Petrol Prices

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by golfer, May 25, 2008.

  1. golfer

    golfer Gardener

    Mar 6, 2006
    HI All

    Today the price at tesco for unleaded fuel is £116.99 per litre tomorrow it will be up again what are your views on this subject, i have one view only this Gov should reduce the amount it takes for every litre and not by (two or three) pence but (thirty or forty) pence.

    Everything is costing so much because of fuel prices it has a knock on effect on food and many other items this Gov has taken a knock in the local elections and most recent (Crewe) i have stated previously this Gov dont listen to the working class / pensioners or anyone else most of peoples money is spent on energy people with young familys must find it very hard and pensioners.

    They say they will restore the link for pensioners to earnings i beleive in 2011 this date may be wrong why wait another three or four years when the Gov puts up something it takes place straight away i have voted labour all my life this changed in the local election neither will i vote labour in the next general election pull all our forces out of Iraq and Afganistan look how much money they would save and more importantly the lifes of our young men.
  2. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Agree, its getting crazy. Im putting my prices up again this year and Im certainly not cheap, everythings simply going to become even more expensive.

    brown's new car tax hikes that come into force over the next few years will i think tip the ballance. Im temted by a 07 plate landrover discovery 3 comercial but not if it means paying £400-£500 in road tax when my 03 navara that polutes more will only pay £180.

    labour are so farr removed from the reality of life and embeded in thier own backsides that they will do nothing untill they are booted out at the next election. Gordon brown has single handidly crippled the ordinary middleclases who ironicly were responsible for electing labour.

    Thankfully ive never voted labour and never will, In honesty though I suspect the conservatives would keep fuel duty high as it is a big source of finance.
  3. golfer

    golfer Gardener

    Mar 6, 2006
    Maybe the garden forum has a few MP and they could state some of their views but i beleive a % of MP do not have a mind of their own how many times have we seen it when they rebel in the commons over certain issues they they are pulled into line by the whip or someone else these people aare puppets they do not have the courage to follow their own minds
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Our local garage (BP) is selling for 111.99. Don't know what the local Asda is, think they're all about the same around here.

    I used to drive down to Southampton & back from here a couple of times a year, a few years ago and always filled up here and tried not to again till i really had to - the prices as you went south got ridiculous then! Now i think it's cheaper to fly down, work that one out!

    This gov't as well as others really doesn't seem to realise the damage they are doing. All the prices have gone up - food everything.

    I see in France (last week was it?) they were blockading the ports cos of the fuel prices. How come they can do that & we suffer once again? If it was here the protesters would probably be arrested.

    Don't do politics so can't & won't say much but just as a Briton can say that I am fed up with the stupid rules & strangulations this country has. Phew, finished now.

  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    At our local Tesco's the price of Diesal has risen to £1.23 odd a litre.Can't remember what unleaded was but every time Mr K has to fill up it has gone up by another 2p.It is now costing him £120 a month just to get to and from work.:eek:We changed our petrol car for a diesal because for towing our small caravan the torque is better if it is a diesal engine.We might just as well sell up when the house prices go back up and move nearer to where he works but then we will be even further away from family and friends.:rolleyes:

    They were also saying on the radio the other day that Northamptonshire for some unknown reason is paying the most for their car fuel

    The only other alternative would be to get rid of the outfit{car and caravan} let Mr K use my little KA and I will start walking everywhere:rolleyes:

    I think it is going to get worse and with the price of the food and utilities constantly moving skywards I dread to think what it will be like in another five years time.

    By the way,it doesn't matter which party is in power they are only interested in their own kind as we have seen previously:(
  6. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    I genuinly feel that part of the problem is that the MPs are now so grossly overpaid and able to claim back vast amounts in expenses, that they have lost touch with reality.

    I doubt Gordon brown ever actually pays for fuel or physically fills up his vehicle. I have on ocasion worked for ex mps and they have without fail been totally out of touch with real life prices, either that or just tight gits !!!.

