Mystery flower

Discussion in 'Identification Area' started by cypher000, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. cypher000

    cypher000 Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 8, 2009
    Hi Guy's. I was given a plant a few weeks ago. The donor told me it was a wild flower and seeing I like wild flowers, thought I would put it into a basket on the wall. Prettiest little flowers but when I checked my Wild Flowers of Britain book could not find it anywhere and this book is very comprehensive. So now I am wondering if it really is a wild flower or whether it is something else.

    Can any members help me identify this little plant, which since I photographed it has settled down and pushing shoots out all over the place. Very prolific I must say. I was hoping it would cover the wide screen on top of the wall and give us a little more privacy that way. I think it will also be hanging down unless I miss my guess. Any help would be appreciated. Can I thank you in advance. Regards Cypher.
  2. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hi cypher, it looks like some kind of Campanula to me.
  3. cypher000

    cypher000 Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 8, 2009
    Hi Blackthorn. I think you are spot on there. Actually I did think of Campanula initially, but on looking it up I found only the bell shaped ones, red and blue, etc and they were not in the least like this one I have. But nowhere could I find this five petaled one with the flowers laid back. Most definitely not in the book I have (Maybe I need a better book) so I was thrilled when you replied.

    Not to be outdone, I have done a little more research into it and now know that it is the 'Campanula Carpatica'. Thank you so much for coming in and giving me the vital clue that has led me to find the correct name for my 'Mystery Flower'. It is interesting too, to learn that this one is actually more of a ground cover plant so I am interested to see what it makes of being suspended six feet from the ground in a basket.

    Blackthorn, you are a gem and I cannot thank you enough. Regards. Cypher.
  4. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
    You are very welcome. Welcome to the forum by the way.
  5. cypher000

    cypher000 Apprentice Gardener

    Aug 8, 2009
    Oh dear. I think I was a little too hasty there. Having looked at Campanula Carpatica more closely I have changed my mind. I now think that it must be Campanula Poscharyskyana, though even here I find some confusion as I have seen photo's of this variety with six petals and also some with 5 petals. Baffling.
    I would not have thought one variety would come in two distinct forms like that, but then I am only a novice in this sphere. I must try harder to find the answer. Regards Cypher :lollol:
  6. Lovage

    Lovage Gardener

    Jun 28, 2009
    I agree it's not C.carpatica - this has more rounded flowers, less star-like and also grows in a compact clump.

    It is probably C. poscharyskyana in which case it is good you have it in a wall basket otherwise it would be all over your garden in a year or two
  7. strawman

    strawman Gardener

    Aug 1, 2009
    I have a number of C. poscharyskyana in pots and containers around the garden. They are just coming to the end of their first flowering period and may come again once I've dead headed them this coming week. If they do self seed, I can think of a whole lot worse to have growing in my garden.:lollol:
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