Oak Trees.

Discussion in 'Trees' started by robgil, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. robgil

    robgil Gardener

    Jun 23, 2010
    Ive got two relatively young oak trees gowning in my garden (pics to follow if needed) , each one is around 15 or so feet tall. is there anything i need to know about oak trees what to look out for , do i need to crown them etc etc? One is at the bottom of my garden and is growing around 6 feet away from a very large fir tree and the other is growing in my hedge by the road side.
    I have been advised to cut them down as they will block the light from my garden but i really dont cherish the idea of cutting down an oak tree.
  2. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    I'd be more inclined to take down the Fir than an Oak. I also have a 15 foot Oak at the end of my garden and I reckon by the time it becomes a problem I'll be past caring!:D
  3. Harmony Arb

    Harmony Arb Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Hi robgil,

    There's plenty everyone should know about to trees but very few care to bother. As long as your trees are well fed, well watered, have plenty of light and have plenty of space to grow then they should be fine. Some formative pruning now, if needed, would prevent any possible problems occuring later on in the trees life; things such as proximity to overhead cables, buildings, windows etc. I should imagine it will be a long old time before the trees start blocking much light to your garden, and even if they do when you're still around, a trained professional tree surgeon will be able to carry out a crown reduction and/or thin to sort that problem out.
  4. Larkshall

    Larkshall Gardener

    Oct 29, 2006
    I agree. I have a 30+ year old Oak in my garden (in a rural area) which I planted originally. I used to work for HM Forestry Commission. The Oak was planted among Cypress trees. It now has a 25ft straight trunk and will make valuable timber in a couple of hundred years. The Cypress trees will be cut down eventually.

    It gall's me to see trees being planted by new roads and then left unattended for years. They need care and attention. They are a valuable commodity in more ways than one.
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