    A couple of years ago I treated a wasp nest for the widdow of an ex front bench minister and was astounded when she miss heard £45 for £4.50, she was totally seriuse !!!!
  7. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    The tax on fuel should be changed for a set amout of money per litre, not as it is now a percentage.
    there is no incentive for the govenment to try to keep fuel prices lower at the monent, their life gets easier with every price rise by the oil companies.
    Add to this all the new taxes on motoring and delivery costs and we are heading for trouble.
    People are beginning to feel the pinch now, they could get away with it when people were feeling affluent, we are in a money crisis now, and everbody is feeling hard done by.

    This all just goes to prove that Gordon the moron has had it easy in his 10yrs, he has claimed that we have been riding high due to his monetary policies, now world events have kicked in, and there's not a single thing he and Darling can do about it.

    TB is a clever barstard, he got out just as the s h i t was hitting the fan.
  8. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    It's amazing what a glass of wine does to you in the afternoon ... I am obviously mis-reading a lot of post .....

    Quote from golfer ... "Today the price at tesco for unleaded fuel is £116.99 per litre" :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: In response ...

    Quote from Pro Gard ... "Agree, its getting crazy." ... couldn't agree with you more, Pro! :rolleyes:

    We are having a fuel pricing crisis here at the moment and the Government has now intervened as we've had 17 increases in 20 weeks .... up to â?¬1.48 a litre, up a total of 20 cents in four months for 95 (I guess the equivalent of 4*).

    Think it's back to Shank's Pony for you guys ....
  9. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    How much is , my keyboard dont have one of those funny Es, E1.48 in real money.?:)
  10. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Sorry, should have converted ... rounding up to £1.18 a litre...

    The funny E thing is on my Ctrl4 but that could just be my Portuguese keyboard .:)
  11. golfer

    golfer Gardener

    Mar 6, 2006
    Progard got it right when he states G.Brown dont put his hand in his pocket for fuel like a lot of other MP and their expenses which the speaker tried to block is criminal we even pay for sky TV for some of them.

    I honestly beleive we will have fuel price protests during the future we should be more like the (french) and it will not be just lorry and farmers it will be the public joining with them and sooner the better and if A.Darling drops the 2p tax which is due in Oct he stands to lose revenue of around £500 million but since xmas he has gained double that amount from the fuel rises every 1p it goes up the Gov takes millions in tax. ps Asda in Swansea was selling at £111.99 but it is not worth going there because i would have to drive 16 miles over there and back so there would be no saving.

    Progard if i was you i would stay with the £180 tax for your vehicle rather than pay £400 plus its all a con by this Gov allong with all their stealth taxes around 30 of them since they came to power once again over the coming weeks they will be spinning daily.
  12. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    yep its on the 4, but how do you get it on the screen?

    Blimey its dearer there LoL.
    Is your litre bigger or smaller than ours?
    Or was that gallons?:D
  13. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Playing around with the keyboard I to have to do Ctrl + Alt + 4 to get € so I may have misinformed you ... sorry, I am a touch typist and don't look at what keys I hit .... :rolleyes:

    It's never been cheap here ... people who live nearer the Spanish border go over to get fuel. We only do 10,000kms / 6,000miles a year max so we don't pay attention to prices .... if you need the fuel, you pay the price. We more than make up for it in everthing else. :thumb:

    A litre is a litre in Europe ... the difference is in the gallon ... the American gallon 1/5 smaller than the British gallon so one has to take that into account when you see American prices. :)

    PS I think golfer should stop putting the £ sign before his per litre price ......
  14. golfer

    golfer Gardener

    Mar 6, 2006
    Lady of lesiure

    Sorry about the £ agh have a nice day
  15. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Forgiven, golfer .... I'm the only one who obviously noticed ..... :D

    It's a lovely evening here, sunny and 20 (cool for us) .... you have a nice evening as well. :)
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