Old friends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by clueless1, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    One of my new years resolutions was to try harder to rekindle old friendships. Friendships that sort of fizzled out after I moved away for a long time.

    Its progressing slowly but steadily. Of course everyone has built their own lives now so even though we haven't fallen out, other priorities get in the way sometimes. Its just the way it is I reckon.

    One particular mate has been having a bit of a rough time for the last few years really. In fact truth be told, he's had more bad luck than good for probably 15 years or more, so although we've kept in touch, he's had his own priorities so to speak, so we've not really been in contact that much. I've been trying to change this. Until recently, the last time I saw him in person was at his mother's funeral. There's been the usual empty promises of meeting up for beer etc, so recently I took a different, high risk approach.

    He has two passions. Cars and electronics. So, having a slight technical problem with my car, I decided to contact him to ask him to help me fix it. I thought this was very risky. No contact for months, then I contact him for a favour. He's been round our house twice since, the second time (today) turning up totally unexpected.

    Its a funny old world. There was a lass I was very close to (not romantically, like brother and sister) when we were teenagers. We grew up, she got married, I settled down too. It's not socially right for a lass to be close to another lad when she's married, or vice versa, so we drifted apart. She works in the local shop and since moving back its gone from polite formalities when we see each other to her and my missus being quite pally, and she and I can chat and laugh together in the shop.

    All this is of course not relevant to very much, so I bet you wonder why I'm posting this. Just because there's not that much going on at the moment really. I think its quite a nice tale of old friendships rekindled. Maybe it might inspire one person to pick up the phone to an old friend they haven't spoken to in months or years. Maybe it wont. Who knows.
    • Like Like x 5
    • Fidgetsmum

      Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

      Jul 25, 2009
      Deepest, darkest Kent
      I count amongst my friends, some people I was at school or Uni with, or who I worked with in the dim and distant past, who I see regularly and with whom I've never lost touch, but I've never tried to rekindle friendships which fizzled out along the way, they were frequently 'of their time' and both parties have moved on since then.

      That said, I have been contacted by people - in a moment of pure madness, I once went to a school reunion! - I've attended retirement 'dos' where 20 years on, those (still alive) from an old team, stood around making desultory conversation and looking at their watches wondering how soon they could legitimately leave, and in another instance, a 'phone call from out of the blue left me wondering why, after all this time, this person suddenly wondered if I was still alive and decided to get in touch, when they could have written or 'phoned at any point in the interim.

      I hope it works out for you clueless1, but personally, I've found that when all you have in common with someone are shared experiences from several years ago, (since when both parties have led completely divergent lives), it's very difficult to pick up a dormant friendship and move on with it.
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      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        I've got very few friends from way back that i've got anything in common with now, an old school friend recently found me on facebook, but we don't interact much, not really got anything to say after the initial catch up.

        Saying that, my old fishing buddy just phoned to say he's coming down next week.

        One exception is my cousin, we got back in touch and we chat regularly now.
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        • Val..

          Val.. Confessed snail lover

          Aug 2, 2010
          Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
          Hence the saying "Ships that pass in the night"

        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          The street I grew up in was one of those where the front door of the houses were always open and a cup of tea was always on the go. Opposite my house was a family that my family was always close to and I have stayed friends with all that family throughout life. As always Life takes everyone on different paths but we have always managed to stay in touch, with some gaps in between, but when ever we see or speak to each other it's as though the last time was only yesterday. One of the girls of the other family, which both families expected I would marry....but didn't:heehee:, rang me up on my birthday to sing "Happy Birthday" down the phone to me. There are friends who are friends and then there are friends who are more "family" who have more memories and shared experiences that make a tie and bond that is invisible but is there.
          My one regret is that in all my years in the RAF and having made lots of good friends and met many hundreds of people serving in the Forces I have never met a single one of them since I left!!! Nor, I confess, due to the pressures of raising a family, paying the bills and mortgage, working 84 hour plus weeks have I made any attempt to contact them. Maybe I should follow Clueless's example!!:coffee:
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          • Jenny namaste

