I love my mobile I couldn't be without it. On the odd chance I leave it behind I come out in a sweat :D Just about to do my 12 month upgrade - I want all the gadgets, camera,MP3,Bluetooth, Toaster,Fondue Set,Cuddly toy :D :D I'll never use half of them, but I just gotta have 'em :rolleyes: :D
You're mad, completely mad, windy! My friend here has all the works, but she does need the phone for her work ... a mobile masseure!
what can i say,you have always looked beautiful undone oops shouldnt have said that,well what the hell you do indeed look beautiful undone,sorry but i have to be honest
iam another one dendrobium it is my contact with my family and my work use it too for contacting me during break downs etc
I'm so glad the thread is back on again - it was getting a bit dodgy there... :rolleyes: Blimey Macleaf - what are you on? First Gogs, now Windy - or are there loads of others and I haven't noticed them?? You do live dangerously! :D
I don't think people realise how they are being manipulated in to relying on them, the more competitive the manufactures need to be the more they have to put on it to make you want it. In the end it becomes a sort of life support system for some. You can do without it but are now conditioned to not living without them. I still hate them.
when i go out i certainly dont want a mobile going off, got enough of that with the house phone and sometimes i ignore that let it go straight to the answer phone at times. they are fine for business or a long car journey
I keep one with me just in case someone needs to get in touch...and it does annoy me when the office where i work don't use it to get messages to me and I find out too late there was a message for me. Some schools have a normal phone system for contacting staff, we don't. I don't like them being used for trivial things but for important things....on one occasion I was teaching when I spotted trepassers causing damage. Was able to direct the senior staff in so they caught them. I also need to carry one with me when I am out on field trips and when you have 60+ kids scattered across a towns it is a useful means of contact. A few months ago we had a field trip to Llandudno and I had to speak to a group of so called "street wise kids" - they did not know how to get back to the coach. I was able to work out where they were and retrieve them. There are those who are just set against any new technology. One of our Senior managers tried to tick me off for using my phone in front of the kids. I pointed out that i was switching off my phone before going into assembly, that the kids knew this and would realise that this was what you should do.....but she is a very stupid senior manager, she once managed to reverse over a laptop....now thats a way of compressing your data. Cannot understand why people want a phone that does everything. They take rubbish photos. I have a decent digital camera for that. I have a MP3 player that is better than a mobile. I want a phone to be a phone and just that.
I use mine for emergencies and if I need to contact beloved when he's at work, not that he ever hears it and answers it! I do find it rude though when people are talking on their phones whilst waiting to be , or being served in shops, if the call is that important then do it before joining the queue!