11, 2006
    I'm with you. Couldn't live without mine and have it with me all the time. I want to know if my little boy is poorly that I can be contacted within a minute. I also want to know if I break down late at night, that I can ring for help. I also like to text my husband to tell him I love him and thinking of him if I know he's having a particularly rough day.

    I do text my friends, but agree with Rosa. It's downright rude to do it when in company. I would see that as intrusive as soemone picking up the phone for a chat to a friend. But as a safety and security measure, you can't beat it. And yes, I do know my number!
  14. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    i am of the idea that talking on the mobile is unhealthy for your ears, so I hardly use it for calls that last more than a couple of minutes.
    I much prefer to send and receive text messages.
    I had a samsung a short while ago which had a camera in it and gave me absolutely splendid pictures, but then it was stolen and at the moment I am only using a cheap basic one.
    I do like to use a mobile just as a telephone and not have too many functions on it.
  15. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
    Phew! Glad to see I'm not the only one! :rolleyes:

    Like Sheppy, I need to know that my son can contact me if he's had a fit, or feels one coming on, not that I can do much about it, but at least he can make contact, and not feel quite so alone if it happens. He was going through a spate of these when I was booked to go on a BTCV holiday, and once I got there and discoered there was no network coverage for my phone, I was so uncomfortable that I left after 2 days. That might sound stupid, but I couldn't stand knowing that he couldn't contact me if he needed to.
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