            Jenny namaste Total Gardener

            Mar 11, 2012
            retired- blissfully retired......
            Battle, East Sussex
            I am in regular annual touch with girls who were in my class at school. One or two who I had a crush on - funny isn't it? When you had a crush on someone at school- they seemed to be tons more special , different and more interesting than you were.
            I was as clumsy as anrhino but always wished I could skate like Norma or dance like Judy. I met Judy at last year's do - she ended up bringing her 5 boys to manhood on her own. A tiny little lass but obviously with a very strong and determined character. I believe she used to drink rather heavily but who wouldn't with challenges like that. She rolls her own - is a bit "hippy" and she still fascinates me....
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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              All my friends are old :heehee:.

              Seriously though, keeping in touch is something you have to work at. Emails have made this so much easier and we keep in touch regularly with people all round the world.

              As has been said, some friendships are just of their time and you may not have anything in common any more. They fall by the wayside, but others are not lost even if there is intermitent communication.

              If you want to stay in touch then you can't just sit there and wait for them to do so. Take the initiative, it may not work out but, at least, you've tried.

              Of course, there's the other side of the coin. You may meet someone you don't really want to get friendly with but make the wrong comments. This, typically, happens on holidays. You meet someone on holiday that you get on with OK and, when parting, say 'when you're down our way let us know and we'll meet up'. Never say it unless you mean it! You may end up with people like us :snork:
              • Like Like x 2
              • Funny Funny x 1
              • Phil A

                Phil A Guest

                • Like Like x 1
                • ARMANDII

                  ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                  Jan 12, 2019
                  Thanks, Ziggy, but there's absolutely nothing there, or suggested, to do with or about the Units I was with.:dunno: :snork:
                • Phil A

                  Phil A Guest

                  Ah, forgot you were Black Ops [​IMG]
                  • Like Like x 2
                  • "M"

                    "M" Total Gardener

                    Aug 11, 2012
                    The Garden of England
                    Then ... start one? :dunno: :coffee:
                    • Agree Agree x 3
                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Yes, I have 'old friends' ... those who are old and those I have known for a long time. The friend I have known the longest is in Tennessee and we met in September 1963 in college and still keep in touch ... they were here in Portugal four years ago! :dancy:

                      I have other friends I have know for between 20-30 years and they come and visit here almost yearly and even moreso ... we don't go back to the UK!

                      I would not contemplate contacting someone I have not heard from/seen in donkey's years ... as they are obviously not with me. :love30:
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • "M"

                        "M" Total Gardener

                        Aug 11, 2012
                        The Garden of England
                        A strange thing happened to me yesterday, at doggy school and I thought of this thread.

                        There is a guy there who's been on site maybe twice before. He approached me yesterday, asking what my first name was because he thought he knew me; once I told him my first name, he immediately said my maiden name! :hate-shocked:

                        I was spooked mainly because there was something about this guy that had been niggling away at the back of my mind since I first met him.

                        Then he told me his full name :doh: We grew up together :snork: His mother and my mother were best friends and lived opposite one another and all of us kids played together on the green. Haven't seen him for many, many years - and the last time I did, he was a chubby thing (and I don't recall him being tall either :scratch: ) but now he's tall and slim.

                        There we 28 houses in our avenue and we were still able to remember (between us) who had lived where, who moved out/in while we were growing up; the games we played, the shared memories.

                        He's seen some of those 'children' since, all grown up (obviously) and it was really interesting to hear what they were doing with their lives now too (I'm still the only one between us all, that we know of, with a degree though :yes: :heehee:).

                        There was one neighbour who terrified us all - we'd draw lots to see who drew the short straw to ask if his son and daughter were coming out to play! - Turns out, in later life he developed dementia; instead of being the talk of the street for his abrupt nature, in later life he became a figure of amusement because he kept putting a dog lead on his wheelie bin and trying to take it for a walk! Hard image to reconcile when I think of how terrified we all were of him.

                        I didn't go looking for a figure from the past, but, sometimes, life throws them before you anyway ;)
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